One of the things I see often in the massage profession are people getting massages from massage therapists and they complain afterward that it was mediocre or even worse.

The key to getting a great massage is that you have to ask for one! Massage therapists should also be doing their best to give you a great massage by getting your feedback and asking specific questions.

Often as a client, you may find yourself hesitant to ask for what you want because you don't want to hurt that persons feelings or you are afraid of making unreasonable demands...or whatever it is that keeps you from speaking up and asking directly for what you need.

Being honest won't hurt a Great massage therapists feelings! Being direct won't hurt a Great massage therapists feelings either. As much as you would like to have the therapist read your mind - it just doesn't happen. To get a great massage is like a dance - the massage therapist responds to your body. The more in tune you are with your body and your needs, the better the chance for a Great Massage Every time.

Here are some things to know:
1. How much pressure do you like to have applied? This will vary per body part and the amount of pain or tightness you have. Pain usually means that something is tight. Often the tightness is not where the pain is so the massage therapist will need to work on other areas that cause the pain.
2. Do you want extra time on a certain body part like the back or neck? Head or feet? Hands/forearms? You have to tell the person directly what you need worked on. Knowing this requires that you tune into your body and know your body.
3. Tell the therapist if you are too hot, too cold or it is too bright or too dark in the room. Tell them if you hate the music and better yet tell them what kind of music you like or ever way better yet- Bring your own CD to play during the massage.
4. Undress to the level of your comfort no matter what the therapist requests...and tell them about your needs for privacy and safety.
5. Try not to talk too much during your massage and stay tuned into what you are feeling. Try not to drift off to sleep either. Staying aware of the touch is what heals.
6. Breathe deeply and regularly. Focus on your breathing. Feel how your body lies on the table and feel where it touches and where it doesn't. Feel what other parts of your body moves or doesn't move with each breath.
7. The no pain - no gain slogan does not have to be applied to massage therapy. Staying in communication with your therapist can allow them to access deeper layers of muscles without pain!
8. Arrive on time or a few minutes early. Why are you rushing to get relaxed?
9. Getting a massage should be all about you and YOU only. If your therapist is getting in the way- let them know. If they are talking to much or not doing something that feels great let them know!

Knowing your needs may require that you try different massage therapists with different styles and techniques. You will often have to find out what you don't like to know more about what you do like!

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