The amount of money you can earn as a physical therapy assistant is almost entirely up to you. There are factors that play into the amount you can earn but, you also have control over that factor. Choose a specialty, it helps. In most fields of science or medicine, choosing a specialty helps you earn more. As a physical therapy assistant, the area of specialty will have a great deal to do with your income. When it comes to being an assistant, there are seven common areas of specialty available for you to choose from. With each specialty, your income will vary.
These seven areas of specialty are:
With each of these specialties, you will be required to have different training and slightly different educational needs. Once you understand your journey to becoming a physical therapy assistant begins with selecting your specialty you are well on your way. The next decision you need to make is where exactly you want to work. Different geographical areas can have different salary levels for the same position so it is important to know where it is you want to work. Along with where you will be working and which specialty you will choose, you also need to look at how much experience you have.
You would not expect a physical therapy assistant fresh out of school to make the same salary as one with 15 years experience, would you? The amount of experience you have will greatly change your income. A newly graduate physical therapy assistant can realistically look to earn between 21 and 30 dollars per hour while an assistant with many years of experience and the education to back it up can expect to earn between 30 and 45 dollars an hour. With any line of employment you choose, time at a job, experience, geographic location, and educational level will play a role in the amount of income you are compensated with. The field of physical therapy assistant is no different. The more experienced you are and the more difficult your specialty is, the more money you will make.