If you are an athlete or a body builder, a massage chair can be quite handy for you to have. Since body building causes strain on your body, a relaxing massage is quite a relief. Massage has been known to help improve a body builder's performance. Body builders and athletes try to avoid getting an injury. Massage therapy can help build better muscle mass and help prevent injuries.

The following are benefits of massage therapy to a body builder:

1. Improves range of motion of joints and extremities - When you're working out, your muscles will undergo constant stretching and contracting. Though this can help increase muscle mass and develop its shape, it also tightens the muscles and reduces its elasticity. Also, this places your muscles in constant wear and tear that can create scar tissues. This is quite normal for a body builder. However, tight muscles can increase the chances of injury to occur and will also cause muscle pain.

Massage therapy helps soothe your muscles by stretching them sideways. This motion can help decrease tension on your muscles, thus relieving muscle pain. Also, it can help break down scar tissues caused by previous training or injuries, thus increasing mobility.

2. Improves muscle tone and blood circulation to muscle tissues - Blood carries nutrients to different tissues in the body. If you're a body builder, it is important that your muscles get enough nutrients for muscle repair and development. Massage therapy can help improve blood flow to your muscle tissues. This can provide your muscle tissue with enough nutrients for tissue regeneration and build up, reducing the recovery time. With increased circulation of your muscles for tissue repair, it will also help improve muscle tone.

Other than allowing your muscle tissues to receive more nutrients, massage therapy also improves removal of waste products due to metabolism and muscle contractions, like lactic acid. The buildup of lactic acid in your muscles can prevent effective muscular contractions, which causes pain and reduces muscle development. Massage therapy can help improve drainage of lactic acid from muscle tissues relieving pain and allowing effective muscle contractions.

3. Injury prevention - In body building, there is always a risk of getting an injury as you put your body in constant strain and stress. Sports massage therapists may be able to recommend or provide you with a massage program that will help the occurrence of sports-related injury. These therapists provide a massage regimen that is catered for your specific needs. They can help loosen up tight muscles in specific areas, while breaking down scar tissues to improve your performance.

4. Improves stage performance and psychological aspect - When you are about to enter a competition, stress and anxiety can build up in your body. This will add to the stress of working out. This can affect you both mentally and physically. With a soothing massage prior to a competition, you can relax and lower down the tension in your body. This can prepare you mentally and psychologically, giving you enough confidence as you get up on stage.

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I've been a bodyworker for almost 8 years. I started massage school in the fall of 2002 and graduated in June of 2003. School was what you would expect for a massage program; Anatomy & Physiology, Myology, Pathology, Technique, Ethics, and Business were just part of my 9-month program. I learned a lot, and I grew as a person. But how well did it prepare me to grow a successful massage therapy business?

I left school with a business plan in hand and an office space all set up to see clients. I just needed to get my license (a short one week process at that time) and some clients. So, I turned to my business plan and put my marketing plan into action.

I printed my business cards, gift certificates, flyers and posters. I carried my flyers with me everywhere I went and never missed the opportunity to place one on a bulletin board or post one in a window. I was offering new client specials at a ridiculously low price for this area. I networked to friends and family sending emails and letters with business cards offering this introductory rate to them and their friends.

Sometime around July that same year, I began my online efforts. I purchased a great domain name and built myself a very nice website considering I had never done any web work prior to this. The website made it to the top of the search engine pages. Perfect. All I had to do was wait for people to contact me, right? After all I was at the top of the page!

I continued to work a part time job at this point to help supplement my income. If I saw 4 clients in a week I was excited. All my marketing efforts, all my time and money... for 4 clients per week. Don't get me wrong, I was very thankful for those 4 clients. But after a year of this, I was getting worn down. My business plan did not say it was going to be this tough. So, I made the decision to leave private practice and was offered a job managing a local spa. (I had 11 years or previous management experience.)

I spent two years at the spa. I had a great arrangement where I could still see clients but I didn't have to do my own marketing. Plus, it meant I could leave my part time job. However, it still wasn't the vision I had of working for myself.

I worked at the spa for 2 years. During which time I was discovering my passion: CranioSacral Therapy. I was training through the Upledger Institute; I became a teaching assistant and was on the path to certification. But the more in depth I got with my training the more I realized I had to go back into private practice to fully come into my own.

In October 2006, I went back into private practice. This time I had some clients that followed me from the spa. But I knew I would have to start marketing again in order to grow my practice. So, I went online to research massage marketing tips and strategies. And that's when I came across an upcoming webinar for massage therapists on how to create a referral based business. It was a free webinar, so I thought, 'Why not?' I had no idea that it would be the marketing technique I would use the most with the most success.

Before I get to that, I want to say one thing that I have learned. And that is, that typical marketing methods do not work for massage because massage is not a typical service. Massage marketing has to be different. There is a therapeutic relationship involved and we need to take that into consideration. This ties in directly with what I believe to be the marketing strategy that makes most sense for massage therapists and other bodyworkers...

Relationship Marketing.

What's the number one way most therapists say they get clients? Word of mouth referrals. If you can build a solid relationship with your clients, they will become referral machines. Seriously. If you have a strong relationship with your clients and someone asks one of them who they recommend for massage or bodywork, who do you think they will say? You, of course!

It sounds simple and it truly is simple.

The relationship in the office is practically a no-brainer. You should have a great intake with the client, listen to his/her needs, and provide a session that meets his/her goals. Your customer service should be top notch without being over the top or fake. You should be a great listener. But what happens after they leave? How do you continue to build the relationship? Are you ready for this?

Greeting cards. I kid you not.

Clients get greeting cards from me all the time. They are never forced. I never send one if I don't mean what I am saying inside the card. But I do use them. The power of a heartfelt, unexpected greeting card is amazing. Clients talk about this level of detail. They post the cards on their refrigerators. They tell others about them. This is powerful stuff. What kinds of cards do I send?

After the first session, the client will receive a thank you card. Then, throughout the year, they will receive a birthday card, a client appreciation card, thanks for the referral card, and maybe one or two other seasonal cards or sometimes a funny holiday card, like National Watermelon Day (which is August 3 if you need to mark your calendars). There are so many reasons to send cards, but here is the catch.

I mentioned it briefly before. They have to be genuine, heartfelt cards. NOT marketing cards. These cards are not to talk about your monthly special or offer discounts or do any kind of promotion. If that is the point of the card, they will be treated like all the other junk mail and the value is lost. They must truly come from a place of appreciation. That is what builds the relationship. And when you have that relationship, your clients will talk about you to all their friends. They will become the best form of marketing anyone could ask for: walking, talking testimonials.

So where is my business now? I have been back in private practice for almost 3.5 years. I am Upledger Certified in CranioSacral Therapy. I have clients who have been with me for over 5 years. I am booking 3 to 4 weeks ahead depending on the time of year. I send out 30+ cards per month and I look forward to that number getting larger each month.

Pretty powerful for a simple little card, huh?

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A Tantra outcall massage is a professional service catering to the massage needs of business people living fast paced work lives. Those providing the services are professionally trained in the art of tantra massage amongst others, which has many benefits.

Tantra Massage

Tantra massage is an ancient eastern massage discipline which combines gentle touch with a deep tissue massage fully awakening all of the senses, while at the same time healing the mind, body and spirit. Tantra massage awakens the sexual energy as well allowing one to get back in touch with the self. Memories, emotions and desires are reawakened, permitting energy to flow while increasing stamina. As you lay in a tranquil setting, the masseuse will proceed to massage your entire body with warm fragrant oils. This type of massage when expertly done allows you to enter into a trance like state where you will forget all of your problems and relax, while your body becomes increasingly conscious. The process boosts ones awareness of sensual energy, receiving pleasure and joy while being in a completely relaxed state, at the same time being fully aware and awake. Trained masseuses will coach you on breathing properly so that you may receive the full benefits of the massage which are plentiful and discussed below.


All business is stressful and most people lead demanding lives in this day and age. Irregular hours, the pressure of deciding on important decisions, jet lag etc, all contribute to our overall health and state of mind. Having the luxury of a professional masseuse visit you in your own hotel room, will ease all built up stress and tension allowing your physical body to feel light and rejuvenated while your mind feels soothed and relaxed. Tantra massage is one of the best ways in alleviating the stress and demands of a fast paced life-style.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a problem which occurs in a man's life at some point, especially as one gets older. There is nothing to be ashamed of, however many struggle to come to terms with it. Performance anxiety can land you in a vicious circle of frustration and premature ejaculation. From a psychological perspective this is not a surprise, as men have egos to maintain and wish to please their partner. Tantra massage allows you to feel completely at ease without the usual pressures, while at the same time receiving waves of pleasure and stimulation throughout the entire body. Tantra massage teaches you to relax while becoming increasingly aroused without the pressure to perform. The process guides you in a very practical way on how to delay ejaculation for a more fulfilled sensual experience with your partner.

Benefits for Women

Of course it is not just men who can reap the many benefits of a professional tantra massage. Women can also take advantage of the expertise of trained massage therapists. Aside from the obvious benefits in terms of relaxation already discussed, many women experience problems in their sexual relationships as well. Feelings of dissatisfaction due to a myriad of complicated psychological issues in relationships can be frustrating and damaging to any relationship. It is very common for women to have difficulties in climaxing with their partner. This could be due to a lack of education regarding their self-awareness or due to many any other reasons. Either way an experienced tantra massage therapist makes it easy to explore your sensuality in a relaxed environment without any of the daily pressures of life.

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The following are 10 tips that you can learn and apply in the clinical setting as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Having the responsibility of improving someones life not only physically but mentally has a big price tag on it. To be more then just your average clinician you should find a place in your career for them.

1. Be Passionate: Having a passion for the field of physical therapy is a must. Without passion you are just plodding along. The lack of passion will show not only in areas like your tone of voice and body language but, in your work as a whole. Your patient has been through enough down time already they are looking for someone that has skip in their walk and enjoys their work. Having passion will show in everything you do and it will show to everyone. be glad your there.

2. Be a Motivator: Motivation I have found plays a big part in the game of rehabilitation. Most patients will not be someone that is internally motivated, many are externally motivated. Keeping your patient interested in their rehabilitation can be tough but with some encouragement and skill you can usually get the patient to participate in the program. Of course there will always be those that nothing will get them to follow along. Some will be lost and you will not get them back.

3. Have a Get it Done Attitude: you will find days that you will feel you are being stretched beyond your means and capabilities. Having an attitude of defeat will not suffice here. In time you will learn how to exceed your limits. Your co-workers and patients will be counting on you and no one will be coming to the rescue. Insist upon yourself that you can accomplish whatever is laid before you when it comes to having to multi-task and you will succeed.

4. Be Competent: This go without saying that being a competent clinician helps. Being competent means not only in your profession but, but having the knowledge and skillset to be able to think out problems and how to solve them. Most of the encounters that you will come up against out in the field will be situations that necessarily were not in your textbooks. Becoming fully competent will only come with real world work experience and in time you will learn how to handle these unforseen situations.

5. Have A Friendly Personality: Getting along not only with your patients but with your co-workers will be essential. Having all the knowledge in the world but not being able to share it with people or have the people skills on how to present it is a lost cause. As the old saying goes "you get more with honey then you do with vinegar" is true. Present yourself with a smile an expression that says I'am here to help.

6. Be A Good Listener: knowing how to listen has become a lost art. You will be surprised what you can learn from your patient if you will give them a few minutes of your time and hear them out. I have been enlightend many times with information that proved valuable after listening to the patient before I began to dictate what I was going to do. Not only will you learn something that will save you some time but it helps build that mutual respect with your patient.

7. Be Empathic: This might be the most important trait of all. Someone once said " No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." This very true. Again all the book knowledge in the world will not help you with the respect and cooperation from the patient if you do not show and demonstrate that you care about their well-being. If you show and tour actions are perceived that you care about what they may be going through, you will find the patient willing to work with you in difficult situations and you build a better bond between you both.

8. Never Stop Learning: Always be willing to continue reading in your area that you specialize in. Once you stop reading and learning you begin to regress. This is the reason behind some of the continuing education requirements in most states. You will never learn it all however. By reading you stay ahead of the average Therapist that is not reading and you continue to hone your skill. By continuing to read you are giving your patients the best possible care you can by staying up on new trends and rehabilitation tools that can be utilized in their recovery.

9. Be Dependable: Many people will be counting on you to come through for them. This includes not only fellow workers but, your patients. When you say you are going to do something then do it. If you are going to try reaserch a new treatment protocol and the patient is expecting some feedback then deliver it . Nothing will hurt your reputation more in the clinic then not being able to be counted on. In the world of Physical Therapy word gets around fast. It is a small world and if you are nothing more then show then that will be the reputation you will get. You do not want to go that route. Say it and then do it!

10. Be Good at Time Management: Keeping track of your time and being efficient is vital in any clinical setting. Everyone will be busy, you will learn how to manage time or you will get buried and become ineffective. Poor time management skills will reflect in other parts of your life as well. Your patients though they will not say it will expect you to be precise in your time. If you are not advise them beforehand that is the way to properly handle your patient. Most people will understand that there are emergencies in life but a simple phone call or stopping by their room to let them know will let the patient know you respect them enough to keep them abreast of your schedule. Your co-workers will appreciate it also.

There you have it. 10 of the most important skills to take with you once you leave school and enter the workforce. This list is not the holy grail there are many other traits and skills that are important and that could be added as well. Take them read them over and modify them if you wish then, make it a point to practice them each and every day and you will then be a success in your career.

Richard Haynes PTA/CPT Punta Gorda, Florida.

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When people think of massage therapy, they're most likely thinking of Swedish massage techniques. But what is Swedish massage really all about?

Swedish massage is among the most popular massage techniques in the U.S., and it's a great entry point if you're new to massage. The techniques can be adjusted for people who are sensitive to pressure and for those who want deep muscle relief. Various therapists may have personal massage styles that differ from person to person, but there are a few basic hallmarks that differentiate a Swedish massage from other types of massage therapy.

Preparation, Positioning, and Warm-Up

In general, for Swedish massage you'll lie prone on a table with your face resting in a U-shaped cushion, so you can breathe easily without twisting your head to one side. It is often performed with you nude or nearly nude beneath a sheet. If you prefer, you can wear underwear, a swimsuit, or a tank top and shorts. The massage therapist will lift only certain sections of the sheet at a time, depending on what body part is being worked on. Most Swedish massage practitioners will begin by applying massage oil to your skin, rubbing it in to warm up and relax the muscles. Once the muscles are slightly warm and supple, the therapist can truly dig in to release knots and tension. Many of the massages begin with the back, followed by the backs of the legs, the fronts of the legs, your arms and shoulders, and finally your neck and head, but the order can vary based on personal preference.

Swedish Massage Techniques

Certain strokes and actions are associated with Swedish massage. The term "effleurage" refers to gliding and stroking movements across your skin. "Petrissage" refers to the kneading action that a massage therapist uses to dispel knots and tension in the meat of a muscle. "Tapotement" is a rhythmic tapping action performed by the palm, edge of the hand, or back of the hand. A specialist may also employ friction to produce heat, increase circulation, stimulate nerves, and soothe muscles. Some masseuses will also utilize vibration or shaking of certain muscles to help induce a more relaxed state. Which of these actions your massage therapist uses will depend on your health and fitness level, what areas of your body are experiencing tension or soreness, and any goals you have for the massage.

Benefits of Swedish Massage

You may think a massage is solely intended to relax your body and relieve muscle tension, but those are just two of the many benefits of Swedish massage. Massage therapy can also improve your circulation, relieve joint and nerve pain, and stimulate your lymphatic system. Regular massage can help you sleep better, in addition to helping to dispel stress hormones. Swedish massage can even speed up recovery time following a muscle or joint injury, if applied gently and gradually as part of a monitored physical therapy regimen.

One of the great things about this type of massage is that it's straightforward and easy to understand, even for massage novices. Unlike Asian-style massages that focus on meridians and energy work, Swedish massage focuses directly on your anatomy. That makes it easy for you to adapt the massage to your needs. Not enough pressure? Ask the therapist to dig deeper. Experiencing pain when the therapist touches a certain muscle? Let her know, so she can adapt her work accordingly. If something makes you nervous or uncomfortable, say so. The more comfortable and relaxed you can be, the better the results of the massage.

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Many people have interest in massage therapist jobs. Individuals that are interested in this industry appreciate the opportunity to help other people. People that are looking for this type of opportunity usually are trying to find a way to provide for themselves and help others at the same time.

Usually individuals involved with this industry will rent out space in order to provide the service. Building a client base can be a very positive challenge. Working on the bodies of individuals who have various levels of pain can be very gratifying. Once a person has established a relationship with the client they will try to retain the individual to the best of their ability.

Helping people to manage their pain is the main goal of a person that is involved in the profession. Using their hands to work through any physical discomfort that a person is having is the main service that a person in this industry provides. These individuals can work as part of a group or start their own business.

People involved in this industry can set their own hours. They also have the option of choosing to set their own pay scale. This is advantageous for any person that is trying to expand their financial portfolio. People also have the opportunity to work in a health club or other fitness related facility.

Making sure that people are as comfortable as they could possibly be is the main goal of this kind of professional. Accomplishing the goal is a gradual process that people enjoy taking part in. The service provider will be able to help people to maintain a greater quality of life. These individuals also will be trying to encourage a person to live a healthy lifestyle.

The job market is growing. More than ever before insurance companies are starting to cover the service. This is advantageous for people who choose this career because it means that the number of clients that they are doing business with is constantly expanding. People that are able to expand their business will have an enhanced quality of life.

It is fantastically easy to understand the positive aspects of the massage therapist jobs. People in this profession help others and get paid in the process. They also have a chance to help their fellow members of mankind to live a healthier life. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone that seeking in order to find a solid career choice.

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Are you ready to jump into an exciting career filled with energized people? A career in medicine can put you into the action, even if you are on the sideline instead of actually in the middle of the game. Jobs in sport medicine are fast growing.

What is This Medical Career?

Before listing career opportunities it is important you have a good understanding exactly what sports medicine is. It is the study and practice of skills and techniques for the medical treatment and therapy for individuals who participate in athletics or physical activity. The definition is actually quite broad. Professional medical techniques are used for the treatment of injuries sustained through all types of physical activity which can include:

Sore Muscles from Weight Lifting

Broken Bones or Injured Joints from Contact Sports

Strained Backs from an Over Zealous Golf Swing

Minor Impact Injuries from Aerobics Classes

Torn Ligaments of a Professional Baseball Pitcher

Treatment of a Sprained Ankle

If you see a professional treating a sports or exercise related injury it can be considered under the umbrella of sports medicine.

The Variety of Careers in Athletic Medicine

As you may be guessing from the broad and somewhat vague definition of sports medicine the careers in this profession can cover a wide range of choices. Here are some of the more popular titles you may run across:

Sports Medicine Physician

Physical Therapist

Athletic Trainer

Massage Therapist


Exercise Physiologists


Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Health Fitness Specialist

Sports Nutritionist

Along with this wide variety of titles comes a large disparity in wages, too. At the pinnacle of wages is the medical physician with trainers being towards the lower end of the spectrum. Here are some median salaries for a variety of jobs in this field:

Medical Physician - $240,648

Physical Therapist - $74,336

Athletic Trainer - $38,972

Massage Therapist - $42,737

Chiropractor - $129,420

Exercise Physiologist - $44,849

Certified Personal Trainer - $52,750

Sports Nutritionist - $52,867

As becomes very obvious from these salary figures, medicine has a highly variable range of salaries. Depending on your level of education, experience, and specialty you can expect to make anywhere from an average income to very high income levels.

The Educational Requirements of a Sports Medicine Career

Careers can have a wide variety of educational requirements depending on your specialty. Let us examine a few of the sports medicine jobs and their educational demands.

Medical Physician - This broad specialty of medicine will require the following educational requirements:

4 Year Bachelor of Science Degree in Pre-Med or Science

4 Years of Medical School

3-5 Years of Residency

Multiple years of fellowship depending on specialty.

Sports Physical Therapist - This specialized form of physical therapy is also highly demanding in educational requirements, but the rewards are high. Physical therapists usually have less stress and work less hours per week than the average physician. The education requirements include:

4 Year Bachelors Degree

3 Years Doctor of Physical Therapy education. (Note: Some programs allow a 3+3 program where one year of physical therapy education replaces a year of your Bachelor Degree requirements.)

Sports Massage Therapist -This is a loosely regulated position which is usually licensed on a state level. Two examples of requirements for a massage therapist are:

Florida - 500 Hours Training - Passing of licensing exam.

New York - 1000 Hours Training - Pass State Exam.

This is one of the easiest educational directions to start your career in medicine. Many of the job openings will be found in fitness centers and spas with pay being based upon a percentage of sales.

Certified Personal Sports Trainer - Educational requirements on this position vary greatly. You can find courses through universities, trade schools, and online educational classes. You should check your local state requirements. Often the most important requirement is your own extreme level of fitness, knowledge of exercise mechanics, and ability to motivate.

A sports medicine career does not always mean going to 4 years or more of school. As you can see in the examples of a massage therapist or trainer the requirements can be much lower. The difference will be in your earning potential and ability to specialize. Choosing to pursue a career in sports medicine offers not only great income opportunities, but unique opportunities to serve in a career you love.

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Pediatric Physical Therapy is the special field of physical therapy that assists in the early detection of illness in children and uses a variety of methods of treatment. Licensed practitioners of pediatric physical therapy perform diagnosis, treatment proper, and health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired health disorders. The role that physical therapists play in the rehabilitation of pediatric diseases could not be dejected as much as much as those of the special role of the pediatrician of child psychologist. Children with developmental delays or congenital and non congenital conditions - cerebral palsy, down syndrome, spina bifida, and torticollis are a few of the patients treated by pediatric physical therapy. All the same, children who are measured as 'normal' also benefit from the therapy as it directs the improvement of their total and refined motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory development.

We here all the time that growth and development is crucial in the early years - crucial and capable. Children's physiology is easy to mold into a correct form. Their health progress is receptive to performance of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercises as well as strength building (anaerobic) exercises. A plain touch therapy could make miracles. Yet let's put away all the medical formalities of physical therapy. Any activity done with the kids ought to be a fun activity - including pediatric physical therapy. Let us not put a promising pediatric physical therapy in the scary zone along with a knee-knocking first trip to the dentist. At any rate, a fun-filled pediatric therapy is part of the therapy. It's a great way to connect the kids with their parents, and to boost their self- esteem.

And all is possible even through a simple regular exercise. As children get involved in physical activities early in life, they have less chances of undergoing more stringent therapies in the future. There is definitely an explanation for the maxim, 'Prevention is better than cure'. Pediatric physical therapy clearly illustrates. And the children won't even know it. Make them do a soccer ball kicking, jumping jack, rolling, alternate toe touch, tumbling, arm circles, truck rotation, beach ball catch, or any exciting exercises you can come up with the therapist - complete with a game objective or music. With pediatric physical therapy, kids could feel kids again. They would feel the attention. And apart from the gentle touch, they'd feel loved.

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For students who have never enrolled in an online course online physical therapy schools can be daunting. Prospective students might want to know how an online degree or certificate compares to one received at an institution which offers this course in class.

For students to expect to be successful at online schools, they must be prepared for their studies and able to manage their time well in online courses. Whereas in regular classroom instruction, there are reminders to finish projects or assignments, or attendance is part of the overall grade, in online courses this is not the case. In an online course, you must log into the site and complete your assignments and submit them on time. These are excellent skills for the workforce.

Okay, that said, let's look at what this course actually involves. Physical therapists work in the health industry. They measure, assess, and treat medical issues related to a patient's physical mobility. They possess a degree in physical therapy are must be members in good standing in their certification program. Many possess master's or doctorate degrees. The cost of their degrees vary widely with the schools they attend.

Whatever school you choose whether it is in-class, online or a combination, the school must be accredited as Physical Therapy Education by the American Physical Therapy Association so you can write your national boards. This is a crucial first step in choosing online schools.

Of the over 200 physical therapy degree programs in US, almost all grant doctoral degrees. These take three years of post-graduate studies to complete. They build on what was learned in an undergraduate education. Courses most often include: neuroscience, biomechanics, and pharmacology. The courses also offer clinical or "hands on" training. This training would normally include: tests and measures, medical screening and therapeutic interventions. The graduate of the doctoral program can then write the National Physical Therapy Examination. Passing this licenses the graduate in every American state. Often if they move to another country physical therapists will be required to become licensed in that country before being employed there.

Advantages to online schools include: working at your own pace, holding down a job and having a family life are all doable. They are also less expensive if only for the fact that travel and accommodation costs are non-existent with online study.

Online learning has disadvantages: You are working alone. You have limited access to your instructor and/or your fellow students. Time management and mature self-pacing are crucial to your success. Attendance and participation are not even considered in marking. Since physical therapy most often uses a team approach, online study is nothing like the environment in which you will be working.

Online physical therapy schools have increased in both popularity and number since widespread availability of the Internet became a reality. Given your work and home situation, online learning may be the best option for you.

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Careers in herbal medicine are on the rise as a result of the increased demand for alternative healing methods to complement and sometimes even replace the Western medicinal techniques of prescription drugs and surgeries. More and more people are being drawn to herbal medicine, and talented individuals are stepping up to the plate in the United States and around the world to provide these healing services. Embarking on this career path will require dedication, hard work, education and training, but there are many rewards if you're ready for the challenge. ????

There are many careers in herbal medicine to choose from including Ayurvedic practitioners, Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists, homeopathic practitioners, natural healing practitioners, naturopaths and other iridology-related fields. The first step toward any of these careers is getting the proper education from a reputable school. Coursework might include subjects such as Ayurvedic medicine, botanical medicine, cell chemistry, Chinese medicine, herbal pharmacy, phytochemistry and plant compounds. This will depend greatly on the specific career you wish to enter and the school you attend, but these are some of the more common subjects that herbal medicine students study.

Some herbal medicine careers require certification or credentialing and others don't, but it's always a good idea to have some proof of the level of experience you have attained and the education you have received for your chosen field. It is important to be sure you are attending a reputable school for herbal medicine that will teach you everything you need to know to be respected by peers and/or potential clients. Look into several schools, and review their costs, curriculum and certificate, degree and diploma options. You may also be required to have a certain level of education before even attending such schools, such as a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. You may want to seek out possible options to participate in an internship so that you can gain experience and first-hand on-the-job knowledge.

If you're considering getting into a career in herbal medicine, it's a good idea to start gathering information as soon as possible, so you can decide if this type of job is right for you. Then you can begin your educational path and be well on your way to a rewarding new profession.?

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