The holistic healing practice of massage therapy can be used for medical and relaxation purposes. Students can learn how to treat overwork, stressed, and injured muscles by completing the appropriate educational training. Accredited colleges provide students with several educational opportunities.

Education trains students how to use several of the common techniques, or professionally referred to as modalities, to promote healthy and properly functioning muscles. Some popular techniques include:

  • Shiatsu Massage

  • Swedish Massage

  • Deep Tissue Massage

  • Aromatherapy Massage

Students are able to explore how to correctly administer these massage therapy techniques in a matter of six months to two years. The most common training opportunities are certificate programs. Learning covers how to successfully trigger pressure points and perform therapeutic massage. Students also have the opportunity to complete an associate's degree program. Education gives students business administration and massage therapy skills needed to establish self-employment if desired.

Certificate programs breakdown the different components of the profession. Students study both Eastern and Western style modalities while learning the structure of the human body. The holistic approach of massage therapy is studied to learn how to specifically target and treat pain. Physiology, anatomy, sports massage, trigger point therapy and more make up some main courses taken inside a program. Students are able transfer their knowledge into careers where they can work in spas, rehabilitation clinics, and health clubs.

Students that are interested in a specific massage therapy area can enter an advanced certificate program. Colleges offer certificate specializations to students that have already completed a basic program. Programs last three to six months and students can learn to work with pregnant women by studying pre-natal massage therapy. Another possible option is working with injured athletes by studying orthopedic massage therapy. Students study various holistic concepts such as energy healing inside programs at this level of training. Body mechanics, spa elements, massage therapeutics, and business ethics are some major areas of study.

Associates degree programs prepare students by teaching them how to apply a vast range of massage therapy techniques. Education lasts two years allowing more time for students to explore various techniques. Along with massage therapeutics and business principles students will complete general education courses to round out their learning experience. The curriculum may change depending on the college providing the program but students can expect to complete the same basic courses. Pathology of disease, medical terminology, and sports medicine are some core courses included into a program. Students step into the industry having a strong understanding of how the human body operates and extensive knowledge in several massage therapy techniques.

Education prepares students for certification exams that enable them to be licensed massage therapists. Forty-two states require licensure in order to be eligible to practice so students should check their states requirements for professionals.

Training is available from numerous colleges across the country. Students can choose their preferred educational route in regards to their career goals and become massage therapists in two years or less. Accredited schools and colleges offer the best quality training available. The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation ( ) can fully accredited programs that meet all criteria.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised on

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Massages help our bodies, but what exactly are the benefits of it? There are several.

Deep Tissue Massage focuses on releasing restrictions in the deeper layers of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is effective in releasing deeply held tension, relaxing and smoothing muscles, and removing toxins.

Some Massage Benefits are:

* Improves posture and mobility.
* Helps to reduce tension and the automatic reflexes to stress.
* Resolves many chronic pain patterns by releasing deeply held emotions that cause tension.
* Eliminates the blocks that cause muscle tightness.
* Increases circulation of blood, lymph, cerebro-spinal and interstitial fluids.
* Helps improve the functioning of the internal organs and any associated symptoms/diseases.

Deep tissue massages work effectively on the skeletal structure that lies deep within the human body. It can break down scar tissue and crystallization, release toxins, allow oxygen and blood to circulate properly, and loosen muscles.

Many people get massages to try and treat crippling diseases, muscle, ligament, and tissue injuries. When receiving a Deep Tissue Massage, if done properly, any pain you have felt should be gone within a day or two.

Although a massage can be very intense, it does not require great strength nor does it have to be painful.

To get the full benefits of a deep tissue massage you need to drink plenty of water and relax completely. It is possible that if you do not drink enough water, you could have a reaction to the chemicals in the oil the massage therapist used to relax your muscles and eliminate the pain.

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You can receive many benefits to getting a massage regularly. You also may be able to use massagers if you don't have the time or money to get a regular massage. Many people may think that massage is strictly for relaxation but that is not true. A massage has many health benefits even if you don't suffer from back or muscle pain.

Besides relaxing a massage can also increase your blood circulation, lower your blood pressure, help you to sleep, improve your concentration and make it possible for you to recover from an injury faster. It also helps you deal with stress and can get rid of fatigue. All of these are fantastic benefits and occur because massage not only works your muscles but also helps to realign your body's energy paths correctly.

Athletes tend to have a massage regularly because it can soften those muscles that you are frequently working, reducing cramping, reduce spasms, increase the flexibility in your joints, help you body to recover faster and prepare your muscles for those very strenuous workouts.

Massage has been used for many years for healing and is particularly good with chronic problems. Massage has been used to help with depression, back pain, anxiety, arthritis, digestive disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches, sleep disorders, whiplash, stress, pain, tendonitis and sports injuries.

Massage is generally used to improve your range of motion and flexibility. There are special techniques used for different types of massage. There has been a lot of scientific research into the benefits of massage and it is a great alternative therapy.

You do want to be careful and only use a professional massage therapist as while it is very rare sometimes there can be problems due to massage. If you have a bleeding disorder, weakened bones, fever, deep vein thrombosis, taking blood thinning drugs, tumor, damaged nerves, open wound or inflammation then it is recommended that you do not have a massage.

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Physical therapy has assisted many people in finding amazing relief to their neck and back problems, after having spent a lot of time and resources trying out most of recommended medical solutions without success. Physical therapy presents not only an extremely efficient way of alleviating chronic back pains, but can also assists patients who need go through rehabilitation therapy after undergoing multiple restorative surgeries.

For the most part, back ailments can be categorized into two types: those that arise from unanticipated external injuries to the back tissues, and those that materialize from within the body, which are often what trigger chronic back pain. These disorders often attack the central nervous system by stimulating it to undertake detrimental actions, which should they persist can turn into permanent neural complications even if the original cause of the ailment disappears.

Normally, this culminates in intense and prolonged back pains that if not checked can appear in other parts of the body. The most probable cause of these chronic pain disorders is usually damage to the body of muscles, and tissues that surrounds the spine. Take for instance, the intervertebral discs which are exceptionally resilient tissues that play the role of the back's buffer against all external attacks. Despite their hardiness, intervertebral discs sometimes cannot accomplish this task if the back is exposed to grievous trauma or through gradual back tissue and muscle attrition.

Additionally, the tendons and sinews that link these back muscles play a proactive role in maintaining the perfect back and spinal stability. However, sometimes the fibers that connect these tendons, and sinews get stuck together and will usually tear off, which results in chronic back ailments.

The primary goal of physical therapy is usually to alleviate the intense discomfort most chronic back pain patient's experience, and ultimately to restore their mobility.

There are two physical therapy approaches to pain alleviation which normally precede each other, passive and active physical therapy. The former comprises of procedures such as application of electrical stimulus, heat or even ice application. This type of physical therapy is formulated to strengthen the patient before commencing the more vigorous active physical rehabilitation.

A competent physical therapist will after the initial assessment of the patient, develop and establish an infallible exercise schedule, which should significantly alleviate back pain. This can include aerobics, muscle strengthening or stretching training. A significant portion of these sessions should be dedicated to stretching exercises which are guaranteed to develop the back's lumbar stabilization, and have excellent results in chronic back pain alleviation. Other low impact aerobic exercises like cycling, swimming or plain old walking can also significantly alleviate chronic back pains.

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What are the Erector Spinae? Commonly known as the erectors, the Erector Spinae is a muscle group of the back that consists of the Iliocostalis, the Longissimus and the Spinalis.


Origins: Spinous processes of T9-T12.

Insertions: Spinous processes of T1 and T2 thoracic vertebrae and the cervical vertebrae.

Actions: Allow bending forward at the waist by resisting the force of gravity, and to straighten up by contracting. Used in maintaining good posture.

Antagonist: Abdominal muscles


Spasm or tightening of these muscles, since they insert on the ribs, may cause a stabbing pain and make taking a deep breath painful.


Stretching: Lower Back Stretch

While lying on the floor on your back, bring your knees up to your chest, hugging them with your arms and pulling them closer. Hold.

Get down on all fours, round your back like a cat.

Strengthening: Back Extension

Using an exercise ball, lie on it on your stomach, toes on the floor. Lift your head and chest off the ball, then slowly return to the starting position.

Massage Techniques

Warm up using Effleurage, massaging the entire length of the muscle, from neck to lumbar spine.

If you're inclined to using your thumbs, then Stripping, thumb on thumb is effective.

For a deeper effect, use the forearms, with the elbow pointing toward the spine starting at the lumbar gliding up to the neck.

The above methods have all addressed the erectors in a linear way, moving parallel with the muscle fibers. Moving perpendicular to the muscle fibers as well is recommended. While standing at one side of the table, reach over the spine to the erector that is furthest away and use Cross Fiber Friction (finger tips on finger tips), moving skin and fascia only in a rocking manner, beginning at lumbar and ending at neck.

The same kind of thing can be done using palm on hand, again beginning at lumbar and ending at neck.

A Thai massage pose, the Assisted Plough provides a good stretch: the client is on his back, legs are lifted up to 90%, then the angle is decreased by the practitioner who pushes the ankles toward the client's head.

Another Thai massage pose, the Assisted Forward Bend: the client is seated with legs straight in front. Practitioner sits on heels facing client, with client's feet resting on knees. Client and practitioner grasp wrists while practitioner pulls client forward.

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Below are some tips on how to cope and facilitate in an effective stress management method.

Effects of Stress in a Student

Stress is a natural response of the body when demand is placed upon you, which is often the case at school as students had to undergo tests and other stressful academic situations. This has been proven by studies and the more stress a student undergoes, the bigger its impact to one's physical and emotional health condition. Being a student entails a lot of things and it is not solely about the academic commitments expected of an individual. There are also social pressures involved with being a student that further adds pressure to the situation.

Students are therefore encouraged to take proactive stress management approaches to ensuring that you can maintain overall wellness. It is not just all about eliminating stress in your life, but also helps to improve your academic performance as a student. There are several recommended stress management techniques that a student can use but massage therapy is often on top of that list.

Why Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is known as one of the most effective stress busters there is. But what is it about massaging that make it a very effective method to relieve stress? It starts off by relieving tension off of your body. As soon as you can release physical tension, you can consequently experience relief in the mind. Massage therapy is therefore useful for students due to its ability to provide physical and mental relief for a comprehensive approach in fighting stress.

Costs of Massage Therapy

When thinking off stress management techniques that students can use, the cost is an important factor to consider. If you are going to hire a professional masseur to perform your massage therapy, it is important to know how much it will cost and if it will fit into your budget. This very concern has resulted in a number of wellness and massage therapy programs available for students who wanted to enjoy relief from stress. You can also schedule your massage therapy sessions such that you can maximize its results without costing you a lot.

Different Types of Massages

According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, there are several massage techniques that one can use as part of stress management regimen. The three most popular techniques are as follows:

• Swedish massage - This technique involves the use of long strokes and kneading to provide maximum relief from muscle tension and stress.

• Deep-tissue massage - This is another reliable massage technique that can effectively deliver stress reduction and relaxation results.

• Trigger point massage - This massage technique that works in "knots" to eliminate tension that has build up in your body.

You are therefore free to choose your own stress management massage technique to relieve tension and develop wellness.

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My client said the pain in her back was bad. She had been to a chiropractor three times and it didn't help. She called hoping I could help.

I am a huge fan of natural therapies and massage is an absolutely awesome natural therapy! It can definitely help get rid of the causes of muscular pain but it does depend on the therapist's training. The therapist must understand how to get rid of whatever is causing the pain.

When my client got on the massage table and placed her face in the face cradle I could actually see that one side of her back was enlarged. Usually you cannot see a spasm although you may be able to feel it but this one was a whopper.

There was a lot of tenderness under the swelling. The tight muscles felt like banjo strings. They were very painful.

I started assessing her back and neck with my hands. I asked my client to let me know what areas hurt. I decided to "surround the dragon."

The dragon is the pain. You surround it by releasing the tissues outside of the area first.

My client told me she had tried a new twisting motion during a certain activity that she enjoys. The muscles on either side of your waist are the twisting-tilting muscles so I checked them.

On the same side as her upper back spasm, those waist muscles were tight and tender so I released them with finger pressure.

You see, everything on your body is attached. Tight muscles somewhere else can pull on another area and cause pain or spasm.

I treated the muscles on both sides of her spine, the upper shoulders and the muscles on the opposite side of her pain under the arm pit. I worked on the knotty area (the spasm) and I wrapped up with the muscles on the upper chest, front of her arm and breastbone.

I showed her some simple movements to strengthen the muscles of her back and how to improve her posture.

She felt much better an hour after she arrived.

If someone just blasts away on your muscle knot there is a really good chance that it won't help at all. The poor muscle may just get even more inflamed.

But by surrounding the dragon and getting rid of the most likely causes of your discomfort you have a good chance of taming that "dragon."

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Massage is deeply relaxing for the recipient and has become increasingly popular over recent years as a way to unwind, relax and treat oneself to a bit of 'me' time. Many people even opt for a massage every week and find that they benefit from it immensely.

Having a regular massage can have many benefits, not only to your body functions but also to your overall well-being. Massage, when properly administered, helps the body and mind tremendously. Here are just some of the physical benefits of massage therapy.

1. Improves blood circulation in the body - Massage eases and loosens our tense muscles, flushes more toxins from our system, which improves blood circulation and enables oxygen enriched blood to every cell in the body.

2. Repairs damaged tissues - Massage decreases the inflammation, promotes speedy recovery from any injuries and alleviates the pain caused by damaged parts, by improving our circulation, and is a great complementary therapy for anyone experiencing agonizing conditions.

3. Alleviates muscular aches and pains - The healing art of massage treats fatigue and stiffness in the muscular system. It induces good muscle tone which reduces cramp and breaks down any scar tissue you may have from an old injury. The muscles, ligaments and tendons are manipulated and stretched to keep them flexible, pliable and stronger and in good repair. Acupressure is a technique for relaxing and soothing sore muscles.

4. Reduces and can eliminate the pain. - Massage provides healing properties if you're ailing. If you suffer from an internal injury, such as pain or inflammation, a massage can dramatically even eliminate the pain. Why do you think professional athletes have so many massages? Since a massage goes to the core of the problem, you immediately begin to feel better.

5. Aids digestion and strengthens our immune system - Massage assists in detoxifying our body and improving our immune system by eliminating waste matter from our colon and improving our digestion

6. Helps disorders of the skeletal system -You will benefit immensely if you suffer from arthritis and the pain caused by stiff joints will decrease considerably

7. Improves the Lymphatic System - Massage helps to eliminate waste products and toxins from your body and reduce any swelling from an injury.

8.Improves breathing - Massage breaks down any mucus or bronchial secretions and eliminates them from the lungs which then improves the workings of your Respiratory System

9. Improves your skin. Within hours of a massage your skin becomes clearer and your complexion has a healthy glow as the blood circulation improves around the body.

The beneficial effects of massage and its power to heal have been known for centuries. However it is only fairly recently, through scientific studies, that we are beginning to understand the positive effects massage can have on our health. Massage is a generic term that covers a range of different strokes. Some are very specific and designed to treat a particular range of problems. Sports massage is one of these. Although not restricted purely to sports injury, it can be used to treat many physical, soft tissue conditions. Other styles work on a more holistic basis and work to treat the whole person, bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit to encourage a general sense of heightened well-being.

To sum up, massage therapy on a regular basis, helps with common ailments, reduces pain, makes you feel less tired and gives you a general sense of heightened well being. It increases your awareness and respect for your own body, thus giving you significant health benefits. There is very little that I know of that makes you feel better than a good massage!

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For the past few weeks I've been talking about massage therapy marketing and advertising but I haven't really talked about massage techniques. A friend gave me a suggestion to write this topic and I thought it was a great idea.

Have you ever had a client in your massage business who comes to you for massage to help their digestion and not known what to do about it? Its common knowledge that massage therapy is helpful for getting energy flow to the abdominal region to alleviate pain and discomfort, but is that all there is? IS there something beyond Swedish massage techniques that can help our clients?

When I was studying massage for the first time I learnt a number of really good points on the body to help with massage techniques to aid digestion. And I wanted to share a few of them with you.

I found a really great massage technique to aid digestion that was a combination of acupressure and Swedish. I found that when I worked on the abdomen to relieve digestion pain and discomfort first and then worked on other acupressure points to stimulate the energy to the area. The great thing about this massage technique was that you could gently apply pressure to the digestion/stomach points whilst creating a great sense of relaxation and calm for the client. You could work the acupressure points in with your Swedish effleurage techniques. Gently at first then ask the client if its okay to hold the pressure for a bit until that point has no more pain. When the client has no more pain on this point you would have helped to clear the energy blockage of that pressure point. As a consequence, you will have helped the condition and give the bodies' response to that condition a head start on healing and well being.

If you look on an acupressure chart you will find several points relating to the digestion and stomach. Let's take for example the legs. There is a acupressure point that you can apply pressure to. If your client doesn't mind having his or her legs massage you can simply apply some firm pressure in the form of 'digipressure' or firm Swedish massage "stomach 36". You'll find this point four finger-widths below the kneecap outside the shinbone. You can create this effective technique on both legs. This point is commonly referred to as 'Zusanli' is Stomach 36. It's is one of the most frequently used of all acupuncture points.

You can also use Reflexology points as a massage technique to aid digestion. What I mean by this is that you can offer to do a relaxing foot massage at the end of the treatment as a nice way to finish off, and gently work with your thumbs into the reflexology points to stimulate the energy flow to the digestion.

Finding helpful massage techniques to aid digestion for your clients will give you great credibility with your clients. It's always a great thing to do for them if you can incorporate other modalities into your massage business. You'll be able to help clients in the massage treatment session and they will appreciate your keen willingness to provide good service for them.

Keep up that great work!

Amy Roberts

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If you are working as a massage therapist, you most probably know about cold massage therapy already. Now, have you ever wondered how it can help you in your profession as a therapist? Contrary to what you believe, this type of massage can actually help your health spa as well as your massage practice in terms of giving your clients better treatment. As a cold stone massage therapist, you have to put the following thoughts into consideration:

• It is known that basalt stone is the type of stone that most massage therapist use in the stone massage practice. We have to take into account though that even if these stones are exceptional when it comes to maintaining heat and works magnificently when talking about hot stone massage, marble stones have the tendency to be a better tool for clients when it comes to this therapy. Once you invest in getting marble massage stone for your health spa and massage therapy business, both you and your clients will benefit from it since these stones have the ability to retain coldness the same way as basalt stone retains heat.

• The fact that these stones have the ability to become a powerful decongestant is another way for cold stone massage to help you in your practice. Its ability to diffuse any kind of swelling in the circulatory system is a great advantage for both you and your clients. For example, if you have a client who is suffering from a painful swelling because of a sports injury, you can practice and aid him or her through cold stone massage therapy and both of you will again benefit from this simple tool.

• If you also have clients who basically just want a rejuvenation massage, they can benefit from this massage treatment. What you can do as a therapist is to position these stones on the dark circles that have formed under your client's eyes. This will relieve the current tiredness and puffiness of the eyes. It can also be placed on your client's sinus area to relieve any kind of sinus pressure. Always remember though that you have to use a protective cloth under the cold stone if there is a need to place it on your client's face.

Through this massage treatment; you will be able to put forward additional helpful treatments for your customers as a certified cold stone massage therapist. If you are thinking about adding extra spa treatments or massage therapy treatments in your list, then you should always consider and think about the benefits of cold stone massage. As what was mentioned before, in purchasing cold stones for your cold stone massage therapy, buy the marble stone sets because these types are more effective when it comes to retaining coldness compared to the more popular basalt stones. You can go ahead and pay for a marble cold stone massage set so that your clients will be allowed to get the maximum benefit from their therapy treatments.

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