It was the Chinese who pioneered massage therapy. It was them who also introduced it in the modern times. The main function of this is to help ease the pain and it was a form of relaxation for them. Sometimes it is used by medical experts as a healing process applied for some illnesses.

These are helpful information that will aid you in understand the true concept behind therapeutic massage.

Massage Therapy is a modern technique to help improve various health problems and is used to calm the nerves down. It is also called a healing power. In China 3,000 years pass our times, massage became an aborigine of culture to them. It was practiced as a part of their medical technique of curing the physical aspect of their well being.

Because of the importance of therapeutic massage, it became a solution and ritual to those people who wants to stay healthy and relax. Often, nowadays even medical evaluation says that massage therapy is a solution to some patients,for instance stroke victims and other victims of muscle depletion sickness. This is done as a daily routine to ensure people its full benefits which this process is a great help on. It is no longer called "old method of medication." As the passing of time, it became popular and it is now favored by the public.

This method, in general, includes rubbing and manipulation on the affected areas or as a whole. It can be applied to any part of the body as needed to lessen the intensity of pain and cure tightness of muscles due to stress and tension of daily work.

The basic techniques of massage therapy:

Touching hard muscles, ligaments, soft tissues and even joints.
Exercising hard muscles in order to control tightening.
Used as touch therapy for babies and used to soften muscles
Soft touching
Kneading the muscles
Touching or soft thumping
Using electric tense
Spasm relaxation
Ultra sound machine with gel for deep penetration

Application used in various ways, composing of more than 250 kinds of massage therapy. Therapists call these in different styles, like Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Touch Therapy, Somatic Accupressure, Sports Massage and Neuromuscular Massage. These are therapists who concentrate in one kind of massage. In some hospitals massage varies in modalities depending on the damaged area of the body. Physical therapists schedule patients on how often the application of massage is to be done. It is a case-to-case basis until such time the patient fully recovers.

The products used by massage therapist varies from different kinds of clients. They should have the bed, table, powder, lotion or oil. But most of them use aroma therapy as stimulating massage oil.

Massage contributes a big factor to ones health. However it also depends on how well the physical application is being given to the client. Sporty people usually injures their feet while engaging on their game. Some are due to various illnesses and others from physical stress. Some medical experts prefer to recommend massage therapy in replacement of oral medication. It contributes a big factor to society. Plenty of experienced therapist grows more and more. Modern times conclude that it is meant only for relaxation. However it is also a great help to those who have illnesses and injury since it will lessen oral intake of pills. In some cases it is also being recommended as weight management program.

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Who makes the rules? Do you ever get tired of "this is required" and "that is required" no matter what it is you are trying to accomplish? How can someone let out his or her creative streak if there are always invisible stop signs?

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about everything ... college requires you to take classes that are irrelevant to your interests and major or minor. They say that it will make you more "well-rounded". Come on now. How does attending a math class half baked from the night before and listening to a teacher read the book to you make you more well rounded? Not to mention, the tests. The tests are multiple choice and you have to buy your own damn Scan-trons. If you want to know the truth, the learning process is the budgeting of your money and getting all the details right. Which Scan-tron do I buy? Where can I get the best deal on my textbooks -- eBay or Amazon? How much money will I have left for Ramen Noodles if I buy this package of pens? If it's not A and it's not B, it must be C. Let's get real. I'm not completely dissing college. I understand that there are professions that need the degree -- doctors, dentists, architects -- you know, jobs in which the public's health depend on them. (I said architect because we don't want buildings to come crashing down on us.) But even they are subject to taking required courses that don't matter. It's about making extra money for the larger entity, not necessarily about making well-rounded students.

Rules. I even had them at massage school. Aren't they forgetting that some of their students are adults, not teenagers that just graduated high school and haven't an inkling about what it's like to live in the real world? I've worked jobs that pay two times more than what the people teaching me get paid, and they were telling me what to do and when to do it. I don't appear to have a problem with authority, and really I don't (I swear), but whenever I hear a condescending note come out of someone's mouth, I can't help but roll my eyes and wonder why I subject myself to such things. It makes my stomach sour when I see a woman old enough to be my mother clam up because someone basically yelled at her or "put her in her place". It's not right. We are adults. We know how to do our work along with taking on a full-time school schedule. Give us a break please. Don't mark down that I am five minutes late for my clinical when I am there ten minutes before my scheduled shift, don't charge me $260 for NOT attending one day of an elective for being sick, and then not have that elective available to me until after I graduate, don't have the "principal" come in and yell at my class for being too noisy or forgetting to turn off our cell phones ... we have lives, we are human adults, and we make mistakes. These rules only make the school look less of what they are trying to be, which is holistic, caring and open-minded.

Rules. Who ever decided what the format of a book or novel should be? Oh, uh ... it HAS to be 70,000 to 100,000 words, it HAS to be 12-point Times New Roman (I DESPISE 12-point Times New Roman!), you have to have some "things under your belt" or "some articles published" before even considering writing something of that magnitude. Why? What does it matter? Isn't someone who takes the time ... perhaps years ... to write the perfect novel, more persistent than the person who writes piddly articles for a Health & Fit Magazine? I would think so. And doesn't it take more balls to write something from the heart than about politics, sports or the newest way to lose weight? But guess what folks? It all boils down to one thing -- you guessed it -- money. People make money writing about arbitrary subjects, because for some reason that is what the majority of people want to read. I just have to hope that there will be some people out there who will want to read something absorbing, frightening, interesting and unusual. Will there be? Who knows. But I'm going to break the rules to find out.

And having the college degree to succeed -- that is the final "rule" of America that I will discuss today. I have met so many people that have college degrees that have no more good to say than someone that just graduated junior high. I have also met many people who do and don't have degrees that are so wise beyond their years that my heart opens up to them and lets them in immediately. But for some reason, the ones with degrees (even advanced degrees) that are shallow, annoying and ignorant, tend to piss me off the most. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I wanted school to be a part of my life at the time right after high school, and I didn't go. I know that is part of the reason. The other part is that some people just assume that having the eduction makes them better, smarter and more important than people who don't. They can't even give you a good reason why. It's just what they think. When I meet people like this, I want to scream in their faces, "SO WHAT!" So they went to school for 4-6 years full-time and did homework, went to parties and listened to interesting teachers for hours a day. SO WHAT. The majority did not work full time while doing this. Some didn't work at all. THAT was their job -- to go to school. How is that accomplishment compared to someone working and living in the real world instead of going though school? How? Yes, I know some people complete degrees as adults WHILE working full time ... and those people I do commend very much. It's the after high school crowd that annoys me. And I'll say it many times before I die, I'm sure. It's just a bone of contention, but I can honestly say it's not because I want the experience now, I don't, it's because the ones that are having the experience don't appreciate it, and they do not understand what the real world is until they are at least 25 or 26 years old. I confirmed yesterday that I no longer want to pursue an English degree when I met the strangest individual that talked for an hour about her hamster friend and how he speaks three dialects and sleeps on her pillow at night. She has a Master's degree in English. Yikes. I'll stick with where I'm at, thank you.

These are "A" Rules. Paying taxes. Not drinking and driving. Stopping at a stop sign. Don't kill anybody. Don't drink bleach. These rules make sense.

These are "B" Rules. Don't walk across the street until the blinking light says so. Pay the city money for a sidewalk they decided to replace. Pay money to school when you change your mind about a class. Take yoga classes at school because it's required. Don't cuss in front of children. Don't change careers or jobs too often. Don't write a book, that's stupid. Eat slowly. Don't open a massage practice until you graduate. Go to the dentist twice a year. Get your eyes checked once a year. Go to the gyno once a year. Get all the tests and labs done that your doctor tells you even though you don't understand why. Get your dog licensed in your city. Declaw your cat. Don't eat eggs after the expiration date. Pour milk down the drain on the day it expires. Don't move in with someone too soon. Get married before you live together. Getting married is the best day of your life. Kids change EVERYTHING. You have to buy gifts for people you don't know because, well, it's "expected" of you. Drive the speed limit in residential areas. Don't let it be known that you spoil yourself sometimes ... or god forbid, that you love yourself! Don't write fragment sentences. Don't question authority, even if it's 86 years old.

"A" Rules are meant to be followed. "B" Rules are meant to be broken.

Have a very "B" day.

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Foot drop support products are made to provide dynamic and static support for individuals with the incapacity to lift their foot up because of paralysis of the anterior leg muscle group. The causes can range from trauma, diseases, post-surgical complications and other reasons.

But first of all, what exactly is a foot drop? It is a result of the weakness or paralysis of the muscles involved in lifting the front part of your foot. This foot condition can make you drag the toe of your shoe on the ground and considerably impair your walking.

When you are suffering from this condition, chances are that you need foot drop support and your physical therapist is a great resource for helping you to secure the proper device. A simple foot injury can turn into a risky situation if you ignore it. When this happens, you will need a brace to help sustain the anterior muscle used in lifting the foot.

Patients suffering from this injury make use of the hip muscles to lift the foot above the ground surface. The objective of the brace is to provide patients with more normal walks. The device is also known as ankle foot orthotics or AFO. To completely understand how it works, you must understand tow basic ankle joint motions - plantar flexion and dorsiflexion.

When it comes to choosing the correct orthotic device, these two motions are greatly considered. The first one is the motioning of the toes to point downward while the second one is motioning the toes to point upward and happens when the foot comes off the ground so that patients don't have to drag their toes.

The five fundamental types of foot braces are the solid ankle braces, short leg fixed braces, energy return braces, dorsiflexion assists short leg braces and full leg posterior leaf spring braces. Having to utilize these braces can be short-term or permanent, depending on the cause.

To make a foot drop brace work effectively, it is very important to maintain a healthy body as any part of your body which is disabled or paralyzed can make your struggle more. Foot drop support can help you make small movement successes and at the end of the day, small movements can lead to a big change in your condition.

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With numerous positive alternative health and wellness systems such as massage therapy, you can learn to manage stress and the side effects efficiently. Other alternative methods include yoga, breathing exercises and meditation.

Professionals and health care specialists have estimated that over 90% of the diseases happen due to stress. Stress is considered to be one of the major reasons of early aging, heart attacks and stroke. Not only does stress affect the respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular and central nervous system but even the lymphatic systems. Research has seen the effect of stress on the immune system by frequent infections, lower hormonal balance and decreased libido.

The best aspect about massage is the ability to lower the pain threshold by a few notches, decrease anxiety and improve sleep. It is essential for everyone to sleep for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours every night and an important biological process that aids, heal and rejuvenates the body. It has been seen that massage therapy improves blood circulation, is a quick and effective tool in treating insomnia, when massage is given just before sleeping.

Most of all illnesses overtax the nervous system resulting in tightness of muscles that cause stiffness, pain and inflammation. While its effect on respiration can cause shortness of breath that in turn leads to low levels of oxygen in organs and muscles. Low oxygen levels in the blood hamper the body's ability to heal and rejuvenate.

It has been seen that massage therapy provides improved concentration, enhanced energy levels and low fatigue. When you take sessions of therapeutic massage such as Swedish massage, traditional Kerala massage or deep-tissue massage as it can assist in addressing a variety of chronic health issues and pain management. In case of pregnancy, specialized massage is given by experienced massage therapist for manageable childbirth and short maternity hospital stay.

When you actually sit back and see the positive benefits of massage therapy, even when you take sessions along with prescription medication, it aids in reducing dependence of medicines, improves your body's immunity by better lymphatic flow. You'll be surprised by the fact that sports massage therapy is a routine used with professional athletes and sportsmen. Most of the sports injuries, atrophied muscles and stretched ligament are relaxed effectively with the help of massage and most of the pro teams have a certified massage therapist on board to ensure the sportsmen are relaxed and well even after strenuous workouts.

The skin is the body's largest organ and massage enhances the condition, tones and hydrates it. Most massage therapists use essential oils diluted in pure oil or other organic lotions as the skin absorbs them easily and are better choices than chemical-enhanced lotions.

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The Grand Palace:

The Grand Palace which is situated next to Wat Phara Kaeo (Temple of the Emerald Buddha) is the former royal residency. The Grand Palace is also situated close to the famous Reclining Buddha and a traditional massage school.

Khaosan Road:

The lively crossroad is filled with multi-nationality experience filled with lots of restaurants, bars, artist gallery and more for every young traveller.

Chatuchak Weekend Market:

Chatuchak weekend market an exciting market place caters to all levels from thrifty to spendthrift shoppers. Pets, dresses, artwork, home decorations what every you desire can be found in the behemoth bazaar.

Pak Khlong Talad & Yaowarat:

Travellers who visit Thailand must visit Pak Khlong Talt, the flower bazaar in Bangkok. The market is filled with exotic variety of flowers from orchids, marigold, and roses.

Floating Market & Khlong Tour:

Venice of the Far East, Obviously the capital city of Thailand (Bangkok) with all the watery arteries connects to the main vein - the River of Kings. The canal of Khlong Om to the island of KoKret is the home of thriving community who sell fruits, vegetables and sandstone sculptures in nominal rates.

Gulf of Thailand:

Gulf of Thailand consists of many beautiful tropical islands which are globally acclaimed. Most popular places are Hua Hin, Ko Chang, Ko Samui, Ko Tai, Ko Mak and Bang Saen.

Relaxing in Pai:

Pai situated in Northern Mountains of Thailand has lot of activities for tourist like white-water rafting and mountain biking.

Andaman Coast:

Andaman cost has some of the important islands like Karabi, Phuket and phang-nga bay. These provinces provide much of water sports and activities keep the traveller engaged throughout the day.

Biking tour in World Heritage Sites:

Sukhothai and Ayutthaya are some of the oldest culture of the Siamese kingdom. These world heritage sites are must to visit in Thailand tour itinerary.

Songkran & Loi Krathong Festival

Songkran is a famous festival where everybody splashed water on each other in the streets. Lai Krathong, a festival where the country's waterways are illuminated by tiny floats with flowers and incense and a candle.

Muai Thai:

Muai Thai (Thai Kick Boxing) a traditional and countries favourite sport in Thailand attracts lot of visitors to this traditionally acclaimed country. Thai kick-boxers are the best entertainers in the Bangkok where they capture the eyes of the audience.

Elephant Trekking:

The most adventurous and exciting opportunity in Thailand is to explore the nature and green forest by elephant trekking.

Abseiling in Khao Yai: Khao Yai National Park is famous for its abseiling, where traveller can enjoy the thrill of climbing down the cliff with force of water gushing on both sides of the valley.

Diving at Similan & Surin Islands:

The Andaman sea's Similan and Surin Islands are famous for its scuba diving and snorkelling activities.


People who need to get away from the stress of daily life can enrol in the meditation schools held at Wat mahathat and Suan Mokkh.

Beauty Spa & Thai Massage:

Thailand a place for culture, heritage and tourism is also famous for its beauty and spa facilities. All major hotels have a spa where travellers can rejuvenate their body and mind.

Tom Yum Kung, Phat Thai, & Cooking:

Tom Yum Kung and Phat Thai are the traditional dishes in the Thailand. More cities in Thailand are now offering culinary classes for the travellers.


Thailand is renowned for its golf festival, worldclass golf courses all over the Thailand where pros and amateurs can practise and improve their game.

Travel by Rail:

Most favourite dream vacation on Thailand is by taking the rail route for seven nights and 8 days packages from Eastern and Oriental Express. The train stops at the cultural and history rich city of Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai and Kanchanaburi.

Khon, Hun LakhonLek:

The classical masked dance of Thailand is known as Khon. The exotic performance can be viewed in the Sala Chalermkrung Royal Theatre in Bangkok which is the first air-conditioned cinema in Southeast Asia.

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How many times have been to a massage therapist, a doctors office, even your local mechanic and been told something in a language you don't understand. Even though English was spoken, the words just made no sense to you. Like most people you politely smile, nod your head in agreement and leave wondering just exactly what he meant.

You may have done this because you did not want to look "stupid" in front of the person who was talking to you. You have probably heard this before, but it needs saying again - "There are no stupid questions!" Especially when it comes to your health. If you don't understand what you are being told, ask for it to be repeated in a way that you can understand.

Professional people use a language all their own. Depending on what profession the person belongs to, dictates the language they use. When the professional is dealing with the general public, they sometimes forget that they need to use "laymans" terms in order to be understood. A good professional will take the time to make sure you understand what you are being told. They have to, if they want your business. If they are unwilling to make themselves clear to you, then it might be a good time to seek another opinion.

In the massage profession, a therapist is taught the specific terms used in massage. Once a massage therapist learns these terms, they tend to use them. One reason is so that there can be no confusion as to exactly what they are talking about. That is of course if they are talking to another massage therapist. Sometimes they forget that they are not always talking to someone who understands massage terminology.

In this age of the Internet and the Information Super Highway a lot of people are educating themselves. I believe this is an excellent thing to practice. The massage terminology I am going to list is not definitive, but only some of the more common terms. I will attempt to explain each one in plain English.

Massage Terminology:

Types Of Massage

  • Swedish Massage: One of the most common forms of massage therapy. It is a very relaxing and therapeutic form of bodywork.

  • Hot Stone Massage: A massage that uses basalt stones that are heated. They aide the therapist in providing deep penetrating heat to the muscles.

  • Deep Tissue Massage: A form of massage therapy that uses a lot of pressure to relieve muscle tension.

  • Sports Massage: A form of massage therapy designed for athletes. It's more vigorous than a Swedish Massage.

  • Trigger Point Therapy: A form of massage therapy designed to release a specific type of knot in the muscle. (see "All Knotted Up" below)

  • Therapeutic or Medical Massage: A form of massage therapy designed to work specific muscles.

  • Seated Massage: A form of massage therapy that uses a specially designed chair for the bodywork.

  • Reflexology: A form of bodywork that uses pressure points in the feet, hands and ears to stimulate the corresponding body organs.

  • Pregnancy Massage: This is also referred as side lying massage. It is used for pregnant women (obviously) but also used for special circumstances. A client may be physically handicapped, or in pain that prevents him from lying face up or face down on the table.

  • Energy Work: This involves many different massage modalities. It comes from Eastern Medicine and the belief that there is more to the human body than what can be seen physically. Most of these modalities date back thousands of years. Western cultures and medicine are only just starting to realize that energy work is real, although inexplicable.
  • Different Strokes For Different Folks

  • Effleurage: A gliding stroke used by massage therapists. This is typically used at the beginning and end of the massage. It's purpose is to warm the tissues by providing increased circulation.

  • Petrissage: A kneading stroke used by massage therapists. This stroke is designed to lift and knead the tissues. It helps in removing the metabolic wastes that have built up in muscle tissue. It also helps to draw new blood to the tissues.

  • Friction: Also referred as cross fiber friction. This stroke is most commonly used by the therapists fingers or thumbs. The therapist will sink into the muscle with his fingers, then rapidly move them back and forth across the muscle. This helps in breaking down tight knots that have built up in the muscle tissue.

  • Nerve Strokes: This is a form of effleurage that involves a light touch. It is usually done in a manner that is both light in touch and quick in movement. It's purpose is to stimulate the area after it has been worked with other methods.

  • Tapotement: This is what you have seen in the movies. The boxer that lays on the table while some big burly guy appears to be beating on the boxers back. In reality there are many forms of tapotement, from light finger tapping to the heavy beating. This is generally used at the end of a massage session and it helps stimulate the tissues.

  • Stripping: This is a stroke used by massage therapist that is designed to help lengthen a muscle. Usually the therapist uses his thumbs and while applying pressure he glides the full length of the muscle that is being worked on.
  • All Knotted Up

    There are different terms for the different conditions of a muscle. These can vary wildly and mean different things to different people. You might hear your therapist say "That's a ropey knot." What he may be referring to is a long tight band of muscle. Two forms of knots that have definitive meanings are trigger points and tender points.

  • Trigger Points: There are several types of trigger points; active, latent, primary, and satellite. For the purpose of this article we are going to just call them trigger points. Basically a trigger point is a knot in the belly of a muscle that when pressed on, refers pain to a specific point in the body. Trigger points are knots that are in a constant state of contraction. Normal massage strokes will not "release" a trigger point. A massage therapist has to use direct pressure on the trigger point to interrupt the nerve impulse that is causing the muscle contraction.

  • Tender Points are similar to trigger points with the difference being a tender point does not refer pain when pressure is applied. The method for releasing a tender point is different also. The therapist must place the muscle in a passively contracted state until the tender point relaxes and dissipates.
  • Some Miscellaneous Terms

  • Fascia: is a layer of connective tissue. Fascia is found throughout the human body. Think of it as a nylon stocking wrapping everything in the body. This is what helps hold everything in its place.

  • Tendons: These connect the muscle to the bone.

  • Ligaments: These connect bones to bones.

  • Draping: A technique used to cover a client in order to protect the clients modesty.

  • Drape: The material used for draping, this can be a sheet, pillow case, towel, etc.

  • Face Cradle: The area where a client rests their face on a massage table.

  • Bolster: A specifically designed cushion to aide in the clients comfort while lying on the massage table.

  • Lotion, Oil, Gel: The lubricant used to aide the therapist in giving a massage.

  • Prone: This is the face down position when a client is on the massage table.

  • Supine: This is the face up position when a client is on the massage table.
  • As stated earlier, this is not a definitive list of massage terminology. These are some of the more common terms used by most massage therapists. The next time your massage therapist uses any of these terms; you will know what he is talking about. You can be proud that the power of educating yourself has paid off!

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    Whether for athletics or relaxation, sports massage is a great way to keep yourself healthy. With many countries offering their own unique twist on the traditional sports massage, there are endless opportunities to relax, loosen your muscles, and come out feeling great, no matter where you are. With physiotherapy services often costing relatively little, a relaxing and healthy sports massage can be a great way to wind down after a busy and stressful workweek.

    However, there are more reasons to get regular massages than just relaxation. For sportspeople and athletes, physiotherapy is an essential ingredient in injury prevention and intelligent training. For those who have already suffered muscular injuries, massage can be the perfect way to bring damaged ligaments and joints back into action. If you're looking for a reason to start taking regular physiotherapy, here are the top five benefits of sports massages.

    #1: You'll be more relaxed.

    Depending on what type of massage you prefer, you could walk out feeling completely revitalized or howling in pain. If you like a good pampering, a spa-style massage can leave you feeling amazing in the days afterwards, with more energy and motivation to succeed. If you're struggling to stay awake or aware during the week, a great massage can be the perfect way to relax and add some awareness to your days.

    #2: You'll lower the risk of injury.

    If you're an athlete, you'll know how important regular stretching and muscle stimulation is for injury prevention. High intensity sports can wreck havoc on your muscles, and potentially tighten your major muscle groups. However, through physiotherapy you can loosen your major muscle groups, giving you greater freedom of movement and physical ability. If stretching isn't doing it for you, look into therapeutic massage.

    #3: You'll cut down on back and neck pain.

    Back pain is a problem that plagues millions of people worldwide. It's not that the back's a poorly designed system - it's a remarkably complex and powerful area - but that many activities simply put far too much stress on it. Our back muscles are some of the strongest in our body, but when they're exposed to too much effort they quickly develop problems. Massage is a great way to eliminate back pain, neck pain and other major muscle aches. If you need back pain relief, look at physiotherapy and massage services.

    #4: You'll eliminate joint problems and ligament damage.

    The rotator cuff, an important turning ligament in the shoulder, is at high risk of permanent damage through weight training and athletics. The ALC joint, a part of the knee, is also at a huge risk of permanent damage, sometimes requiring complete replacement. There are many joints and ligaments in your body that are worn down through constant strain and activity, and preventative action is often a lot less painful, and less expensive, than eventual surgery. If you're having joint problems, taking preventative measures like therapeutic massage and physiotherapy could save you a lot of trouble in the future.

    #5: You'll minimize the effects of tension headaches and migraines.

    Sometimes you'll try everything to minimize headaches - drinking more water, using aspirins and other medication, breathing exercises - and nothing works. That's because some headaches can't be fixed through changes in diet and temporary relaxation. Serious stress headaches need real therapy to fix, and with a sports massage it's possible to eliminate the problems behind them. Whether you're tired and in pain or simply burned out and demotivated, a massage can help you minimize stress headaches and recurring migraines.

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    Teaching children with autism can be very challenging, but very rewarding. It definitely takes a different skill set to teach children with autism, and a supportive school system to do it well. While many public schools have excellent special education schools, many do not. This is why there are also many great private schools that exist to fill the needs of autistic children in search of a personalized education.

    Traditional Classrooms May Not be the Best Way to Teach a Child with Autism

    A lot of kids with special needs, including autism, have real problems succeeding in a traditional classroom. Very often, they will need one-on-one instruction to be able to learn. Kids with autism often are distracted by sensory issues and many other things in a traditional classroom. Frequently, they are the target of bullying, which can create self-esteem issues and, of course, greatly affect the child's concentration and learning.

    Individualized Education Programs for Kids with Autism

    Many autistic kids require individualized learning programs that public schools often are not able to give. Parents usually try to make public schools work for their kids before looking somewhere else, but sometimes there is no choice. Hence, the rising number of private special education schools for kids with autism.

    These schools make teaching children with autism into a whole different kind of journey. They have different theories, smaller classes, and more individualized programs. There is usually a 1:1 or 1:2 student to teacher ratio. There are several kinds of special education schools, from day schools and boarding schools, autism only schools and schools that accept kids with a wide range of disabilities.

    Choose a Teaching Style that Fits Your Child with Autism

    Teachers in some schools will analyze a child's learning style, behaviors, strengths and weaknesses to create a teaching style that works well with that child. Other schools have a more one-size-fits-all approach, using theories of behaviorism or applied behavior analysis (ABA) for all kids, without much variation in manner in which they are used.

    Specialized Autism Schools

    Specialized autism schools usually include the various therapies that they offer in the price and curriculum. Such therapies can include speech, occupational and physical therapies. These therapies, as well as the individualized attention for the kids come with a hefty price tag, however. Schools can often be up to $50-$75,000 a year. However, parents can sometimes get special schools paid by their local school districts as long as they can prove that their local school is not able to meet their child's needs.

    To find these schools, you may want to do an Internet search for them, or ask your local autism society. Most of the time, public schools do an excellent job teaching children with autism but it is important also to know of the other options that are out there.

    massage school 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Massage therapy has been practiced and used since ancient times. In fact, it has been used in Egypt and China in 3000 B.C. for correcting the body's energy flow to cure illnesses. To ensure good health, it was combined with proper diet and exercise.

    Even though thousands of years have passed, it is still widely used for relaxation and health purposes. Experts have also added various styles and techniques to the list. At present, there are 80 massage styles practiced and applied as an alternative medicine. However, it is essential to choose the right massage to properly address the illness and leave the body renewed. Below are the top five massage styles and the benefits they provide.

    Swedish Massage

    This is the most popular massage in the U.S. This style involves friction, hacking, kneading, tapping and vibration techniques combined with long, smooth strokes. This is suitable for relieving pain due to muscle tension. The massage helps improve blood circulation removing lactic acid and other wastes from the body. This is perfect for people experiencing back pain, inflammatory conditions, respiratory problems and strain injury.

    Thai Massage

    Compared to other massages, this type is quite different because a customer does not only lie down. A massage therapist needs to use his or her full body strength to move the customer's body in different positions. It also includes techniques such as acupressure, compression and mobilization. This type of massage does not only reduce stress. It also centers mind and body, develops blood circulation, improves flexibility and increases energy.

    Shiatsu Massage

    Shiatsu is known as Japanese bodywork and is considered a finger pressure massage. Therapists use their fingers, elbows, palms and thumbs to apply enough pressure. The pressure technique it uses helps unblock energy allowing the proper flow of chi in the body. In addition, therapists can also use other techniques such as rubbing, squeezing and tapping to ensure the muscles are massaged properly. This type of massage promotes blood circulation, flexibility and muscle relaxation. This is good for people experiencing anxiety, constipation, insomnia, headache, premenstrual syndrome and other body pains.

    Hot Stone Therapy

    This is a Swedish massage with a combination of smooth, heated stones. These hot stones are placed on certain points of the body. It can be placed in the palms, at the back or between the toes. The heat coming from the stones gives a calming and soothing effect good for the nervous system and blood circulation. This type of massage is suitable for people with arthritis, back pains, depression, insomnia and stress.

    Pregnancy Massage

    Obviously this type of massage is for pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman's body experience changes. Undergoing this type of massage will help decrease swelling and reduce stress relieving pain. However, this is not recommended when a woman is in her first trimester. Always consult the doctor before undergoing any massage. But if the doctor gives permission, make sure to look for a certified pregnancy massage therapist.

    These are only a few of the massage styles available. Before undergoing any of them, it is important to seek a doctor's advice. If the doctor gives a go signal, look for a licensed therapist to ensure safety, relaxation and overall wellness.

    massage school 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Finally out of massage therapy school, now you need to take your MBLEx or state exam. Most states now days will let you take the MBLEx that will suffice and meet all requirements necessary to get your massage therapy license. The MBLEx exam is also the better test to take and the most popular test that students prefer to take. My advice is to take the MBLEx as soon as you can, or as soon as you get out of school, whichever comes first. The longer you wait the time that allows your brain to forget all that you have learned.

    If by some chance you don't or can't take the test right away after completing massage therapy school, I highly recommend you getting a tutor, take a course, or better yet, an online study guide that will help you with the stuff that will be on the MBLex. Don't think you can take the certification exam without studying. You will waste a lot of money, time, and cause yourself a lot of grief and agony. I have known many people who assume just because they went to massage school that they can pass the test without some kind of refresher course. It simply won't happen.

    The day of the test, be well rested, deep breath and be ready. A good night's sleep the night before sounds simple but so important. Don't rush and hurry through the test, simply take your time for there are over 200 questions and no time limit. I have been doing this for over a decade and try to help future or current massage therapist's a lot of wasted energy, grief, money and time. If you follow my steps and need my program, I guarantee you will pass your massage therapy exam.

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