There are many benefits of using massage and saunas together to help improve the health of your body. Massage can help relieve pressure points in the body and help the muscles relax. Saunas have the same benefits but work differently on the body. This is why combining the two is a fantastic idea if you want to feel great at all times.

Having a sauna before you get a massage will loosen up your muscles so that the therapist can get right to work on the parts of the body that need the most work. It will not only make the therapist's work easier, but will help you feel relaxed even before he/she starts. This will add to the total effect of the massage.

Both the use of a sauna and a massage will help the circulation of your body. This is especially true of the skin. Through gentle massage, the blood flow to the skin increases, just as it does from the heat of the sauna. This will result in healthier looking skin. The heat and the massage oils will also increase the elasticity of the skin leaving it smooth and refreshed.

Through the use of saunas, you can help your body release toxins. When you have a massage just afterwards, then the body is able to get rid of even more harmful toxins. If you have a relaxing massage, the therapist will not work as deeply as he/she would in a deep tissue massage. This type of massage helps the body get rid of the wastes that have accumulated in the muscles over a period of time. If you decide that you would prefer to have a sauna after your massage, it will give the body the perfect medium to get rid of these toxins through the sweat glands.

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A physiotherapists is a career that would make a lot of people very happy. Its a career move that can have many different rewards. Are you a person that is very interested in how science can benefit people, do you get excellent grades at school? Are you good with communicating with people. Then you should definitely consider a career in physiotherapy. So how exactly do you go about becoming a physiotherapist? Let me tell you straight up that its not an easy thing to do. It will take quite a few years of schooling, on top of an internship. Note that you do not have to attend medical school.

If you are interested in becoming a physiotherapist then you have two options to becoming one. The first is to get a bachelor's degree in physical therapy or the other option is to get a masters degree in physical therapy. Of course to get either of these you are going to have to go to a university that offers these programs. What a physiotherapist does is design rehabilitation programs for patients that are suffering from physical disabilities. The disabilities that are treated are usually caused as a result of some kind of accident, an operation or perhaps even a disease. The world of physiotherapy is very open and there are many specialties that a person can get into.

With this field you need to have a great knowledge in both biology and physics. You really need to have a good grasp of the human anatomy and how it all works if you are to be successful in the field of physiotherapy. You also need to make sure that whatever institution that you are applying to for the studying physical therapy, to make sure that the institution is offering accredited courses.

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Body scrubs are considered as one of the simplest yet the most effective ways to both moisturize everything and exfoliate the top layer of the dead skin as you massage the muscles. While you may think that the body scrubs are simply sugar and salt, actually you can use a plethora of oils and also natural ingredients for the rejuvenating scrub. If you want to know about using massage therapy body scrubs, you can simply check out the following tips.

The first step is to choose the scrub or simply make it by yourself, depending on what you want. In many body care stores, you can easily find olive oil body scrubs that look gently in moisture as they exfoliate.

The second step that you should do is to warm the body that you are going to apply this scrub by doing some gentle massage. If you want to speed the process of warm-up, you can place some warm damp cloth on the body. You have to make sure that the person is relaxed and is not feeling any discomfort like pain from cuts or sores, before you start it.

The third step is to apply liberal amount of body scrub to the particular area like hands, feet, upper back, and arms. In this step, you need to use a gentle massage for working the scrub into the area. You can apply a bit more pressure if the person can tolerate it so that the massage can be more thorough. Try to periodically easy up on the pressure and return to the gentle rubbing motion which focuses to get this scrub into the skin.

For the last step, you should place the damp cloths on area that you worked on after you have applied the scrub and also did the massage. After that, you have to wipe off the skin for removing any residue which settled on the skin surface. Then, you need to use cream or heavy body moisturizer for moisturizing the area and also locking in all of the nutrients and moisture that are provided by the body scrub.

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Massage actually means to knead and is commonly used to refer to "classical" or "Swedish" massages.

The term is also used to describe manual lymph drainage. This is a misuse of the term and not correct. Manual lymph drainage is a gentle treatment and technique that is used in combination with compression therapy, skin care and decongestive exercises to treat lymphedema.

This technique is used to treat both primary and secondary lymphedema and also at times post-surgical and post-traumatic swelling.

Techniques of Manual lymph drainage also have a detoxifying effect on the person.

On correct application Manual lymph drainage helps increase the activity of lymph vessels and moves interstitial fluid; the procedure exerts some pressure on the skin. However, it does not increase local arterial blood flow.

- If a person has lymphedema, massage therapy is contraindicated in the affected extremity including the trunkal area that borders the extremity.

- Implementation of massage therapy helps increase the lymphatic load of water and more often than not cells too. This can also decrease the transport capacity of the lymphatic system as it could cause additional damage to lymphatics that are still intact after the surgical procedures.

- Massage therapy is not advised to people who have primary lymphedema that has affected one leg. In addition to this massage therapy should also not be used on the contralateral extremity as malformation of the lymphatic system could be present in the leg.

- The use of massage therapy techniques or any therapy or technique that could cause an increase in arterial blood flow for lymphedemateous limbs and the trunkal area bordering the limb could initiate the onset of lymphedema or the existing lymphedema becoming worse.

- In the case where lymphedema is of the upper extremity, massage therapy can be used safely when carried out on the lumbar/gluteal area and also on the lower extremities.

Hoever, one has to be very careful as negative side effects may be observed on the lymphedema the strokes of the massage are applied to the neck/upper trapezius area.

In a similar situation the neck, thorax and upper extremities could have massage therapy applied to them when only lower extremity lymphedema is present. However, the lumbar and gluteal areas that are on opposite sides and the lower extremity that is unaffected are areas that are considered to be at risk and so these areas should be treated with caution.

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You may have experienced having gone through a physical examination, x-rays and all, then a diagnosis of a rotator-cuff tear. Now what started as an arm and shoulder pain ends with a doctor's suggestion of an immediate surgery. But hold your fire; an effective rotator-cuff tear physical therapy may just save you from having to go through any surgery. You can even have it your way, that is, through an educated and therapist- assisted home care.

The tear of a rotator-cuff tendon on the shoulder is the most common tendon tear in the human body. It is usually the result of chronic impingement due to tendon abrasion between the shoulder cap and the shoulder joint ball. This is similar to kneeling until the knee-part of your pants fray and your knees finally tears through. Tears of this kind occur with little or no trauma. Yet in the case of patients over 40-years old, rotator-cuff tear and shoulder-dislocation may occur despite normal tendon strength. In the younger patients, however, rotator-cuff tear occurs due to acute tendon overload from strenuous throwing sports. This may also result from incorrect weightlifting practice.

Having a rotator-cuff tear cured takes a realistic expectation which is important in planning to return to normal daily activities whether sports or work. Often jobs must be modified for many months, especially when tears are large enough to prevent return to activities that may provoke re-tear of the cuff. The rotator-cuff rotates the shoulder, helps to stabilize the shoulder, and acts to depress or hold the shoulder down. With these rotator functions, it is thus best to get the best less risky and damaging treatment.

Rotator-cuff tear physical therapy centers on strengthening of the intact rotator cuff tendons and deltoid, and restoring the functional use of the upper extremity of the shoulder. The rotator-cuff tear physical therapy reduces the painful symptoms in part or in total.

Anti-inflammatory medications used together with the rotator-cuff tear physical therapy may help to ease the symptoms; but if these are not effective, then diagnostic tests and surgery may be the next step.

You may be diagnosed for surgery and you might as well take it. But before you go you must know that the most frequent complication of a rotator-cuff tear surgery is the incomplete resolution of pain, if not, the inadequate restoration of full active motion and strength. On the other hand, infection is seen in less than 0.5% of patients, and neurological or anesthetic complications are exceedingly rare. Overall, resolution of pain and improvement in functional capabilities occurs in over 85% of patients.

Nonetheless, you would still need an after arthroscopy surgical aftercare. Rotator-cuff tear physical therapy is of utmost importance in the first 2-months after surgery. Shoulder motion should be regained rapidly through passive exercises only, helping to minimize pain and stiffness while protecting the repair. Eventually though, slowly active motion and strengthening shall be regained, through an educated and therapist- assisted home care.

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Massage therapy is a broad term used to describe various techniques of manual (hands on) therapy which is used to promote tissue health, relieve pain and increase functionality of a body, be it human or animal. The type of massage therapy which will benefit an individual varies greatly according to his or her particular issue or injury and state of health. There is something for everyone, and it is wise for clients to investigate their options to find what works for them.

The most commonly recognized type of massage is Swedish Massage, developed by Per Henrik Ling in the late 1700 and early 1800's. Swedish massage techniques consists of long, smooth strokes (effleurage), tissue kneading (petrissage), or tapping (tapotement), and can be used to either relax muscle or increase its tone depending on the application and technique. Pressure can be very light or deep, depending on the therapist, your needs and your tolerance to pressure. During a massage therapy treatment that primarily consists of Swedish techniques, other modalities, which may require further or specialized training, can be used.

Relaxation, sports, pregnancy, infant and geriatric massage all contain elements of Swedish techniques.

Relaxation massage tends to be slower and more rhythmic than a treatment oriented therapeutic massage and its primary goal is to increase relaxation of the client. In infant massage, therapists teach parents how to work on their own infants, which is a great bonding experience and may help parents relieve colic and help their babies sleep better. For special populations or conditions, such as pregnancy or geriatric massage, the application of techniques needs to be modified to suit the needs of the client.

Sports massage therapy consists not only of Swedish techniques, but also of stretching, including "active inhibition" techniques, and can be performed either pre or post-event. Sports massage therapy that is performed pre-event uses quick, rhythmic movements to warm up and stretch the muscles, preparing them for the demand to be placed on them. Post-event sports massage is slower and is done to relieve pain, swelling, assist in the removal of metabolic waste and to decrease recovery time. Massage therapy for athletes and fitness enthusiasts is also a great maintenance tool which can address muscular imbalances and injuries and help them achieve optimal performance.

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy basically consists of Swedish techniques which are used at a deeper level of the tissue. To perform any type of massage effectively, but especially deep tissue, the muscles must be warmed up at a superficial level to allow the therapist to go into the deeper layers and address restrictions found there. It is advisable for therapists who want to practice "deep tissue" to have a hi-lo table and get specialized training to help hem maintain their own body, back and joint health. It is advisable for new massage therapy clients to work up to a deep tissue type of therapy as it is not suitable for everyone and may be painful for someone who is not accustomed to manual therapy.

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is also know as trigger point release. A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable area within a tight band of muscle. The goal of this therapy is to reduce or remove the trigger point, thus alleviating pain. Referral pain often has a very specific pattern depending on the muscle in which it is found, and can often present in a seemingly unrelated area. Trigger point therapy is integrated into Swedish massage treatments which assists in warming up and stretching the tissue pre and post release respectively.

Frictions or Friction therapy is a very localized, specific technique used to break down adhesions and scar tissue which may cause pain and inhibit movement. Friction therapy is not used alone, but is integrated into a routine where Swedish techniques are used to warm up the tissue and to aid circulation to remove metabolic waste post friction.

Myofascial release therapy, also called fascial release, consists of manipulation and stretching of the fascia - connective tissue which encases muscles, nerves, organs and bones in the body. To properly anchor and engage the tissue, no oil or other mediums are used, as "glide" over tissue is ineffective in most myofascial techniques.

Manual lymph drainage, also called lymphatic, lymph or lymphedema massage, is a series of gentle movements used to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body, thereby relieving pain and congestion. This type of therapy is perfect to assist in the reduction of swelling post injury, and is also used to reduce swelling post surgery. MLD, as it is commonly known, is also used with great success for women who have a mastectomy, however, special training is required for therapists to treat when lymph nodes have been removed.

In most massage therapy training, the focus is primarily on Swedish techniques, but the above modalities may be learned as an adjunct to Swedish massage, or as continuing education.

Active release is a patented therapy which encompasses various movements while tissue is being manipulated. The term "active" refers to the fact that the patient voluntarily contracts his or her muscles as techniques are applied. This therapy requires specialized training and certification.

Craniosacral Therapy - is a gentle manual therapy developed by William Garner Sutherland, a student of Osteopathy, in the early 1900's. Craniosacral therapy, or CST, is believed to work by addressing soft tissue restrictions around the central nervous system, which in turn affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Craniosacral therapy often relieves pain, induces deep relaxation and may encourage a more restful sleep.

Shiatsu is a manual therapy originating in Japan, and consists of finger pressure along various meridian or energy points throughout the body. Shiatsu is believed to work by removing any blockages along the meridians so energy travels more freely and the body can function normally.

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Many people are drawn to cosmetology, even if they may not realize it at first. Many girls help their friends with make-up applications, or give them a special hairdo whenever they go to parties. They like to give their friends and relatives manicures or massages whenever they can.

If you are one of these people - this field is open to both male and female students - you should consider signing up at a cosmetology school in Columbus TN. At an established beauty institute, you will receive the education and training you need to work as a professional in the field. Imagine, getting paid for doing what you really love!

To establish a career as a beautician, you will have to attend a cosmetology school in Columbus TN. You will have to successfully complete the programs to obtain the necessary licensing and certification. That should be no problem, if that is the career path you really want to establish.

Cosmetology courses are necessary, because they prepare students for the cosmetology examination, and will provide them with the necessary qualifications they need to work as a cosmetologist. Prior to their enrollment, students interested in a cosmetology school in Columbus TN should ask the following questions:

1. Is this facility fully accredited? Schools that obtained the accreditation status have met the minimum basic standards set forward by the Department of Education.
2. What kind of training can I expect? Aside from theoretical programs, you should also receive hands-on training. You need the experience to practice what you have been taught.
3. Can I select my career path? Find a cosmetology school in Columbus TN that has such an extensive program that you can actually study the cosmetology fields you are interested in.
4. Do you offer job placement opportunities? Even if a school cannot provide employment for all their students, they should at least give them the necessary skills to find work. This includes filling out job applications, finding open positions, how to start a cosmetology business, and much more.

If the answers you receive from the counselor are not satisfying, look for a premium cosmetology school in Columbus TN that is able to provide you with the all-inclusive training you need.

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Most have heard about massage therapy and understand the basic premise of what a massage actual is. Yet how many came name even three widely known massage therapists off of the top of their heads? After some ill-advised comments directed at her expense, one such massage therapist, Kelly Calabrese, found herself overnight becoming one of the industries most publicized practitioners. Now what was said and exactly who is Kelly Calabrese?

While still attending a Cleveland massage school in 1995, Calabrese was given a client that was interested in a sports massage. Duly impressed with the massage, the client referred Kelly to a few of his friends, some of which played major league baseball for the Cleveland Indians. While completing her schooling Calabrese continued to massage some of the Cleveland Indians. After a trade landed some of the players that she massaged in Atlanta, Kelly found herself making trips out to Atlanta to continue massaging some of the players. Word got around in Atlanta of her services and she picked up a few additional players. One of these players was a first baseman named Ryan Klesko.

Klesko asked Kelly to move out to San Diego to continue massaging him and perhaps other ballplayers. Taking a big risk, she left her practice in Cleveland and headed out to sunny San Diego, California. For the 2001 and 2002 seasons Kelly balanced building up a new practice along with doing part-time massage for some of the San Diego Padres, the team that Ryan Klesko was traded to. As feedback and evidence of her healing ability began to surface Padres head trainer, Todd Hutcheson, offered Kelly a full-time position after the conclusion of the 2003 season. Kelly's role has been to massage and stretch 10 - 15 players a day. She has become the first women ever to gain access to a clubs dugout during games and travels with the team on road trips. Kelly Calabrese's role with the Padres was kept mostly out of the press, aside from a few local interviews and stories here and there. This all changed in early 2006.

Ex-baseball player and current New York Mets television color commentator Keith Hernandez made the following comments upon witnessing a replay of Calabrese giving players high-fives in the dugout:

"You have got to be kidding me ... I won't say that women belong in the kitchen, but they don't belong in the dugout,"

Hernandez later apologized for the comments.

While at first glance these comments should be construed as negative, they did end up having a positive impact on massage therapy in general, women masseuses in non-traditional roles and for Kelly Calabrese herself.

In interview upon interview conducted by the press on many of Calabrese's patients (the San Diego Padres players) the reviews were glowing.

Manager Bruce Bochy said: "Kelly's a part of this club, part of this training staff, She plays a major role with this club helping guys getting ready for the ballgame."

Second baseman Eric Young "She was part of the equation that got me back so quick,"

37 year old catcher Mike Piazza "The fact that I am at an advanced age as far as baseball players go, if I didn't have someone like Kelly treating me every day, I wouldn't be able to play as much as I have."

And these are just a few of the positive comments that Kelly has received.

Recently Kelly has had her titled changed to "sports therapist" from her original title as massage therapist, as it fits her role more appropriately.

But under any name, the awareness that Kelly Calabrese has created for females and massage therapists as a whole has gone a long way in breaking down any misconceptions and prejudices that may exist.

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Indian face massage, also known as face rejuvenation, is a form of natural face lift therapy that uses hand and finger techniques to create elasticity on the skin. This therapy is a non-invasive treatment for giving the patient beautiful, radiant and younger looking skin.

The therapy effectively combines different massage techniques into an ultimate face massage therapy. Indian face massage is also similar with the Indian head massage or Champissage as the founder and developer of this massage is Kundan and Nahrendra Mehta. Soft massage strokes are utilized on the various areas of the face to sooth and release tension and stress from the face.

In an Indian face massage, the therapist works on the lying patient in a sitting position. Although standing positions are also used, gravity from this posture adds up pressure as the masseuse massages the face. Light to medium pressure is enough to stimulate, loosen stiff muscles and stretch the tissues on the face.

This therapy is popular not only because it helps keep the face maintain its younger look, but also due to its health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits the patient can expect after sessions of Indian face massage:

• Removes Physical and Emotional Stress - this therapy works best not only in improving the appearance of the face but also on relieving the body from both physical and emotional stress. It enhances the system to ward of stresses that are usually the cause of various problems within our body. The smooth massage techniques used during the therapy relaxes and calms down the mind and body leaving a sense of weightlessness.

• Improves Circulation - even a simple massage stroke whether a light or heavy one can improve the blood and oxygen circulation of the body when done correctly and properly by the practitioner. Good circulation enhances the blood pressure and respiratory system of the patient, thus defending the body against circulatory problems.

• Relieves Eyestrain - massaging the face helps stretch tissues and stimulate proper flow on the nervous system. The gentle massage on the face of the patient allows the recovery from eyestrain. Continuous sessions of Indian face massage can completely remove this problem from occurring or coming back.

• Treats Headaches - the gentle, steady circular and gliding motion of the fingers and hands on the center of the forehead going down to the temple is great for treating headaches. The circular motion done on the temple allows the head to release tension which causes such pain.

• Relieves Sinus Congestion - Indian face massage strokes also works in relieving sinus congestion on the patient. The therapist conducts massage techniques that can free the sinus from any condition.

The health benefits are considered as additional effects from a natural face lift done through sessions of Indian face massage. Although this therapy is not harmful to anyone, doctor's opinion or advice can always help in preventing or avoiding problems in the future. They can also help improve the benefits received from the therapy by giving advices and instructions to the patient

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The procedures of physical therapy are diverse. Physical therapy combines a variety of methods and techniques. Yet all in all, the process would include lifestyle change, external stimulation, use of assisting devices, and of course - the therapeutic exercise.

Appointing yourself with physical therapy exercises gets you in the hub of physical wellness. Whether to decrease pain or increase movement and function, various physical therapy exercises tender different types of body training that will improve any patient's physical condition.

As the heart of any physical therapy program, whether clinical or home care, physical therapy exercises shall keep you moving. Plus points with the physical therapy exercises has been earning scores since studies realized that keeping an overworked or injured muscle immobilized to 'rest' is a bad idea. In contrast, continuous physical therapy exercises shall assure a patient's vital recovery. In most cases, failure to use the muscles surrounding an injury or illness can lead to permanent weakness - a big no-no for physical therapy.

Physical therapy exercises are intended to restore strength and endurance, increase range of movement, and also improve balance and coordination. And to increase these effectiveness, physical therapists also use the physical therapy exercises treatment along with external stimulations such as heat, coldness, ultrasound, electricity, infrared or UV light, traction, water, and massage. All are applied externally to a specific area, or internally, in order to relieve pain or reducing swelling.

Another factor to assure the success of the exercise methods is to do it right. As long as properly prescribed, physical therapy exercises are the most effective method for healing sports or accident injuries or restoring basic functions. Another key is to do enough exercises. Physical therapy exercises performed during office visits alone is inadequate. For quick recovery, physical therapists also teach patients how to exercise at home. Here are some example home physical therapy exercises:

Sitting Stretch:

Sit on the floor with a towel around one of your outstretched foot (or around the one bent knee). Pull the foot towards your body (or the knee upwards) to feel the stretch. Hold for some seconds. Do alternately, and repetitively and at particular number of times per day.

Standing Wall Push:

Position your body against/ facing a wall with one foot behind slightly lunging. Hold the heel down while gently pushing your hands towards the wall to feel the stretch. Hold for some seconds. Do alternately, and repetitively and at particular number of times per day.

Tightening Legs Over a Ball:

With one knee bent over a ball, straighten the knee by trying to tighten the muscle on your upper thigh. Be sure to keep the bottom of your knee on the ball. Hold for some seconds. Do alternately, and repetitively and at particular number of times per day.

You should note that the repetitions and frequency of the exercises are increased progressively according to the exercise plan or as directed by your PT. Good luck!

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