Treating shin splints can be difficult when the pain is too much to handle. From the vulnerable nerves to the inability to put pressure on the lower leg, it is one of the excruciating foot conditions. Nevertheless, with the right treatments, shin splints relief is possible in most cases. Including the proper use of orthotics and several innovative massage techniques, relief is finally in sight.

Learn How You Can Make a Difference for Your Shins

Shin splints are commonplace injuries that are caused by some of the following major factors:

  • Weakened anterior or tight posterior leg muscles

  • Sprinting on a hard surface or a recent increase of physical activity

  • Wearing shoes that are too tight or small including lack of heel cushion or shoes with little support

  • Suffering from flat arches

These factors can become a life-changing injury if your career depends upon your fitness level or being on your feet for prolonged periods. In the case of police officers, for example, they must stay fit and strong so they can keep up with their requirements on the job. With better upkeep of fitness, however, shin splints can quickly become an issue.

Orthotics Help Foot Pain in More Ways than One

Research studies have concluded that shoe orthotics help relieve shin splints by cushioning the heel as well as providing arch support. These are several of the major factors listed above that can be taken care of starting today. Some athletic shoe orthotics are specially made to cushion the heels and support the feet. These devices diminish the stress to be absorbed into the insoles instead of forcing the joints to absorb most of the stress. For people with flattened arches, shoe orthotics designed for athletes can be purchased with firm arches so that normal arch support is provided to the feet. Wearing adequate foot arch support is critical to normal foot function.

Treating Shin Pain Involves More than Resting

More can be done for the lower legs aside from strengthening and stretching the muscles as well as keeping the affected area iced and rested. Massage treatments can make a huge difference in the overall healing time. One recommended exercise is to massage under water. Water massage using cold water is highly recommended, since it can help to reduce fluid retention in the area.

Shin Pain is Easy with Massage

One underwater massage technique involves first soaking the lower legs in a bathtub with some ice cubes. This will lessen the swelling and also help the nerves to be soothed. Never press thumbs into the shins, since this can send the injured person through the roof in pain. Instead, with a hand-off approach, have them point their toes and flex their foot alternately underneath the water. This not only self-massages the inner muscles, but helps bring blood to the area. It also strengthens the anterior muscles while stretching the posterior muscles in tandem.

Learn How Massagers Can Remove Shin Pain

Another massage that helps tremendously for shin splints is by way of a battery-operated or plug-in massager that provides vibration massage. With nerves ultra-sensitive to being touched, giving a skin-to-skin massage simply isn't the best option. Some types grip the leg via a neoprene sleeve while others are in the shape of a square and can be placed flat on the floor or on top of the shin. For tight posterior leg muscles, a roller-type massage machine (handheld) can also be excellent for massaging calf muscles.

You no longer have to let shin splints stop you from living. With the frequent use of shoe orthotics and these two massage techniques; shin splints can be painless and extremely effective.

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