Lymphedema, otherwise known as lymphatic obstruction is a condition characterized by swollen arms or legs. It is caused by a lymphatic fluid build- up in the soft tissues of your body. The lymphatic system is referred to as the second circulatory system of the body. It consists of the lymph vessels and lymph nodes. It is responsible for collecting and filtering the lymph fluid which is made up of fats, protein, water, and cellular wastes of the body. The filtered fluid is then returned to the blood. When the lymphatic system becomes damaged, the lymph fluid then builds up and results to swelling.
If you want to learn how to deal with lymphedema patients, you may choose to attend a training. There are actually two types of lymphedema: the inherited and the acquired. Some people may be born missing lymph vessels and lymph nodes. During these people's adolescence, the swelling usually appears in the foot or calf. However, another case of which may develop during infancy, this is called Milroy's disease. Acquired lymphedema on the other hand may occur due to an injury in the lymphatic system due to surgery or radiation treatments, or even liposuction procedures. These treatments can actually damage the lymphatic system.
People suffering are dangerously prone to infections. Even a slight cut or insect bite on the swollen affected area can cause severe infection. The infection can affect the connective tissue under the skin and recurring infections can scar the skin which makes it more prone to further infection. The onset of lymphedema may be detected through a number of symptoms including pains, weakness, tightness or heaviness on your arm or leg. Also, your wrists or ankles may not be as flexible as it used to.
Lymphedema, according to some medical experts, is incurable. However, if mild it is treated accordingly, the condition can be prevented from worsening. There are some institutions that offer training in Maui. These establishments teach people the proper way of handling the illness. The treatment includes exercises, massages, pneumatic compression, and the proper usage of bandages and compressions garments.
Light exercises of the affected limbs can help pump out the lymph fluid out of the limb. Also, the affected lymph must be cleaned regularly and must be applied with lotion. There is a special massage technique that can be performed on the affected limb, called manual lymph drainage which can further help in pumping out the lymph fluid out of the affected limb. Then, bandages should be wrapped around the affected limb to promote movement of the lymph fluid from the affected limb and into the trunk of the body. Also, when doing chores, make sure to wear protective gears to avoid getting cut.
Some may be advised to undergo pneumatic compression wherein the infected limb is inserted into an inflatable sleeve. The sleeve is connected to a pump which will be inflated at certain intervals to put pressure on the limb and will eventually encourage the lymph fluid to move. And lastly, the use of compression garments may be advised to prevent recurrence of the swelling of the affected area.