Massage can provide comfort and relaxation at the end of life, which can be a time of increased anxiety and fear for those making the transition as well as for their families. Hospice is a term that refers to the palliative care of patients who are nearing death. Palliative care does not attempt to cure a condition, rather, it strives to provide comfort and support to the dying, and treatments such as massage are focused on making the transition more comfortable for the individual.
Limited research has been conducted on the benefits of therapeutic massage for the dying, but the available data points to a quantifiable improvement in several important areas. Many recipients of end of life massage have demonstrated a positive response to the therapy, such as a decrease in emotional distress, anxiety, physical discomfort, pain and nausea. Although more research is necessary to establish the advantage of providing massage therapy at the end of life, informal discussions with practitioners support the opinion that therapeutic massage provides increased relaxation and comforts the recipient both physically and emotionally.
Physical benefits of therapeutic massage for those at the end of life include the easing of muscle tension and improved circulation. Improved circulation has secondary benefits, such as aiding with digestion, promoting easier breathing, providing a temporary enhancement of mental clarity and encouraging a more restful sleep. Pain management is also an important benefit of massage, especially for those with a terminal illness. Massage's proven effectiveness for the reduction or mitigation of pain can even diminish the need for prescription painkillers.
Emotional comfort also extends to the family members, as they are aware that someone is providing a gentle and compassionate method of care to their dying loved one. Isolation is a common factor that hospice patients experience, and the gentle, caring touch of a massage can convey a sense of physical connectedness that helps the individual to know that they are not alone. Massage can reestablish positive self-esteem and promote self-acceptance to a person whose body has been tormented by disease. This can have a positive impact on the quality of life, and can also spur a release of emotions.