Do you know what is Iliotibial Band Syndrome or ITBS? To understand more about ITBS, it's essential to learn about the iliotibial band. The iliotibial band is a ligament that runs down the hip to the shin on the outside of the thigh. Working in conjunction with other thigh muscles, the iliotibial band offers stability to the knee joint. This band becomes narrow when it comes near the knee, and it can rub against the bone, causing inflammation.

ITBS is a common injury for serious runners, cyclists or hikers. When the leg is repeatedly turned inward, the iliotibial band is inflamed, and the result is Iliotibial Band Syndrome. This inflammation usually takes place on the outside of the knee joint at the end of the thigh bone where the lateral epicondyle is located. Under normal circumstances, the smooth gliding motion of the iliotibial band is facilitated a bursa which is found between the muscle and the bone. Once the iliotibial band is inflamed, it cannot glide quite as smoothly, resulting in pain in the knee. Since the pain occurs on the outside of the knee, many people who suffer from ITBS mistakenly assume that they have a knee injury.

One thing about ITBS is that it affects both amateur and seasoned athletes. When iliotibial band is inflamed, you will feel pain when you exert pressure on your knee joint. Some people stubbornly try to work through the pain but they will discover that the pain becomes more intense as they continue running, walking, or cycling as they exert more pressure on the knee joint. What are some of the symptoms of ITBS? The most common symptom of ITBS is the detection of pain on the outside of the knee. In the beginning stages, you may feel a pricking or stinging sensation, and then, you will feel some pain when your heel hits the ground. As the situation becomes worse, the pain may be so excruciating when you climb or descend a flight of stairs or even when you walk. In some cases, there will be a popping or snapping sensation when the knee is bent, and there may also be some swelling in the affected area.

How do you treat ITBS? The easiest treatment is rest. One of the main causes of ITBS is overexertion of the iliotibial band so it makes sense to rest the band to allow it to recuperate. Another treatment is to use ice on the affected area. This will help to settle the inflammation and relieve the pain. You have probably seen some professional athletes with ice packs on their knees so it's an effective treatment. There are also anti-inflammatory medications which may be helpful like naproxen and ibuprofen. It's best to consult your doctor before you take these medications because they may have side effects or interactions with other medications. Other types of treatments for ITBS include massage, physical therapy, and some special stretches or exercises. Depending on the severity of the ITBS, it can take weeks or months to recover fully so it requires a certain level of patience.

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Of all body work techniques Shiatsu is commonly known to the western world as acupressure. Which is not completely accurate because acupressure involves using needle pressure. However there are no needles used in Shiatsu, instead you use the thumbs, heels of the hands, elbows, knees and even feet.

Shiatsu is usually done on a mat on the floor and the client is always clothed. Different points along the body are compressed, working along the median of the body and the person's Ki, also known as energy points.

Often times a lot of the work is done on the soles of the feet and other acupressure points along the body that as a result stimulate different healing sensation.

Always be aware of your own body when you are working on someone. Make sure that you are centered and you are not over reaching and that you are coming from a place in your lower abdomen. At all times during the massage you should maintain contact with the subject with one of your hands, which is called the mother hand.

The are many benefits of the Shiatsu massage especially when we dealing with the fatigue, pain of the lower back, headaches, tension in the shoulders, anxiety and various other physical conditions.

These benefits include increased circulation, more relaxation, easing tension and discomfort in the body. Bringing blood to the area helps release tension and ease knots. Other benefits are increased flexibility and range of motion and getting more in tune with ones body. Some people claim to have decreased their blood pressure from massage.

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As of January 2012, the State of Ohio Medical Board, which licenses a person to practice massage therapy, will be accepting the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) developed by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards, as its "credential" for practicing in the state. It will actually be a two-step process. First, a person will have to apply to take the exam. It costs $195. Secondly, after passing the exam, the applicant will have to apply to the State of Ohio Medical Board for licensing. This fee will be an additional $150.

Currently, the MBLEx is a licensing exam that is recognized in approximately 30 states and the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. It should not be confused with the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork that is offered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB). Passage of the MBLEx exam will permit a person who desires to practice massage in Ohio to APPLY for licensure. The NCBTMB exam will not.

If you are preparing for the MBLEx, you will find that there will be 125 multiple choice questions and you will have 140 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is taken at a PearsonVue testing center and you register to take it based on your available days/times. Twenty-five percent of the questions will be on basic anatomy and physiology content, 13% on pathology, 5% on history of massage, 10% on professional practice, 13% on ethics, and 34% on massage techniques, client treatment plans, etc. You receive your results upon completing the exam.

After passing this exam, you will apply to the State of Ohio Medical Board for a license. The application, once completed and money paid, will take about 10-12 weeks to process.

For more information about the MBLEx, go to

The usual procedure for licensure as a massage therapist in Ohio has been to "sit" for a paper-and-pencil test either in December or June of each year. There have been two sections of this test, one for Basic Science and the other for Limited Branch (massage). If a person did not pass either section, they were not granted a license to practice. If a person did not pass either part of this exam after three attempts, they were required to get additional "schooling", what was known as a certificate of competency. Only after passing each exam part was the person granted a license to practice in Ohio.

For more information about the State of Ohio Massage Therapy licensure, go to

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Are you in need of a 'good' massage?

Massage has become one of the most popular treatments over the past few years and the need for a good massage is only increasing as more of our work and even some of our social activities are desk or computer based.

When I first trained in massage therapy in the early 90's, clients would normally visit the salon or spa for waxing, facials or for slimming treatments. Massage was one of the treatments which were considered as being a luxury or a special treat once in a blue moon.

I must admit back then life was very different for people generally, many clients would have a secretary or assistant to type up work. For some, once you finished work that was it as there was no emails to check as not everyone had the internet. Very few people had laptops so sitting on the sofa or in bed whilst working was very minimal and finally 'Googling' and social networking was near non-existent.

Coming in today things have changed. Many no longer have secretary's so they have to deal with admin themselves, most work is done on the computer, some at desks and some in awkward positions whilst sitting on the sofa or lying in bed. Long gone are the days when once you left the office your work would be over, now we can be contacted on our mobiles or can check our emails at home if not on the way. Our working day still continues even after we've left the office or even before we've reached the office.

There are a variety of massage based treatments are available in clinics, spa's, salons and health clubs. We've even seen massage in clubs, shopping centres as well as massage therapists who come to the work place.

With so many places offering massage, how do you know which is the best place to go and how can you tell if you are likely to get a good massage?

1) Online Reviews

Firstly, online reviews are a great way of finding out about what people have to say about a particular business. Do bear in mind though, sometimes the reviews may be something negative about the establishment or one member of staff so you could potentially miss a great massage from another member of staff who hasn't been reviewed. Also there is a saying which goes 'a customer who has had a bad experience will tell five people but if they've had great experience they may not even tell a soul'. So sometimes you can't always get a true indication whether you will get a 'good' massage treatment or not from a review.

2) Qualifications

A good massage therapist will have the following qualifications: NVQ level 3, HND Health & Beauty, ITEC, CIBTAC or CIDESCO, there maybe other recognised bodies too but check whether they have a qualification and not just a workshop certificate. Anatomy and physiology is a big part of the training as knowing the muscular system, skeletal system and their functions can make the difference in the quality of massage.

3) Licence

Businesses within many area's especially London cannot operate without a valid massage license. In certain borough's even the therapist needs to be licenced. The only way a therapist can get licenced is if they have the relevant qualification. Sometimes you can see the premises license displayed on the wall.

4) Medical Questionnaire & Consultation

Your massage therapist should ask you to fill in a basic medical questionnaire to establish any medical conditions which may prevent you from having massage. For example any recent injuries or operations, wounds, infections etc. For certain conditions you can still have a massage but may need written permission from your Doctor that its OK to still have massage.

If you are in your first trimester of pregnancy, its advisable not to have massage and a professional therapist will know this should they see it on your consultation form.

Consultation time is also a great time to establish what your main concerns are or if there are any area's you'd like your massage therapist to work most on. Its also a time to ensure you've been booked in for the correct type of massage for you, for example you may have been booked in for a 'Swedish Massage' but maybe wanting a 'Deep Tissue' massage.

5) Your Massage Therapist

Sometimes the size or age of a massage therapist can be decieving. I'm 5 ft and only six and a half stone but i'm use to massaging bodybuilders so my pressure is very strong even though I look very small. Massage therapists develop their pressure by using a combination of strength as well as their own body weight to perform a good firm massage.

Also i've trained a number of 18 year olds who are just as good as massage therapists who have years of experience. It depends on how passionate your therapist is about her job. If she enjoys massage and is passionate then you will most likely have a great treatment.

6) The Massage Treatment

Its not uncommon for changing time to be included in your massage time so do make sure you try to settle onto your treatment bed as quickly as possible so you get more hands on time.

Your massage therapist should check if you are warm enough and comfortable before they begin your massage. Many salons and spa's have soft relaxing music playing in the background which really enhances the experience.

You can often tell the difference between a really good massage therapist and one who is not as good. A really good massage therapist will be connected intuitively and will know the correct pressure to apply, they will also know which area's need to be worked on the most without the need to stick to a robotic routine of just massage movements.

7) Aftercare

Your therapist should give you the correct aftercare which includes drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated and help to flush away any toxins. Your massage therapist should also warn you that you may be a little sensitive the next day on the areas they have worked on.

Massage has become more of a necessity rather than a luxury now for many people. Its become one of the most popular treatments in many spa's and salons now. Its definitely a good investment for the physical and emotional benefits.

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A previous article has identified the importance of joint position sense and here we move on to considering the assessment of a deficit and what the physiotherapist is likely to do about it. The physio will very likely concentrate on the problems the patient has most commonly after trauma or illness, namely muscle weakness, loss of joint mobility and pain. Once these are responding to treatment the physiotherapist will consider whether proprioceptive treatment is required. Complete rehabilitation of the patient to their normal activities, whether sporting or functional, cannot occur without retraining the body's nervous and joint systems to accurately receive, interpret and act on proprioceptive inputs.

Our arms are designed for one main function, to position our hands in a functional posture in front of our vision so we can see our activity and correct it. An effective and accurate feedback loop is necessary so we can assess the results of our efforts in real time and re-design our motor activities to get us closer to our goal. A major part of being human is being able to manipulate the world with our incredibly precise hands and detailed binocular vision. Understanding where our individual hand joints are at any one time is vital if we are going to use them effectively. Touch typing, which I am doing now, is a skill for which I must be certain where my hands are and where my fingers are going next.

Upper limb proprioception can be tested by the physiotherapist getting the patient to shut their eyes and then by putting their good arm into a specific position. Once the position has been set by the physiotherapist the patient is asked to put their other, affected, arm into the same position as closely as possible. A person whose joint position sense is unaffected can mirror position of one arm by using the other, very accurately. Any deficits in the ability to understand the position of the arm joints will be apparent after this test.

Proprioception in the legs and lower body is adapted for a different use than in the arms, lower body function being concentrated on bearing weight and walking. The disability from loss of proprioception in the legs can be very damaging as it affects independent mobility and balance. A good illustration of this problem is demonstrated by a multiple sclerosis patient I used to treat who had problems when it was dark.

My patient recounted a situation which has probably occurred to many of us: we go into a toilet and the light is already on but as we lock the door we turn the light off automatically. For us the solution is easy, we just turn the light on again. For him it was more difficult. Because he was denied the visual feedback he needed by the darkness he fell over. His nervous system could not accurately tell him where his legs were so he had no idea whether they were bent or straight and could do nothing to correct any change in their position.

Physiotherapy assessment of the joint position sense can be performed by practical physical tests. The same test as performed on the arms, mimicking the position of one limb by using the other, can be used by more typical tests are performed in weightbearing. Checking the patient's gait can give valuable clues as to what deficiency in proprioception is present. If there is a less clear deficit testing can take the form of asking the patient to maintain their balance in steadily more difficult conditions. Feet together, balancing on one leg and then with the eyes shut is a possible progression.

Physiotherapy treatment to increase joint position sense includes steadily more challenging work for the limb whilst carefully watching with eyes. As the patient improves they are taught to rely more and more on the information flowing in from the ligaments, muscles and joints to correct their movements. Weight bearing through the joint can increase the position sense and this is used to progress the treatment, teaching the brain pathways to reinforce the patterns for coordinated movement. Continued improvement is possible by continuing the exercises given by the physiotherapist but there may be some long term restriction.

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A recent study suggests that relieving back pain might be better accomplished through massage than such traditional formats of bed rest, medicine, and exercise. Although massage is a short-term relief, it may serve well until back pain can be alleviated by other means.

The research that brought the conclusions was conducted on 400 patients with pain in their lower back. Most of the test subjects were female Caucasians who were middle aged. Some of the subjects were given traditional medicines for their condition along with physical therapy, while the others received only massage therapy. Those receiving structural and relaxation massage were more active and consistently better able to perform job duties than those who were treated with drugs.

Three Test Groups

There were actually three groups of patients in the study. Two groups received massage, one the relaxation type and the other the structural type. Those receiving the massage had therapy for one hour each week for ten weeks. After the test period, more than a third of the test subjects who received massage therapy reported their pain was gone completely or better than before the test took place. Only 25 of the patients given traditional care reported an improvement in their condition.

Another key that massage was a better treatment was exemplified by the fact that those patients were twice as likely to:

* use less pain medication
* have spent less time in bed rest
* have taken part in more activities than the other test group

Patients after the Tests

The benefits achieved from massage lasted for some time after the 10-week test period. For as long as six months after the study, patients continued to have better functionality. However, this did not hold true one year after the study, indicating that massage therapy is more of a treatment than a cure.

There was no noticeable difference between relaxation and structural massage as in pain relief. This fact is puzzling to some who support the structural massage because it pinpoints the areas of ligaments and muscles where the pain originates, while relaxation massage is a much more general technique.

In Conclusion

Although the general feeling by those responsible for the study is that massage therapy appears to be the better choice for short-term back pain, the results are not conclusive enough to convince everyone. It is difficult to measure actual improvement when findings are based solely on the opinions of the test subjects. Recommendations are to give massage a try and see if it is effective for relieving your back pain and if so, a regular massage routine may prove to be beneficial for you.

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Massage is an age old therapeutic technique that has been practiced by the Chinese and Indians for centuries. This has become extremely popular in the West too and is a great way to beat the stress and fatigue associated with the modern day lifestyle.

A massage can be used as a therapeutic tool to get relief from various disorders; it is extremely beneficial in alleviating back pain and also helps the body to become more flexible and supple. Prenatal massages are recommended for pregnant women as it helps to shorten labor and eases contractions. Massages can also improve the flow and circulation of lymph in the body and thus boost the immune status which helps to ward off and keep diseases at bay.

If you have tired and weak muscles which have become tight or atrophied, this healing technique is the best way to loosen up the muscles and make them firm and toned once again. An Ayurvedic massage with traditional oils is highly recommended for this purpose and is often sought after by sportspersons as well as those recovering from injuries and accidents.

Massages are an awesome way to soften and nourish the skin which is constantly exposed to the pollution and harmful radiations of the sun. Get a trained masseur to give you a massage for your entire body from head to toe for a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. The therapist usually employs natural extracts, creams or aroma oils to nourish and soften the skin which will leave you glowing for days afterwards. A foot massage, popularly known as reflexology, is a wonderful way to de-stress after a tiring day; the therapist gently kneads the various pressure points on the feet to give you a complete relaxing experience and is also beneficial for good health.

Studies have now proven that a massage can also help to get relief from depression and anxiety as it is soothing and calming for the soul. This is the reason why we have many spas and wellness centers situated in exotic and beautiful locales; most spas are also designed to provide a peaceful ambience where one can de-stress and get relaxed completely.

Massages are also helpful to reduce stretch marks and hence are recommended for women post delivery and also for people who lose weight rapidly. It also helps to reduce the scar tissue that is left behind after injuries and surgeries helping the skin to get back its elasticity and suppleness. If you suffer from migraine and chronic headaches, this therapy is highly recommended especially by Ayurvedic practitioners for quick relief and comfort. Athletes and sportspersons make use of massages to relive the spasms and cramps that affect the muscles and also to relax and soften tired and overused muscles. Increased energy levels and improved concentration are the other benefits that a good massage can offer you.

In short, a massage offers multiple benefits and advantages; it works in different ways in different people and can be customized according to one's needs and wants.

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Starting the path to a new career can require a number of steps. You will first need to find an accredited aromatherapy massage school to enroll in. Once the decision is made to obtain a higher education in this field, you can choose the level of training that is best for you as well as the career that you wish to pursue. Various opportunities are presented to you in order to provide the chance for you to select the career training path that meets all your individual needs. Accredited schools, colleges, and degree programs can help you to obtain the training for a career in aromatherapy massage.

Educational training opportunities provide you with the skill training that is necessary for entrance into professional employment. You can learn to use different oils to relieve stress and pain, as well as promote a healthy immune system and mind. In order to learn the various skills needed, you will need to select a level of education to obtain. Aromatherapy massage studies can be completed at the certificate and associate degree levels through enrollment in an accredited higher education program. Accredited training facilities will provide the coursework and training that is required for you to obtain the knowledge necessary to pursue a successful career.

Career options will vary based on the degree or certificate that is obtained. You can enroll in a program to receive the educational training that is necessary for the career you dream of entering into. Possible professions that you will have the chance to choose from once training is complete include:

  • Massage Therapist

  • Aromatherapist

  • Holistic Healer

When choosing a profession to pursue, you will need to make sure that the school or college of enrollment offers the training that is necessary for that career. Accredited educational programs can give you the quality educational experience that you long for. In order to enter into these types of careers, you will need to complete the coursework provided and all necessary hands on training.

Pursuing a career in aromatherapy massage can give you the chance to learn numerous skills. You can expect to complete coursework and training that will help you obtain the knowledge to enter the workforce and pursue employment. You can train in natural healing, aromatherapy methods, anatomy, chemistry, and various other subjects. Accredited programs also offer the chance to study massage therapy, essential oils, psychology, physiology, and other topics. By obtaining new skills and knowledge through studies in these areas, you will be ready for the future and professional career that you desire.

Accredited aromatherapy massage schools and colleges are designed to help you receive the quality educational training that will be necessary for entrance into the professional world. Programs that carry full accreditation from agencies like the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( are approved to offer you the best educational training available. You can research programs to learn more about enrollment options and how to pursue a career in this exciting field.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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When your doctor mentions that you need to start preparing for surgery, I will venture a guess that you will not think of massage as one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Well, you are not alone in this thinking and that is unfortunate because the healing benefits of massage are vast.

Massage therapy is useful for endless conditions including insomnia, muscle pain, anxiety, circulatory problems, and recovery from injury or before and after having surgery.

Even self-massage techniques that target reflexology points in the hands and feet, affect the head, neck, sinuses, in addition to many other parts of the body and organs that are beneficially affected. Massage is particularly effective when used as part of preparing for surgery and the recovery from surgery, particularly bone or muscle reconstructive surgery.

Before surgery, massage can relieve much of the anxiety and tension associated with the anticipation of having surgery. Massage helps the patient feel less stressed and lowers the patient's expectations for pain. This lowering of stress promotes a general sense of well-being that enhances the patient's ability to heal quicker and with fewer complications.

After surgery, massage therapy is a great addition to or even a substitute for other pain and recovery treatments, such as pain medication, which can sometimes cause unpleasant side effects. There are several reasons why massage is beneficial after surgery. For one, massage improves the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid throughout the body, allowing for increased oxygenation of the body's tissues and organs and reduction of swelling and stiffness. Additionally, the simple fact that human touch, something we all need and benefit from, is involved in massage therapy and accounts for much of its physical and mental healing qualities.

Listed below are some of the most valuable health benefits and effects of massage as it applies to surgery.

- Helps to reduce edema or fluid accumulation
- Reduces swelling
- Reduces or relieves pain
- Increases flexibility of tissues
- Increases mobility
- Reduces stress and tension
- Increases body awareness
- Promotes relaxation
- Enhances immune functions and improved cell functions
- Lowers the production of the hormone Cortisol (also known as the stress-hormone)

Even though the benefits of massage are immense, there are a couple of main reasons why massage therapy is not widely used or recommended by doctors. One reason is many insurance plans do not cover the cost of massage therapy. Another is because massage is often regarded as an unsophisticated, insufficiently researched treatment.

However, people have benefited greatly from massage before and after having surgery and practitioners of massage therapy endorse it as one of the most effective and pleasant healing modalities available to modern medicine.

With benefits like the ones listed above, you may want to consider incorporating therapeutic massage into your preparing for surgery plans.

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Pursuing a career in massage therapy is never that easy. As a massage therapist, I subscribe to Google Alerts about the latest news in massage therapy and, ever so often, I receive alerts regarding massage etiquette violations. I often ask myself: what went wrong in these cases? What are the boundaries that separate a simple slip and sexual misconduct? Let's find out.

Massage is a sensual activity. Meaning, it stimulates the senses. It stimulates the nerves in such a way that it brings sensations to the area being massaged. These sensations can be interpreted by some as okay, while others may treat it way over their scale. And sometimes these "sensations" lead to misinterpretation... Although it may also mean the real thing... There really is a thin line that separates the sensual from the sexual so it is important to stress out the role of the Massage Code of Ethics to avoid any Criminal Suits against therapist and to know whether or not you are being violated.

Do's and Don'ts of Massage Etiquette (for the Massage Therapist and the Client)


For the massage therapist:

  • It is your responsibility to provide a relaxing, conducive and professional environment for the client.

  • You should inform the client what the massage/treatment will be comprised of before the client lies on the table.

  • Leave the room to allow the client to change and get under the massage sheet on the table alone. Do return if the client is ready for the massage to start.

  • Drape the client properly. This is to only expose the area to be massaged.

  • As a massage therapist, be consistent with your confident touch - not too light nor too hard.

For the client:

  • As a client, you should communicate with the massage therapist.

  • To both the client and the massage therapist, do follow the accepted standards of your country/state where you are located in terms of the space or boundaries for two people speaking to each other.


For the massage therapist:

  • As a massage therapist, do not disclose too much personal information that may lead your client to feel uncomfortable during the course of conversation.

  • As a massage therapist, don't extend past their appointments to compensate late arrivals. As a professional, stick with the schedule. This is very basic in massage etiquette.

  • As a massage therapist, do not touch the genitals of your client. Also, breast massage is not included in a full body massage.

For the client:

  • As a client, don't be alarmed if you have to undress for the massage therapy. However, be aware that the amount of clothing to wear depends on the type of massage you'll undergo. For a full body Swedish massage, it is normal to undress but it is not necessary. You can also wear your underwear if you want to.

  • As a client, don't hesitate to tell your massage therapist if you're uncomfortable with undressing, you can wear anything that you're comfortable with.

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