Being an athlete requires a tremendous amount of determination and hard work to be on top in any competition a sportsperson decides to embark on. More than just having exceptional abilities and mental capacities, athletes needs to invest more on their physical abilities if they want to surpass rigorous training and achieve on-the-top performance. With a hefty amount of time devoted on drills, how can athletes make sure that their bodies keep up with the standards of training and be able to recuperate faster for the next set of work outs? With a fallible physical body, how can athletes boost athletic performance? The answer is quite simple; your old, plain massage can do tricks for you.

Massage benefits athletic recovery and performance, says a comprehensive review that appeared on the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Following an evaluation on available research literature, the databases suggested that through massage, athletes will experience delayed muscle soreness after training, accelerated muscle tissue restoration, as well as a positive psychological frame. Through these interesting potentials, massage might just take your athletic performance to the next level.

Generally speaking, there are several important ways by which therapeutic massage aid athletes in their sports endeavor. In a study conducted by researchers from McMaster University, chosen male athletes were subjected to muscle examination before and after exercises. With one leg receiving the massage and the other serving as control, muscle biopsies were taken and examined to determine any possible benefits the massage may render. The leg receiving the deep tissue massage has significant improvements in the number of mitochondrial cells, the components responsible for the translation of nutrients into energy. As a result, the muscles can endure longer hours of exhaustion as more energy is being directed into and utilized by the muscle cells. Thus, athletes who underwent massage have more endurance compared to those who don't regularly benefits from it.

Moreover, therapeutic massage has also merited attention as it can also enhance recovery period. Through this alternative medicine, increased blood flow, improved range of motion and reduced muscle tension can be experience by athletes. Expectedly, this list of advantages can help athletes prevent undue accident or injury. Furthermore, a study that appeared on the publication of Journal of Athletic Training stated that through therapeutic massage, delayed-onset muscle soreness can be assuaged by as much as 30% with accompanying lesser muscle swelling. Delayed-onset muscle soreness is a condition characterized by muscle pain and soreness usually occurring after exercise or when athletes have returned to intense training after short periods of inactivity.

Lastly, massage does not only affect the physical aspect of sports performance but it also touches the psychological arena of sports competition. It has been noted that athletes undertaking massage, experienced improvements in mood and have notable reduction in anxiety levels. This in turn, is responsible for the relaxation of the athletes subsequently putting them in the right frame of mind, ready for a peaked, action-packed performance.

Involving our body into sports also means subjecting ourselves to greater strains and pushing ourselves beyond our limits. Thus, if tangled into any sports endeavor, we owe it to our body to reward it with the best kind of treatment. Whether you are a novice or a leading sportsman, a massage can be highly favorable for you. Do not neglect that disturbing twitch in your muscles or that injury you sustained from your previous performance, instead, go to a therapist and discuss on how sports massage can be of value.

So, are you fresh from a training or competition? Treat your body to massage now and your muscles will thank you for it.

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Are you suffering from shoulder pain that seems to be getting worse? Any ongoing pain in your shoulder needs to be taken seriously. The small muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff are very prone to injury and if you're not careful you could end up needing physical therapy or even surgery. Here are some tips on how to heal your shoulder quickly and naturally.

Tips on shoulder pain exercises

The rotator cuff muscles respond best to light weights and higher repetitions - around 15-25 is about right. Any exercise movements must be performed in a very strict and slow manner so as to avoid aggravating your injury. Consistency is the name of the game... perform your routine 2-3 times per week, giving at least one day rest in between sessions.

Pain management

Icing will help to reduce swelling and pain. Try to ice your shoulder a couple times per day. Rotator cuff pain tends to increase while sleeping, so it is a good idea to ice right before bedtime so you sleep better. Over the counter pain relief medication like can help manage the pain also.

Rotator cuff therapy exercises

If your shoulder pain is severe, it is probably a good idea to get on a good physical therapy program you can do at home. Be careful not to choose a random group of exercises you read about online. Shoulder pain exercises need to be in a very specific and progressive manner. Only follow a strict routine developed by a physical therapist who specializes in shoulder injuries. Luckily there are several available you can choose from.

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Why do we need to turn to a hand massage every once in a while? Our hands are one of the most abused parts of our bodies when we work. Whether you're a typist, a clerk, an assembly line worker, or an executive, it's inevitable for your hands not to take a beating day in and day out at work. Even the simple task of driving puts a big strain on our hands.

There are some simple techniques that you can do to ease the tension building up in your hand muscles and tendons. Sure, you can stop for a moment and give yourself a hand massage, but since you're working with one hand to relieve the stress on another, it's not as effective as being hand-massaged by a professional.

A hand massage would only take a few minutes of your time and would mean a lot, especially when your work involves repeated hand movements. To give someone else a soothing hand massage, first use good quality oil or lotion.

Next, gently spread the oil or lotion on the other person's hand with light strokes. On the backside of the hand, use your thumbs and start from the center. Use outward strokes and move the thumbs from the center, outwards. Next, massage the tendons on the backside of the hand by pushing up in the direction of the wrist. Follow this with a rubbing of the wrist grooves.

Each of the fingers are then given gentle squeezes and are vigorously rotated by their joints to loosen the stiffness residing in the tendons. This will also provide flexibility and ease any soreness.

The next part of the hand massage is pulling the fingers to release any tension building up in them. Often, a hand massage professional will even wait for the popping sounds which mean a release of gases that build up in the joints and make hand movements difficult.

You can do tiny circular motions on the palm of the hand and finish off by holding the person's wrist with one hand while sliding your other hand up and down his forearm. Do this several times.

A hand massage works three ways: First, it improves the circulation. By doing so, we can perform better with our hands, especially if our work entails meticulous hand movements such as playing the piano or painting.

Next, it enhances the flexibility of the wrist and the digits. A hand massage eliminates the stiffness in the fingers, and the gentle pulling of fingers helps make them more dexterous.

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You should think of a massage as another tool in your health care toolbox. Throw away any thoughts you may have that massage is just a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. Actually, massage can be a very powerful tool. It can help you take charge of your health and well-being. There are many positive benefits to receiving regular massage treatments. However, they must be received on a regular basis just like diet and exercise to be effective.

Stress Relief: One of the more important features of regular treatments is the reduction of stress. Massage cannot eliminate the source of stress but it can certainly reduce the symptoms arising from it. Massage helps you to relax which releases the tension that the mind is holding over the body.

Managing Anxiety: Some people are overly anxious. This can be quite distracting to getting things done in our lives. Massage chair therapy helps to reduce the symptoms of anxiety through relaxation. Anxiety can cause stiffness and tension in the body. Massage helps your mind to relax and release its negative thoughts.

Pain Reduction: Massage is a natural way to relieve pain. If you bump your arm against a table, for instance, your first reaction will be to rub it. You can see through this example that massage is a natural way to relieve and reduce pain.

Body Stiffness: Our bodies can become stiff and sore for a variety of different reasons. It could be sitting in one position for long periods of time or from working out hard. Our muscles become stiff and begin to ache. Massaging them helps to restore the flexibility and reduce the tightness in the muscles and soft tissue areas.

Blood Circulation: Many massages can be very invigorating which helps improve blood circulation. Massage helps by stretching and elongating the muscles in ways not commonly done. This helps to enhance blood flow through the body.

Boosting Immunity: Massage is healthy in other ways such as healing and immunity. Massage helps to release toxins that build up in the body and also to breakdown lactic acid. Massage helps the body to recover from strenuous activity to jumpstart the healing and recuperation processes.

These are just a few of the more prominent benefits of receiving regular massage treatments. The key as with diet and exercise is to receive massages on a regular basis. The easiest way to get massage therapy on a regular basis is with a massage chair.

Many people simply don't have time to commit to see a massage therapist every week. Their schedules are just not flexible enough to make this happen. A massage chair, on the other hand, helps you to gain access to critical therapies when you need them.

The key to getting many of the health benefits of massage is the frequency in which you receive your treatment. This can be quite a challenge to us in our busy schedules. One of the best ways to accommodate regular massage treatment is with a massage chair.

Get the benefit of frequent massage therapy with your own massage chair. Massage chairs have been programmed with many of the most popular massage techniques. It is common to find techniques such as Swedish massage, shiatsu, sports massage, trigger point and also deep tissue. This gives you a variety of different treatment options at the touch of a button. See how a massage chair can help you meet your health and well-being goals.

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Careers in Massage Therapy are growing and this area of health care is also becoming more a part of Western culture in the USA and worldwide. The ability to work in a field with so many specialties to choose from is also very attractive in therapeutic massage. Become a massage therapist and take control of your career and lifestyle in a very short period of time.

There is no better time than now to explore the opportunities of this career in massage than now, with the outlook of this area expected to be one of the fastest growing job markets now and in the new few years. Consider the over 80 different modalities of massage therapy to specialize in, you can continue to explore and expand your practice and expertise after completion of the basic schooling to obtain your massage license.

Once you review and then decide on the best massage school for your area and specific situation, you will learn massage theory, techniques and history along with other modalities that may include:
neuromuscular therapy (NMT), myofascial release (MFR), Reflexology, sports massage, stretching technique, Shiatsu and several other areas of related interests.

Programs will vary from school to school, so be sure to review the specific curriculums, ask a lot of questions and compare while they will help you decide based on your own personal preferences. Some programs are based on 500 hours and up and can range from 7 months to 18 months or more. Once you are licensed as a massage therapist from an accredited massage training school, you will be ready to specialize in your choice from a wide range of job opportunities or start your own practice.

Take a look at training for a career in massage therapy today. You can make a difference in your life and those you help through this discipline.

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Physical therapy is the treatment of functional limitations to prevent the onset or to retard the progression of physical impairments following illness or injury. Medicare pays for physical therapy in at least two contexts:

I. Through the Part A hospital insurance benefit, Medicare pays for physical therapy as a component of skilled nursing care, in either the acute care setting or in a post-hospital skilled nursing facility. In order to qualify for reimbursement, such therapy must meet the criteria for skilled nursing care under 42 U.S.C. - 1495i. In order to qualify, a patient otherwise appropriate for Medicare must show a qualifying hospital stay of three or more days within the 30 days prior to entering the skilled nursing facility. A physician must order procedures for the patient that are appropriate to be performed only in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), such as rehabilitative therapy, and must certify that the patient's condition is such that he or she can practically be cared for only in a SNF. In so certifying, the physician must determine that the patient's condition should improve or achieve stability in response to curative care. The SNF medical staff is required to write a plan of care for each skilled nursing patient based upon the individual's needs and circumstances. Upon satisfaction of those requirements, Medicare will pay for 100 days of skilled nursing care per-patient per-illness period - though after the first 20 days a co-payment of 20% is required of the patient. Once a patient qualifies, Medicare bears all expenses of the skilled nursing facility, including the patient's custodial care and room and board (custodial care is not otherwise covered by Medicare). Typically, an SNF receives approximately $650 per day from Medicare for a qualifying skilled nursing patient.

II. Additionally, through Part B supplemental insurance, Medicare reimburses for physical therapy under limited circumstances. In order to qualify for reimbursement, outpatient physical therapy services must: (1) be reasonable and medically necessary; (2) be furnished to a Medicare beneficiary under the care of a physician; (3) be furnished under a plan of care periodically recertified by a physician; and (4) be furnished by or under the direct supervision of qualified personnel.

Medicare regulations require that physical therapy services be performed either (1) by a State-licensed physical therapist or (2) by or "incident to" the services of a physician or other medical professional licensed to perform such services under State law pursuant to 42 C.F.R. 禮 410.60. Under the "incident to" rule, a physician may bill for physical therapy services performed by non-physician personnel so long as those services are (a) commonly furnished in a physician's office and integral to a physician's covered services; (b) included in a treatment plan designed by the physician and in which the physician is actively involved; and (c) furnished under the physician's direct supervision.

In order to bill directly - rather than through a physician - a physical therapist must be State-licensed. Physical therapy services performed incident to a physician's services may be performed by personnel without a license - however, such personnel must otherwise meet all qualifications of a licensed physical therapist including graduation from an approved physical therapy education program.

Regardless of who performs physical therapy services to be billed to Medicare or Medicaid, such services must be furnished in accordance with a sufficient plan of care established by a physician or by the licensed physical therapist who performs the services. Under 42 C.F.R. 禮 410.60, the plan must "prescribe[] the type, amount, frequency, and duration of the physical therapy... to be furnished to the individual, and indicate[] the diagnosis and anticipated goals."

Abuse of the Therapy Medicare Benefit

Unfortunately, fraud in physical therapy is rampant. In 1994, the Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services published a report finding that 78% of physical therapy billed by physicians did not constitute true physical therapy. In 2006, OIG published another report, stating that a staggering 91% of physician physical therapy bills submitted in the first half of 2002 were deficient in at least one regard. Through intense investigation and research, we have identified and uncovered the following types of physical therapy fraud:

(a) billing for therapy services performed by unqualified personnel;
(b) billing for therapy services that were never performed or only partially performed;
(c) billing for therapy services when, in fact, the service performed was unskilled, or amounted to maintenance therapy, or both, and did not constitute physical therapy;
(d) billing for therapy services performed under a deficient plan of care;
(e) billing under individual therapy codes for group therapy services.

Under the federal and some state false claims acts, whistleblowers can file suit against fraudulent therapy and skilled nursing companies under seal and may share in as much as 25% (and in some circumstances 30%) of the award. Blowing the whistle on corporate fraud takes courage, however, and the law rewards that courage with certain protections. The False Claims Act provides for a whistleblower's case to be filed under seal and for the identity of the whistleblower to be protected during the course of the government's investigation. Further, federal laws protect against retaliation by mandating the reinstatement of wrongfully fired employees at the same seniority level, and an award of double back pay, interest, and attorneys' fees. More than $22 billion of taxpayer funds have been recovered under the False Claims Act over the past two decades. Despite all of the efforts and success by government and private attorneys policing the Medicare program under the False Claims Act, the only way that such fraud can be fought effectively is for people with knowledge - industry insiders, administrators, nurses, and therapists - to come forward and say that enough is enough.

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If you've decided to stop simply dreaming about owning your own PT clinic and are ready to do something about it, congratulations! Few careers are as rewarding as working with patients who need your help to get back on their feet, relieve their pain or improve their mobility and good health. But before you throw open the doors and start seeing patients, you'll need to consider what kind of patients you want to focus on: athletes, accident victims, those who need post-operative or occupational rehabilitation...the list is a long one. Whether you want your practice to be general or specific, make a choice and stick with it so that you can establish your reputation in that area.

Private Practice Or Clinic?

Do you want to be a sole proprietor and work for yourself, or do you want to bring on some staff members? If you're going to be hiring employees, will they be office staff or will you bring on some additional therapists? If you're concerned about handling the bookkeeping for your staff, look into physical therapy software solutions that can automatically track schedules, payroll and other employee issues. These will make your life easier and document everything for referral in the future.

Fees & Insurance

The most successful PT clinics work closely with a group of referring physicians and most health insurance providers. Before opening your doors, you'll need to decide if you want to accept most health plans as well as major medical, and what other payments you'll take. If you have physical therapy billing software in place, you'll be able to accept a variety of payments, including cash, checks and major credit cards. Simplifying payments for your clients is essential, so consider investing in physical therapy billing software that lets you set up payment plans for those who need it. Most good PT programs can also prepare and print out required insurance submission forms and minimize the problem of incorrect billing codes.

Patient Tracking And Office Organization With Physical Therapy Software

Whether you're going to be a sole practitioner or you'll bring on therapists for various specializations, the right physical therapy documentation software is a must. It protects your staff, your patients and your clinic by clearly outlining protocols, medical evaluations, course of treatment and patient progress over time. Look into a complete physical therapy software package that can set you up from day one with a flexible, customizable scheduling system that allows you or your staff to seamlessly tie appointments and procedures to copays and insurance documentation and billing. You'll get paid more reliably and your patients will appreciate quick and accurate billing of copays.

There are also PT scheduling options that can give you a great overview of individual patient progress, how often they should be scheduled for future treatment, and what their treatment modalities are. Some physical therapy documentation and software programs will even alert you when clients fall away from the schedule, prompting you to follow up with them and their physicians in order to reassess their progress and encourage their return to your clinic as needed. Prescription reminder tools can also help.

Any PT clinic, large or small, will benefit from having the right physical therapy software in place before opening its doors to patients. By having a complete suite of billing and tracking services available, you'll minimize confusion and maximize your patients' outcome and satisfaction.

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In most cases a Bowen Therapy treatment produces rapid and lasting results. Benefits are usually apparent within two, or three sessions, even when long-standing conditions are being treated.

Bowen Therapy is completely safe and appropriate for everyone from the chronically ill to the highly conditioned athlete, from the elderly to the newborn baby.

There are few contraindications for using the Bowen technique. The technique is gentle and noninvasive and can be performed through clothing.

Results experienced by clients.

1) Misalignments commonly correct themselves.

2) Muscle pain and stiffness are relieved with normal lymphatic flow restored.

3) Meridians show spontaneous improvement.

4) Fascia rehydrates, adhesions release and scar tissue softens.

5) Internal psychological and emotional shifts often occur.

6) Enhanced state of relaxation, and heightened sense of well-being and ease.

Everyone wants to know how such a gentle and noninvasive technique can produce such profound results.

It has long been understood that homeostasis and balance of all your bodymind's organs and systems is fundamental to your experience of good health.

And harmony between the two branches of your autonomic nervous system is the essential key for helping you maintain optimal balance of your body, mind and spirit.

When your bodymind experiences ongoing stress, trauma, or shock the sympathetic branch of your autonomic nervous system gets chronically triggered into "fight or flight."

Please join me for the next segment of my article about Bowen Therapy - How It Works!

Holistic MindBody Therapy, including pure essential oils, are gentle, noninvasive complementary forms of health care for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being. Holistic health care often produces satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

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Nothing is more important at this stage of your career than preparing for the National Physical Therapy Exam. After all, you've been a physical therapy student for 3 long years, and you're ready to move on to the next step of your life. It's just a little exam-how bad could it be?

Format of the Exam

The NPTE is a 5 hour exam that attempts to test every facet of your clinical reasoning skills. It has 250 multiple choice questions that will tax every ounce of critical thinking you have. The passing score is 600/800, or 75%, but there is some variability to this score. The Federation for State Boards of Physical Therapy (who administers the test) will adjust the passing score slightly to account for exams that are generally harder or easier than normal.

The questions for the exam are constantly changing to reflect current best practice in physical therapy. Of the 250 questions, 50 will not be scored and are "pilot questions" that will be judged on their difficulty and may be included as scored items on future exams. There is no way of distinguishing between the 200 scored items and the 50 "test" questions. This means that you could miss 50 questions and still receive a perfect score! Don't count on it, though.

Preparing for the Exam

If you're reading this during the last semester of your third year of PT school, you're probably going to wish that you had started studying a little sooner. If you're in your second year, you're probably going to ace the thing because you've started studying early. Really, the most important part of your preparation is starting early. The test gives you 5 hours to test your knowledge of 3 years' worth of classwork. In fact, I realized when I was preparing for it that there were some things that we had only had very brief exposure to, such as patient safety details and ethical dilemmas. While we had some experience and knowledge to draw from, we hadn't really been exposed to a test that integrated things like that into the anatomy and physiology of physical therapy. Thus, gaining exposure to these sorts of questions and exam formats is critical.

Now, if you search the internet for the best PT exam study guides, you'll come up with about 6-10 solid programs that do their best to train you for the test in a variety of ways. The hard part is trying to figure out which one is the best fit for you. Some use just a textbook with sample questions and review guides, while others integrate a weekend review course into the study material. It's a big decision trying to figure out whom to go with, but if you don't want to have to buy all of them on your slim student budget, go to this review guide to compare all of the systems.

If you learn nothing else from reading this, just remember- Study Early and Often!

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Massage school will teach you how to do massage. It doesn't really teach you about becoming a successful massage therapist. You can learn how to get the most out of massage school and get through training easily when you know a few things about the massage profession.

The number of schools has been increasing for the most part until recently (2007). What this means to a massage student is that teachers are in low supply. Most teachers are right out of massage school themselves and may not have any teaching experience or any real work or massage business experience. There are also many very talented massage school teachers.

To get the most out of your training and education it is important to stay out of the drama and focus on learning and your studies. Get as many massages as you can. Work on as many clients as you can. If you find the classes and teaching to be less than you needed or find it to be overwhelming get the support you need. You can form a study group with other students or find a mentor to help you get through.

Find one of the really good massage teachers to help you. Have them work on you doing massage and work on them as often as you can to get more accurate feedback.

Part of the problem is that massage school requires that you yourself get massage. Massage can bring up many emotional issues that are often buried in your unconscious mind. Combine that with learning new things like anatomy and physiology as well as the massage itself and a massage student can easily become overwhelmed. Others will be in the same boat so don't worry.

The first thing you will learn as a successful massage therapist is how to take care of yourself first. You can start doing that right off the bat as a massage school student and just stay focused on your studies.

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