
Exhaustion, excitement, curiousity and intense interest led me into tedious research to have my own dogs Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon, both Labradors Retrievers, recover from disease, anxieties, and poor muscular strength due to their stay in a Humane Society shelter, an organization that lacked consistent health-care and environmental cleanliness.

Medications and visits to the Veterinarian were temporary remedies. What seemed to be an exhaustive endless search not only made the dogs more sick, but it affected my physical and emotional health as well. So in order to do well for the dogs, it was necessary for me to take precautions to regain physical and emotional stamina. I really did not in my mind, have time to pause. I was just "anxious" to get my dogs well. Maybe this form of anxiety pressed me forward and gave me strength. This strength I know is not of my own, but rather of a higher power...Faith

The research took me to mainland resources, as help on Maui was not positive. Within another 3-month period after the dogs' release from the shelter, I discovered a health-care alternative... therapeutic massages for dogs. I became an avid reader on the subject, and a strong pursuer investigating current massage therapists, as well as an intense follower on testimonials. Every turn of my research reaped good information. Documented benefits made such logical and comfortable sense, that I decided to master this subject with a well-selected mentor of experience and professionalism. My decision to participate as a full time student led me to practice on my own dogs.

I began with Churchill Graham, the oldest, who was physically, physiologically, and emotionally weak. Intermittently, I practiced massages on Francesca Le Bon Bon, who also was weak due to extreme weight loss, but suffered most with emotional anxieties.

For a four-month period of daily massages, I became proficient with the language to understand dog anatomy and all its boundaries, and mastering the massage treatments well. Soon the essence of my "touch" was natural and purposeful. I experienced a different "closeness" with each dog. A closeness more than endearment for the dogs. It was an unusual feeling of being in-touch with every part of their body, both internal and external. I sensed beyond the strands of each fur hair, the sculptured lift of muscles and tendons shown on the exterior. I experienced with every touch an interpretation of what the dogs were attempting to convey to me what was happening with them. Sounds unusual. But life is unusual! With these touches, I "listened" and allowed this " lead" to accompany me with what I was learning from books and videos and from someone I trusted to teach and be my mentor. The dogs became more and more receptive with each two-hour session. My emotional energy was always positive toward helping my dogs recover, therefore this energized goal made the journey easier. In addition, the fact that I could observe beneficial changes in each dog's behavior particularly nearing the end of four months, I experienced less stress. Exuberant joy became my natural emotional high! Of course, massages would not end after four months, they were just re-scheduled in frequency. Instead of daily massages, it would be two or three times a week or when needed.

True, Churchill Graham recovered. A long haul, but he regained his proper weight, resumed natural activities with enthusiastic long runs and deep strides, and athletic endurance shown with ocean swimming... a returned favorite. His circulatory system clearly showed improvement as we witnessed better eating habits with healthier bowel movements and urine elimination. Yes, Churchill Graham, for an older dog, had a superb health recovery!

Francesca Le Bon Bon, is the younger dog, and her recovery delivered to us, a less fearful dog. She regained positive socialization behavior with other dogs and people. However, she does have a "possessive behavior" with toys and anything that belongs to the family...a protective energy I considered not an issue, but rather an understandable behavioral change.

For the sake of closure, Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon were released from the shelter, for we WON the case against The Humane Society Shelter, with the approval of the Animal Control Board. In addition, the Circuit Court Judge removed all issues against my dogs. This indeed, was a moment of happiness for my dogs, myself and the multitude of witnesses who proved the innocence and character of my dogs!

It was good to observe the Humane Society Shelter go down with evidence of their lack, mainly to openly demonstrate their NEED to change. To trust such a community service group nationally known to be "humane" to animals, yet lacked the leadership of keeping my dogs, as well as other animals healthy, should have been an awakening call to do their "clean-up."

Our experience, easily confirm how Canine Therapeutic Massage does set one "free." Literally free from frozen or tight muscles; free to experience good circulation for nutrients to flow easier to the muscles, providing normal elimination of excessive fluids, waste and toxins; free from stress; free from inflammation and swelling of the joints; and particularly a freer experience from muscular fatigue.

Now, I am a Certified Canine Massage Therapist. It is my choice to spread the good news of how therapeutic massage for dogs can be such an important part of a total health-care regimen for dogs of all breeds.

There is no rule as to when to "begin" a therapeutic massage routine. Every dog differs in structural growth and receptiveness to massage touches. However, two to three months of age is a good start for a puppy. If you discover the importance of dog massage at a late age, then BEGIN anyway. Churchill Graham was 8 years of age for his first therapeutic massage experience. Very importantly, he recovered as a much healthier dog at age eight due to exercise, discipline, good nutritional habits, therapeutic massages and a loving home.

Therapeutic massages are an excellent start for "preventive measures" against injury and disease. Prevention is the key to avoid monumental problems. The important point is, a regular pattern of therapeutic massages will condition any dog toward a valuable healthier life with age-saving possibilities. Furthermore, visits to your favorite veterinarian may change with less expensive visits. Reason? Massages will keep your dog in-check for constant better health performances.

I want to make clear however, Canine Massage Therapy, does not take the place of a Veterinarian's medical service and care. Together, we are health-care professionals wanting to keep you and your dog experiencing a comfortable, and healthy existence.

Canine Therapeutic Massage began 120 years ago! As the "world turned," new ideas or remedies happened, and the benefits of massage therapy slowly diminished. The timing could not be more indicative of the events that were transpiring in medical science at the time. That is, new surgical techniques were being developed and so-called miracle drugs were discovered.

However, Veterinarians of the 1980s slowly and assuredly discovered, that there is a real and dynamic place for therapeutic massages for dogs. What people once called old-fashioned remedies and treatments, has now secured prominence in a maintenance program for all dog breeds. Veterinarians proponents of surgery and pharmacology acknowledges that massage is a viable treatment in achieving dramatic benefits and results that were attributed throughout history! When such history recycles, that's telling us something! Its reiterating how beneficial Canine Therapeutic Massage really is.

I have already welcomed you all to the rewarding world of therapeutic massage for dogs. Now it's your turn to arrange to offer your dog purposeful "touches" so his or her fur bundle can experience happiness, as has my dogs!

With all this information, it is most important to know that there are TIMES when massage should NOT be done on dogs:

* Never be used when there is evidence of a fever.

* Never be used when dog is in shock.

* Never be used in most forms of skin disease, except in the thickened condition of the skin left behind by eczema.

* Never be used in apoplexy cases: rupture of a blood vessel

* Never be administered to abscesses or tumors.

My personal adventure with Canine Therapeutic Massage has been a long and successful journey. To be recognized as a Certified Canine Massage Therapist is an honor, as it is a privilege to care for dogs and be responsible for allowing their lives further expand in years with comfort.

For more details, please visit my website:

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