When one goes to a spa, health facility, or gym, one of the first things that the receptionist asks is, "Do you want a male therapist or a female therapist?". Although massage therapy is not a gender-specific career, still, the quantity of female therapists outnumbers the male population. In addition, there may be clients who are not concerned about the gender of the therapist, but there still are those who prefer female over the male therapists.

Common Reasons Why More Clients Prefer Women Therapists

- Female clients are more self-conscious about their bodies

- Some women tend to think that male massage therapists will take advantage

- Male clients who are homophobic do not want another male to touch their bodies

- Male clients find a woman's touch more sensual and pleasant

However, regardless of the gender, all massage therapists are trained about work ethics and the use of draping methods, thus, it should not be a big issue. In addition, some spa-goers are already familiar with the routine and understand that the massage therapist's skill is more important than gender.

How Gender Affects a Career in Massage Therapy

While there are clients who do not bother about the gender of the massage therapist, for would-be massage therapists, knowing how gender affects a career in this field is very important.

Gender Issues

In the US, the massage therapy industry is basically female dominated. Actually, according to studies, more than 80% of them are women. Although the number of male therapists has steadily increased in the last couple of years, still, more women are employed as therapists. For one, massage therapy is commonly perceived as a nurturing healing method and women have always been associated with the role of "nurturer". Likewise, because women's touch is softer and more sensual in nature, many clients find it is easier to relax when left in the "hands" of women.

Patient's Perception on the Therapist's Gender

It is true that some clients do not mind about the gender of the therapist, but there are still a big number of those who are uncomfortable when male massage therapists handle their bodies. Even male clients feel the same way. Because massage therapy involves skin to skin contact, people consider it as a very personal matter. Thus, when clients feel pressured or uncomfortable, their muscles tend to contract even more and they do not reap the full benefits of the massage.

This low level of comfort when it comes to being handled by male practitioners affects the number of clients they are able to handle, which translates to fewer options for them.

Problems and Issues that Therapists Encounter

Sexual harassment is a huge issue when it comes to this industry. There have been reports where female therapists were taken advantage of by male clients - touched inappropriately or spoken to in a lewd manner. In the same breath, some male therapists get reported by female customers who say they (customers) were sexually harassed and handled improperly by their therapists.

Job prospecting is another problem that male massage therapists deal with. Because of issues such as sexual harassment, male massage therapists find it more difficult to find employment than most women.

Gender Benefits

Not everything about the massage therapy industry for males is negative. Even though males have fewer job options in this industry, there are still some good things about being a massage therapist in a female-dominated industry.

Because men, in general, are stronger than women are, some modalities can easily be carried out by male massage therapists than women. One instance is working in a sports massage center or hospital, where patients are generally male and would need stronger pressure when it comes to the massages.

Another example is work that massage therapists find in hospitals such as the rehabilitation section and physical therapy section, where patients are more comfortable when being handled by male therapists.

Indeed, gender plays a major role when choosing massage therapists to perform their job on you. Patients must feel safe with a therapist and not stressed out or pressured about selecting the practitioner.

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Deep tissue massage is a massage therapy technique wherein the inner muscle layers and the connective tissues are re-aligned. This type of therapy is highly beneficial for the contracted tissue muscles around the neck, lower back and shoulders. It heals stiff neck and lower back rigidity.

The massage strokes that are applied by the deep tissue massage therapists are similar to the traditional massage therapy. The only difference lies in the hand movement which is slower while the intensity of pressure is focused more on the pain stricken and tensed muscles. This particular massage therapy helps to break and eliminate the scar tissues. It concentrates on specific areas where the slower strokes and the deep direct pressure help in releasing the chronic muscle tension.

Normally a person suffering from chronic muscular tension and injury feels the pain emanating from adhesions which are bands of painful tight muscles and tendons. It is generally believed that adhesions block circulation, cause pain and inflammation while it also restricts a person's mobility. Deep tissue massage is recommended as the therapist physically kneads the adhesions and alleviates pain while helping to restore normal movement. To reach this objective, the deep tissue massage therapists often apply intense pressure or friction across the grain of the muscle. At times during the course of the massage, people may feel pain and associated discomfort. It is advisable in such cases to inform the massage therapist about the pain and soreness if it is beyond the comfort range.

Although slight stiffness or pain can be experienced after the deep tissue massage, the discomfort level normally subsides within a day or so. Often the massage therapist applies ice on the area which has been massaged. Deep tissue massage is also used for relaxation. The therapy is beneficial for persons recovering from injuries especially those which are sports generated, osteoarthritis, muscle spasms and postural problems. People suffering from osteoarthritis opt for this therapy as it is highly effective and often they notice remarkable improvement in their mobility immediately after the massage.

During deep tissue massage, the therapists use finger tips, knuckles, hand, elbows as well as the forearms. In the course of massaging, the therapist concentrates on muscles located below the top muscle layer as this is highly effective for people suffering from consistent pain. It is advisable to consume plenty of water once the massage is over to flush out metabolic waste from the tissues. At the start of deep tissue massage the person may want to breathe deeply since this action facilitates the process and relieves the tensed muscles.

Deep tissue massage might not be the best for certain types of people like heart patients or persons under the treatment of chemotherapy. Even for osteoporosis patients, prior consultation with the therapist is advisable. The massage therapist aims at relieving the pain from deeper tissue structures and the treatment can be more uncomfortable than the traditional massage.

However, people have to be realistic when contemplating undergoing this massage therapy. The deep tissue massage might not bring immediate relief from pain though many believe that if the therapist kneads hard on the pressure knots, they would get instant relief. This might not always happen as removing chronic knots and tension built-up over a lifetime is best achieved when the patient goes for an integrated program that includes exercise, improvement of posture, mobility enhancement, other relaxation techniques as well as regular deep tissue massage therapy.

Such duel program is really valuable for re-aligning the body. If the deep tissue massage is executed correctly, their benefits could be experienced within the next few days. As tensed muscles block oxygen and nutrients while building up toxin in the muscle tissues, this form of massage is recommended as it releases the toxin from the muscles as they are loosened up, thereby enabling the blood and oxygen to circulate properly.

The primary objective of deep tissue massage is to relax the muscle fibers and release the deeply held patterns of tension in order to soothe the tendon. The deep tissue massage therapy is corrective as well as therapeutic. The deep finger pressure and slow strokes on the tension ridden spots is a combination of touch, biomechanics and positioning options. The massage technique makes use of knuckles, fist, forearms and elbows to help in releasing pressure and tension from the deeper layers of the body.

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I've been a physiotherapist for 6 years in Australia. In Australia, physiotherapy is very difficult to get into through a university. For instance, the TER score (score after you finish your high school certificate) was 93 in 2000. That was the third highest score to apply for through university. Now, you may think that the higher the difficulty to apply, the higher the prestige, income and satisfaction the job will be. You think so right? Wrong!

Let me tell you, physiotherapy or physical therapist as a career choice is not what you think. I came to think when doing the course I expect a high income and high levels of satisfaction, but from my experience and others this is totally wrong. I have friends who have been doing physiotherapy for more than 5 years who have changed careers because they thought physiotherapy will get them nowhere. I've been told by one of the board members of the physiotherapy association that there is no physiotherapist working full time in a private practice above 45. So it seems many physiotherapists are not satisfied with their career.

So why is it that many physiotherapists aren't satisfied with their careers? I can give you three good reasons.

First is the income. Our income is around $60-70k year on average, but the ceiling for physiotherapist to get is around $100-110k a year (which is rare) if working for someone or in the public sector. Now in the private sector (working in your own practice) you can make considerably more, about $100k or greater. But setting up and working in the private sector cost money and it is very expensive. You have to pay rent, equipment, labor and many other expenses. So in the end, you might not make much because of all the expenses.

Second is the level of satisfaction. You may think helping people get better makes you happier, it does. But there are many more people who don't get better. Also, the job that you do in physiotherapy is very monotonous it's either doing assessment, electrotherapy, exercises or hands on work (which I basically call massage). People who work as a physiotherapist will most likely have hand, wrist or back pain because the job requires you to do repetitive movements or awkward postures most of the time. For instance bending down to treat a patient on a bed,

Third is security. If you do extra courses or have masters degree to specialize in physiotherapy, most likely that won't guarantee you extra income or status. There is a lack of differentiation between an experienced physiotherapist or an inexperienced physiotherapist in terms of pay. Also, the future of physiotherapy as a profession is overtaken by other health professionals such as chiropractors and even nurses.

This is due to incompetence of the physiotherapy board and association of pushing our status in government and general public opinion into insignificance. It seems that the physiotherapy association has no lobbyist in the government or insurance industry thereby cutting our status as a health professional. For instance, insurances are cutting physiotherapist rates and services (for example HBA in the UK) as they see physiotherapy as not important. In the long term, physiotherapy as a profession will die out and overtaken by other health professionals.

So is physiotherapy a good or bad career choice? I say most definitely not a good career choice. But this is my opinion. If you want to get another person's opinion, see your physiotherapist or a person who is working in your career.

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Chair massage techniques are unique. Many massage therapists try to use traditional Swedish massage techniques when doing chair massage, but this kind of approach doesn't translate well to seated massage.

Swedish massage techniques largely consist of gliding strokes and this method is doesn't work well because chair massage is done over the clothing and no oils are used.

There are essentially six types of chair massage techniques:

  1. Compression techniques: These are what you may think of as acupressure techniques and are the most commonly used chair massage techniques. The creator of the chair massage concept was trained in Amma massage, an ancient system of acupressure techniques and this style of massage is often used in chair massage technique training. These can be hard on the thumbs as they are typically used, especially since many trainers lack adequate knowledge in the application of these techniques. However, at Relax to the Max, students are taught to do these techniques safely with a great deal of emphasis on the biomechanics of the movements. As well, the thumbs are used very seldom used in the Relax to the Max chair massage techniques as other contact points are often used, including fists, the heels of the hands, knuckles, elbows and forearms.

  2. Squeezing techniques: With these types of massage techniques, the practitioner squeezes the muscles between two contact points. These are often performed on large muscle groups and muscles that are not firmly attached to underlying structures. It is critical when doing these techniques to accurately identify the edges of the muscles and this is a big focus on training when learning to do these chair massage techniques at Relax to the Max.

  3. Kneading techniques: These are circular movements. Like the other chair massage techniques we've already discussed, there are ways to do these techniques that put minimal stress on the body. Whereas most schools teach students how to do this with the thumbs, Relax to the Max utilizes unique contact points like the elbows and pisiforms when doing these techniques to save your thumbs and to reduce the amount of effort.

  4. Percussion: These stimulating techniques are what many people refer to as karate chops. When applied properly these percussive chair massage techniques feel great. Customers often report that this is the favorite part of their seated massage experience.

  5. Friction techniques: This is an adaptation of traditional Swedish style movements and are used occasionally in the chair.

  6. Gliding techniques: Although not performed frequently, there are times when these can be used effectively. At Relax to the Max you learn when these kinds of chair massage techniques are indicated.

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Back pain is considered a symptom of advancing age due to wear and tear changes in the joints that eventually involves ligaments and muscles. Although, the spinal muscles are designed to sustain contraction and pressure for longer period of time without getting fatigued, with advancing age and some systemic or organic diseases, the capacity of back muscles to sustain pressure decreases, leading to the symptoms of back pain with activity.

The cause of backache largely depends on the level of activity and the age of individuals. In old age, degenerative bone diseases, osteopenia or osteoporosis (de-mineralized bones) and compression vertebral fractures are the most common causes of backache. In younger individuals non-traumatic causes are mostly trivial that resolves spontaneously, without leaving any significant morbidity or disability.

Associated factors of backache normally help in pointing to the cause/ diagnosis of backache. Backache along with sharp and shooting pain down the legs indicate sciatica. Limited range of motion of spine indicates degenerative diseases or inflammatory joint conditions that cause stiffness of joints. Involvement of bowel or bladder indicates a more neurogenic cause. Sometimes presence of one or more of the symptoms suggest the co-existence of a multi-factorial issue like long standing arthritic changes in spine that can lead to spinal stenosis that will eventually cause neural abnormalities.

If you are experiencing chronic backache for at least a period of 2 weeks or longer in the absence of any trauma or injury, you must see a healthcare provider. Physical therapy provides relief in almost all the cases of backache; however, you must first determine the primary cause or etiology of your backache.

Generally physical therapy exercises helps in regulating normal circulation that promotes healing regardless of the type of injury. Physical therapy exercises for relieving backache are normally directed towards three basic goals: aerobic conditioning, stretching and strengthening.

Aerobic conditioning or high impact or vigorous physical activity should not be performed by individuals who have back-pain. However, in order to improve the stability and functioning of back muscles, low impact exercises are extremely helpful. These include swimming, yoga, cycling and brisk walking. Low impact exercises and aerobic conditioning help in detoxification of tissues that decrease the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Free radicals damage the tissues and delay the natural healing process.

Stretching exercises normally deal with the exercises involving hamstring muscles of the thigh. Moreover stretching exercises of the back region help in the realignment of ligaments by reducing the stress and tension on back muscles and improving blood supply to clear toxins from the tissues.

Exercises that employ strengthening of back muscles require low impact, high energy exercises by following the recommendation and exercises suggested by physical therapists. Strong back muscles provide support to the vertebral bodies, nerves and blood vessels.

TENS Units for Electrotherapy is also one of the very popularly used methods to relieve backache. Physiotherapists use the TENS technique that helps in relieving backache by releasing trans-cutaneous electrical nerve signals which reduces the perception of the brain to the nerve pain associated with backache.

Experts also suggest massaging and application of warm compresses (in the lumbar vertebral region) to be very effective and soothing for relieving backache. Warm compresses (via a hot water bottle) and massaging (with the help of certain massaging devices or experienced massage therapists) improves the blood circulation that helps in the wash-off the inflammatory and pain causing mediators and also ensure healthy recovery of spinal tissue, vertebrae and ligaments.

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A pediatric physical therapist is responsible for helping kids develop their motor skills so that these kids can work, play and act normally just as other kids do. The task of a pediatric physical therapist does not only involve in making sure that the child can balance and can use his body parts i.e. feet, legs and arms. They will assign specific activities or exercises to the child to help the child gain strength in his arms and legs. Even simple exercises like playing touch ball, baseball, crawling in and out of a tunnel and walking in a straight line can be very helpful to a child's physical development.

There will also be instances when a pediatric physical therapist will advice the patient's parents to modify the living area of the patient to avoid injury, accidents and the like. For example, if the house of the patient is a 2-storey and the bedroom of the child, who is unable to balance his body while walking, is in the top floor the doctor may advice the parents to transfer the child to a bedroom on the ground floor. There may also be adaptive equipments that would make the life of the child easier and his recovery faster.

The work of the therapist will usually start by examining the condition of the child. This includes checking the past medical history of the patient, running a battery of mental and physical tests as well as conducting an interview to the patient's pediatrician, parents and the child itself.

However, a Pediatric Physical Therapist will never be able to help a child's development if the parents or the child's guardian is not cooperative. The key to a child's fast development is the right set of physical exercises and the parents' guidance and participation. Every child needs their parents' approval and encouragement. This is even more important for children who have physical and mental disabilities.

The main job of a pediatric physical therapist is to ensure that the child's problems with movement and strength is addressed. Many people view this job as something very interesting, and indeed, it is! Imagine all the help you can extend to the little ones. It is not an easy job but the mere fact that you are able to help other kids is enough reason to work as a pediatric physical therapist. The salary of a therapist is also competitive and the chance of getting a promotion is also very high.

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Working as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, you already know the impact you have on the lives your job brings you into contact with on a daily basis. Seeing lives transformed back to a point of health, function, and strength rewards you in a way words often elude. Moreover, as rewarding as this work is it's still a professional career path. A path requiring a lifelong education of continual exposure to trusted techniques, methods, and the latest practices. If you are looking to grow in your career, then a medical staffing office is a solid starting point for consideration.

A government report stated that in 2005 "temporary or contract job positions accounted for 20% of the current job market." Today, with a tumultuous job-climate and technology making it easier to access job postings experts believe these types of positions will account for nearly 40% of the available jobs by 2011. And though stats like this can be a little daunting, it really does open-up the career potential for a focused physical therapist or physical therapists assistant thinking about their own future.

Here are some myths and facts regarding medical staffing agencies for consideration:

MYTH: Medical staffing firms only offer temporary jobs.

• Fact: Although there are plenty of short-term job opportunities in today physical therapy and therapy assistant careers, many staffing firms offer permanent hire positions as well. Communicating with your medical staffing recruiter what you are looking for from a job is essential to your own planning.

MYTH: A medical staffing office wont cover my travel expenses or costs of living

• Fact: Today nearly all staffing firms cover the therapist's travel expenses. Staffing firms cover these items in the agreement with the medical provider and come at no expense to the therapist whatsoever. Paying for your travel expenses is an industry standard today. Additionally, per Diem to cover the costs of daily living while on location is equally a common practice. If you find a firm that will not pay your travel expenses or cost of living expenses - find another agency!

MYTH: Medical staffing offices lack industry knowledge of my career field

• Fact: With all the health care and provider requirement changes going on today, medical staffing offices might just be the most up-to-date source you can access daily. A great staffing firm is in constant contact with their providers to ensure they provide them with the best-trained and prepared employee base possible. Due to the high demand and fluctuating job market, the criteria that providers are looking for is often very specific and continually changing. Medical staffing offices are prime source of industry demands and requirements.

MYTH: Medical staffing offices will limit my career portfolio

• Fact: Collaborating with a medical staffing firm might just be the best career move you can make. Not only can it provide you with consistent work, but also the continual exposure to new teams, providers, and the latest industry developments can only enhance your resume.

MYTH: Medical staffing offices will not provide me with health insurance

• Fact: Many staffing firms do offer their employees health insurance as part of an employees benefits package. However, this is contingent on how the therapist-to-staffing firm relationship is defined. If you are listed as a "contractor" (IRS Form 1099), then you will most likely be required to secure your own form of health insurance. If you are listed as an employee (W-2) of the staffing firm, then you can be offered the opportunity to be apart of the company's health insurance plan. This is something that requires research and asking questions of the agency. There are staffing firms out there that do provide health insurance; you just have to do your homework to find them.

As you look to your own professional development in physical therapy, understanding what you expect and need from your career is critical. Medical staffing offices can play a key role in seeing meet your expectations and reap real career rewards that continue to advance you in the physical therapy and therapy assistant field.

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Few people think of physical therapy as a viable option for rehabilitating injured cats. It is usually assumed that cats will not cooperate, but contrary to popular belief, most do not resist treatment. Physical therapy can benefit most cats that have undergone surgery. It is helpful for cats with chronic disease or injury that causes pain, which may be displayed as limping, stiffness, aggression or social withdrawal.

How does physical therapy work?

After an operation, physical therapy reduces pain and swelling, increases strength in weakened muscles and improves the flexibility of joints.

Hot and Cold Treatments

Hot and cold treatments are known as passive rehabilitation techniques. They can be used immediately after a surgical procedure, and also to help chronic conditions such as arthritis. The application of cold compresses can reduce inflammation, pain and bleeding, and they can be applied for 20 minutes one to four times daily. It is important to place a layer of material between the cold pack and the cats skin so it is not uncomfortable.

Heat therapy can be used once the signs of inflammation have gone. Heat therapy increases metabolism and, when applied at this stage, helps decrease pain. Heat is usually applied for 20 minutes two to four times daily, but the applier must check the cats skin every few minutes to check it is not uncomfortably hot. Treatment should be stopped if the cat shows any signs of discomfort.

Therapeutic Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound is another of the passive rehabilitation techniques. This increases the extensibility of collagen fibres, improves muscle condition and improves blood flow to the area treated. In doing this, it decreases pain and accelerates healing. Care must be taken in cats that have had metal implants to fix fractures, as reflection of the waves off the metal can intensify the heat and cause burns.

Another modern technique being pioneered by some clinics is phototherapy, also known as cold laser. This involves applying a low power light to an area that accelerates tissue repair.

Passive Range of Motion

Passive range of motion is the next step in the rehabilitation program. This involves extending and manipulating the cats joint, and can be started before the cat is fully weight bearing. This can be very important in cats that have had splints or casts applied, when the joints have been static for some time. By carrying out controlled movement, scar and connective tissue is strengthened and the effects of contracture are minimised.

Active Rehabilitation

Active rehabilitation can start once a cat starts using an injured limb more. This further increases muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility. There are various techniques available, such as the use of balls, balance boards, slings and aquatic therapy.

When doing the ball exercise, the cat lies on the top of the inflatable ball and is supported. The ball is gently rolled forward until the cats front paws come into contact with the ground. The ball is then bounced gently, which helps strengthen trunk muscles as the cat maintains balance. The ball is then rolled back until the hind paws touch the floor, and then gently bounced again. Cats may resist the therapy at first, but soon become accustomed to the rhythmic movement of the ball.

Balance boards are platforms with a curved rubber bottom. The cat is placed on the centre of the board with its feet shoulder width apart, and the board is slowly rocked from side to side. This is excellent for restoring stability in the early stages of weight bearing after fracture or joint surgery. Slings help support the cat during the early stages of recovery from many conditions where the nervous system has been affected, and are particularly useful as support for cats that have had pelvic surgery.

Aquatic therapy is best performed with a custom designed water tank and underwater treadmill. It provides outstanding rehabilitation for soft tissue injuries, arthritis, post surgery fracture care, post amputation care and neurological problems. It is excellent for increasing strength, flexibility and endurance, while reducing the risk of reinjury.

How long should the therapy go on for?

The length and frequency of therapy depends entirely on the type of injury, age and general health of the cat. Most fracture repairs benefit from therapy 2 to 3 times a week for 6 weeks, while chronic conditions such as arthritis require twice weekly therapy indefinitely (though this usually occurs at home). The owners motivation is the key factor in the success of the therapy, but with some simple demonstrations and a little effort, a huge difference can be made.

Is professional physical therapy in a clinic expensive?

There is a lot of variety among clinics, largely dependent on the expertise of the therapists and the facilities available. Expect to pay US$50 to $75 per session.

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Sports massage therapy can be highly beneficial to athletes who need to constantly perform at the pinnacle of their game. Such masters of the sports world often employ personal massage therapists because they are so pivotal in rehabilitation after a game, or before a game, loosening the body up in preparation for the physical exertion to come.

If a player has damaged tissue then the sports massage therapist can be optimized to aid in the bodies natural healing process. Therapeutic Sports Massage as Rehabilitation is most helpful with:

  • Oxidizing soft tissue with nutrients

  • Rehabilitating muscles and tendons

  • Removing waste from inside deep tissue

Sports massage is somewhat different from a normal spa massage because it is meant to delve deeper into the muscle and completely relax all of your tissue after having participated in extended high intensity action. Sports massage and spa massage do use essentially the same types of strokes and techniques. However, the sports massage therapist is putting more force into specific points of soreness.

Therapeutic sports massage could be ill advised because of the intense penetration into the bodies deeper tissue. If you have any of these physical attributes then sports massage is NOT recommended. You may need to have a discussion with your massage therapist beforehand if you have any medical conditions including:

  • Open wounds

  • Ruptures in muscles or tendons

  • Bursitis

  • Tumors

  • Artificial blood vessels

Therapeutic sports massage can be utilized in successful rehabilitation after a labored day on the playing field. Revitalizing deep within the body and allowing relaxation and rebuilding of an athletic body. Visiting with a sports massage therapist before a game is often quite beneficial as well. Fifteen to forty-five minutes before playing will begin to warm up the muscles that will be needed for peak performance. Even during training there is need for massage therapists to encourage injury prevention, help care for soft tissue and start training the muscles for aches and pain, which is common until they locate the correct position for the required physical implementation that is being placed upon them.

Sports massage therapists are an important part of every game. Rehabilitating athletes and the muscles, tendons and tissue that become damaged every time they compete. There is a highly sought-after market for sports massage therapists going on in the private, public, college and professional levels.

Anyone who is active needs to have access to a massage therapist in order to relieve soreness and avoid injury. Whether your 16 or 60 there are benefits to being healthy and with the aid of sports massage you can achieve the goals set fourth by yourself quicker and easier than thought possible.

For more quick tips and advice on Therapeutic Sports Massage as Rehabilitation or simply sports massage visit this popular website at http://www.health-nutrition-medicine-medical.info. You will find the answers you need and want for Sports Massage Therapy.

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If you are out of work and looking for a stable source of income, being a masseuse might be one of those things you are considering right now. Masseuses, otherwise known as massage therapists (or "masseurs" for male therapists) are rarely out of work because of the ever-growing demand for their service. Life is becoming more and more stressful, and people are finding massage therapy one of the best, if not the best, ways to relieve life stresses. After all, who doesn't want to have a massage after all of the day's work?

The only question is, is being a masseuse worth the time, money and effort you're going to put into it? There's no better way perhaps, to answer this question than to take a look at the average masseuse salary. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that, on the average, masseuses earned a little more than $39,000 in 2009. Not bad for a job in which the actual work input averages only between 15 and 25 hours per week. As you might have guessed it, masseuses don't do massages for 8 hours a day straight, otherwise they'll burn out and leave the profession alone after only a couple of days.

The income of a full-time masseuse is expected to rise steeply in the coming years as the aging American population fuels more demand for massage services. Nowadays you'll often see massage centers charging their clients $80 for an hour of massage. If a person wants only 10 minutes of massage you can charge him $10. It's only a matter of time before the average cost of a massage climbs to $100 per hour. There are actually many massage spas and home service businesses that set their rates to that amount already. You can check out massage ads if you want to see for yourself.

The job of a masseuse is physically demanding, so naturally we ask, is that kind of income good enough? This is a matter of concern considering that in most states, a massage therapist will have to spend months of training and thousands of dollars in a massage school before being licensed to practice. Such a license also requires passing an examination.

To answer the question straight out, I would say that the salary of a masseuse is good given the fact that the hourly pay is quite high. Compared to other jobs requiring physical effort, being a massage therapist pays better. (Concerning the physical exertion, actually you would seldom hear a masseuse complain about the physicality of their work because there are techniques that one can use to lessen the amount of effort and fatigue involved.) The income of a masseuse can even be made much higher if she decides in time to be self-employed. Imagine if you can work for just 15 hours a week but take 100% of the money paid by the clients. You can do the math yourself. It's even better if you love the work that you do and have a passion for it. If that's the case you don't even have to work a single day of your life.

If you have any further questions about massage therapist salary, you should explore the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics' data on massage therapist salary.

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