Find Massage Therapy Classes in the United States and Canada. Whether you are serious about becoming a professional massage therapist, or are simply curious about todays array of available massage modalities, then enrolling in one of a number of massage therapy classes can help you to learn more about this fascinating healing art.
Massage therapy classes are obviously offered as part of an in-depth curriculum at any one of numerous massage schools, but did you know that there are many community centers and schools that provide introductory massage therapy classes to the general public as well? A matter of fact, students interested in the field of massage can get a "feel" for the art by learning the history and basic massage techniques extended through holistic workshops and seminars.
Though beginner massage therapy classes often involve practical training in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and kinesiology, they will commonly include an introduction to range of motion and common musculoskeletal disorders and conditions. In more advanced massage therapy classes, extensive training is provided in highly developed bodywork modalities like meridian therapy, shiatsu (a form of acupressure), medical massage, geriatric massage, prenatal and infant massage, animal massage, Thai massage, craniosacral therapy, among others.
Individuals seeking certification or degree programs will discover that many massage therapy classes are geared toward an extended course of study that involves not only basic therapies, but general curriculums in business, pathology, pharmacology and even herbal medicine. In addition to classroom training, students participating in more advanced massage therapy classes will frequently gain practical clinical experience as well.
Depending on the program in which you choose to enroll, massage therapy classes often vary in time, curriculum and massage modalities. If you would like to attain State or National certification, you will need to review the school in question to determine if all massage therapy classes meet requirements to pass the State and/or National certification exams. While States differ in regulations, most massage therapy classes entail a minimum of 300 class hours; and to become nationally certified, students will need a minimum of 500 training hours.
As a career, massage therapists can enjoy rewarding incomes and diverse working environments. Professionals who have completed all necessary massage therapy classes and training can earn over $30 an hour, and can work in wellness centers, aboard cruise liners, in chiropractic clinics, nursing homes and other associated healthcare facilities.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding massage therapy classes, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.
Massage Therapy Classes from Beginner to Advanced
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