Learning Deep Tissue Massage can help set you apart from many of the other massage therapists at spas or massage franchises and help you find a job in massage. There is a very big misunderstanding in the massage profession as to what is deep tissue massage. It is not just applying deep pressure to the body during a massage. There is more skill involved in giving a good deep tissue massage. Most spas and franchises just think it is applying more pressure.
First off it should not be painful to a client. It also should not be hard on your body. Doing this type of work correctly you will be able to access deeper muscles of the body when you learn to relax more and not use force. Using force will make people resist more causing more tension.
Deep tissue massage is working with the deeper muscles of the body and being able to work on them in a way that lengthens them using awareness, intent and your own body weight. You will learn to "use the force" like Luke in "Star Wars". It takes more than a weekend workshop to learn this type of massage. It takes a few years of practice and training or working in an apprenticeship program to be effective in this modality.
When you really know how to give a good deep tissue massage, it is an almost sure-fired way to be a successful massage therapist. People love a good effective massage. You will learn to use your knuckles, elbows, fist and fingertips and learn how to use good body mechanics to work more effectively. Clients will feel invigorated and will leave with less pain, making you look good.