
Massage therapy is a career field that is growing rapidly in recent years. If you take the time to think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Times have never been tougher; people are experiencing more stress than ever, so it only makes sense that a massage every now and again can make an intolerable situation a bit easier to take. However, in order to become a massage therapist, the proper route must be followed.

Students generally have two routes they can go in securing their training in this field. They can choose to attend one of the many massage therapy schools available, or they can attend some of the major beauty academies, as they will also offer this training. It really comes down to a matter of preference, tuition, and location. Take the time to research the different institutions available and pick the one that best fits all of your needs and resources.

While training, many students are offered the opportunity to practice their trade and get direct feedback from clients. They will also have direct supervision from supervisors to help improve their technique. This is an important factor to consider, as a masseur must be comfortable dealing with perfect strangers in a setting that can be awkward for some.

Upon graduation, the decision must be made to work for a spa, hospital or health care center, or perhaps start your own business. Spa's and health care facilities will offer the luxury of a guaranteed salary and benefits. However, many people go into this field because they do not want to work the typical 9-5 job. For those individuals, having their own business is probably the best option.

Opening up your own shop also presents a couple of options. Do you want to establish a storefront business or travel to the clients? For a new business owner, traveling from home to home is a very attractive option. Overhead is kept very low, as there is no rent or staff to pay. This is something to consider as having a storefront could put the business in the hole for thousands of dollars before a single massage is booked.

Traveling from home to home also makes it more convenient for the client. Think about this...would you really want to have to worry about getting dressed, get back into the car, and then drive home after an hour and a half massage? Clients will love the fact they are able to remain relaxed and allow the therapy to sink in. Once word gets out about the quality and convenience offered, expect that appointment book to be loaded with new clients.

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