So you want to become a Physical therapist? But do you know that it takes a lot of years to become one? Basically PT is considered as a post graduate degree just like master's degree or a PhD. In order for you to be admitted in MSPT, or MPT you need to complete any four-year basic college education or perhaps general science courses. Unlike other bachelor degree, Physical Therapy requires longer years. You need to go on a basic four year bachelor degree and another two years for your proper Physical Therapy program.

Along with your four-year Bachelor Degree you may include Physical Therapy subjects that are prerequisite to your Physical Therapy program. More often than not your subjects will include general science subjects such as biology, physics, chemistry, psychology and other subjects which are prerequisite to PT program and training. The subjects you are going to take on your basic college education differ from each school offering physical therapy courses. Each school has its own curriculum thus subjects you are going to take in your four year BS course will vary.

Your four year Basic or general education course is important since it served as a preparation for your proper PT program. After your four year course you need to take another 2-3 years of PT lessons as well as training. Often times you will have little or perhaps no breaks at the end of each semesters. Some schools even require 9-36 months of clinical physical therapy practice and training. Therefore if you really want to become a Physical Therapist you need to fasten your belt tightly.

These 6-7 years you need to spend to become a physical therapist is just the minimum years. It all depends on your pacing as well as your acceleration. Some schools require PT students to have a grade of 3.0 on all subjects thus if you can not have it then you need to retake that particular subject. This is because PT schools want to make Physical therapist to become globally competitive. Therefore if you are not that smart enough, then you better start counting another years to be added to that 6-7 years minimum PT program.

Basically it's only you who can determine how long it takes to become a Therapist. Everything lies on the effort you exerted for your Physical Therapy studies and practice and training. If you do not have the patience as well as perseverance then definitely you will never succeed. On the contrary, if you have the desire, drive as well as aspiration to become a successful Physical Therapy then those 7 longer years will just be lightning speed.

The length of your studies, practice and training to become a professional Physical Therapy all lies on your hand. It entails sacrifices as well as hard work and focus. If you do not have these qualities, then you might as well find another course that will suit you better. Physical Therapy is only for hardworking and deserving people. Therefore if you want to become a professional physical therapist, pick up your pencils, books and papers and start to study your lessons now.

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Even though portable massage tables aren't usually as expensive as stationary tables they can still seem pretty expensive to a massage therapist that is just starting out. But, if you're willing to look around and you're open to looking in new places you can get a great price on a Used Portable Massage Table.

Buying a used massage table is a smart way to get your business started without going heavily into debt and without waiting until you can get enough start up money to buy a new table. Once you start getting some regular clients you will be able to upgrade to a new table if you want to. Or you can simply invest that money back into your massage therapy practice.

Here are some tips from massage therapists who have started their businesses on next to nothing on how to find great deals on massage tables:

Networking with other massage therapists can land you some really great deals. You might even be able to get a free Used Portable Massage Table just by asking other massage therapists who are a bit more established. Chat with classmates at school, teachers, spa owners, and other people in the industry that you know or who are friends of friends and let them know you're looking for a used table. If they don't have any they might know someone who would be willing to give you a table or sell it to you for a very low price.

Use the Internet
Sites like Freecyle are a great way to find items for free or for low prices. Post an ad letting people know what you're looking for. You might find someone that has a table that is sitting around gathering dust who would be willing to sell it to you cheap or even trade you the table for some massages. Bartering is a great way to get the items you need to get your massage therapy practice started when you don't have a lot of money.

Check the Local Natural Foods Store
Grocery co-ops and natural food stores will often have community bulletin boards where people can post ads for items they are selling or items they are looking for. You can search the boards to see if someone is getting rid of a Used Portable Massage Table and you can also post an ad looking for one. You should leave a business card advertising your services as well.

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Musicians: small muscle athletes

I once read an article about musculoskeletal pain among professional musicians. A survey of several thousand symphony musicians revealed that approximately 80% of them suffered from either chronic or intermittent pain directly related to their profession. The highest incidence was reported among the violinists. This was not surprising since they not only hold their instrument in a position that is challenging to the muscles, but they spend more time playing than any other instrument in an orchestra. Other instruments often get breaks or play only intermittently but in most orchestral pieces, the violins play most of the time.

Musicians are small muscle athletes. Their profession requires endurance, strength, and precision. The right kind of massage can help them play with less pain and more agility.

Tight muscles inhibit performance

When muscles are tight, movement is inhibited. When muscles are in pain, they become tense and there is less control. Maintaining maximum range of motion and eliminating pain allows a musician to play in comfort and can improve performance.

I've worked with a number of musicians over the years and they fascinate me. Those of us sitting in the audience marvel at their skill, but we seldom think of the endurance they must have to play for hours without a break. I once worked with a couple of conductors and, until that experience, never thought about what it must be like to stand with your arms raised in the air for a couple of hours. Try it, especially while making short, quick, precise movements. It's not easy.

Each musician is different

Each instrument has their own challenges. Horn players can get spasms in the muscles of their cheeks and lips. Violinists suffer from neck and shoulder ache. Guitarists, banjoists, and mandolin players will get pain in their forearms or elbows.

A good massage therapist who understands these problems can go quickly to the source of the pain and begin to dissipate the tension and discomfort. They cannot only help to relieve the acute pain, they can help a musician to continue to play without pain in the future.

Improve performance

Regular massage therapy really should be a part of every professional musician's life. It will improve their performance, help them to play with comfort and ease, and extend the length of their career.

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Sports Physical Therapy: Some top school suggestions to begin your career in physical therapy.

Everyone who is going to spend their time, energy, and money for an education want to be sure they are getting the best. If you have made the decision to take your education to the next level by looking into the top schools for sports physical therapy, you have made a sound decision for your future.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics believes physical therapy is an excellent career choice and considers this field to be growing at an above average rate. Studies suggest the reason for this trend includes a greater number of older adults choosing to stay active in their later years, as well as more people suffering from injuries and diseases of the muscle and skeletal systems. Here is a look at some of the top schools for sports physical therapy in the country.

First on our list of schools to consider is St. Louis University located in mid-town St. Louis, MO. While not on the list of the least expensive colleges in sports therapy, it does boast an excellent student to professor ratio. That means you can expect this choice of the top schools for sports physical therapy to provide the type of individual attention every student thrives in. St. Louis University also likes for its incoming freshmen to have an average GPA of 3.6 and score between 24 and 29 on the ACT exam. Those who are taking the SAT should set their goals of receiving a 1000 to 1099 score for the best chances of getting in.

Another good candidate on our list of top schools for sports physical therapy is Touro College in New York City. This school offers classes to receive an associates, bachelors, masters, or doctorate. That leaves plenty of options open to you as to the pace and time line of your course study. Just like St. Louis University a score of 1000 to 1099 on the SAT is preferred while the ACT students will want to have somewhere between an 18 and 23 at least. High school graduates should have received a 3.3 to be in good standing for admission.

Last, but certainly not least on our list of top schools for sports physical therapy is Truman State University in the small town of Kirksville, MO. On a side note, this university has a rich and diverse history its student body and facility can be proud of. Let's get to the details of academic performance. SAT scores average at 1200 to 1299 for admission with ACT scores being in the 24 to 29 ranges. High school GPA averages like to hang out at 3.8 for the incoming freshmen class. Competition is stiff and you will be better off with the kinds of accomplishments these schools are looking for.

It's worth your time to explore the top schools for sports physical therapy if that is the field of study you want to enter. These and other excellent colleges and universities in the U.S. are more than qualified to teach you all you need to know to get your career off to a great start in sports physical therapy.

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Positional Release is a highly effective technique that helps reduce pain and restore function to muscles, bones, and joints. In positional release the most comfortable position resets the sensors in the musculature and joints known collectively as the proprioceptors. With the correct stimulus to these sensors, the musculoskeletal system returns to a healthier state, eliminating pain and allowing joints to move back to dynamic balance.

Creating the right twist and pressure in the muscles and joints resets the sensors very quickly. Postitional Release may be helpful for a wide range of problems including:

-Arthritic conditions
-Allergies and asthma
-Back and disk problems
-Neck pain and tension headaches
-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
-Fibromyalgia Syndrome
-Foot and ankle pain
-Psoas / hip pain
-Sports injuries and performance enhancement
-Sprains of various joints
-Stress management and prevention
-Whiplash and other impact injuries

Positional release began in the 1950's when Lawrence Jones, D.O. discovered by accident that when he placed the body into a specific comfortable position pain and dysfunction would heal quickly and completely.

In 1954, Lawrence Hugh Jones, DO, FAAO (1912-1996) made an observation that led to the development of his Strain and Counterstrain Technique. A graduate of the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in California in 1936, Dr. Jones was running a successful practice in Oregon when he attempted to treat a patient who had been suffering with back pain for two and a half months. After six weeks of treatment the patient had not improved. The patient was unable to sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Dr. Jones spent one visit only attempting to find a comfortable position for the patient. He passively put the patient in a variety of positions until he "achieved a position of surprising amount of comfort, the only benefit he had received in four months' treatment." Afterwards, Jones began to experiment with this discovery.

He initially called this approach to pain "Spontaneous Release by Positioning" and later Strain an Counter Strain簧. Eventually variations of his work became known collectively as "positional release."

There are some differences in the application of Positional Release particularly among Osteopaths, Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists. Some practitioners have developed their own versions and have different variations on the name of the work.

I have been practicing Positional Release since 1991. I have found it to be a very effective modality. It releases pain and trauma very quickly and the results are long lasting or permanent.

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As a physical therapy professional you have something special to offer. Marketing is simply offering this something special to others. You owe it to them.

1. Not learning to market successfully

Maybe for you just thinking about marketing makes you anxious. Or maybe you put it off, opting instead to stay busy with anything else but marketing your practice.

At the same time, you know that you won't get clients if you don't market.    

As with any skill, you need knowledge and practice to become good at it. Believe that you can learn to market your physical therapy practice successfully, professionally, and with integrity.

Learn about, and apply, the strategies that work for physical therapy practices. Eliminate your biases, and approach marketing with this positive self talk: 

"I will do what it takes to find the easiest and most effective way to reach and serve my ideal clients. And I'll have fun doing it."

2. Assuming people know about you

Because you are very good at what you do is no reason to assume that clients will come knocking at your door.

You can be the best in your field but if no one knows about your services, being the best doesn't do you one bit of good, does it?

What you can do...

  • Make no assumptions that people in your community, in your target market, and other providers know what you do, or know enough about you to use your services.

  • Regularly and consistently let your community know what you are doing, who your target market is, and that you are open to referrals.

  • Regularly and consistently let your current clients know about all of the services you provide, what you do particularly well, and that you would appreciate referrals.

Be sure other providers in your community are well informed about your clinic and its services.

3. Failing to market as you deliver your services

Many of us make the mistake of chasing new markets instead of maximizing the business we could get from our existing clients and prospective clients.

One great example of marketing as you deliver your services is to provide excellent services to your clients and also make a personal connection with each and every one.

Here are some ways to make personal connections with your clients:

1. Show interest and ask for feedback by asking questions about:

  • how they did things before they used your services;

  • how your services helped them fix their problem and the goals your services helped them achieve.

  • what more you could have offered them.

2. When your clients have a memorable experience with you, they will tell others. When clients give you unsolicited positive feedback, this is the moment you can professionally ask them for referrals. Give them your card to make it easy for them to pass along a referral.

3. You must also remind your clients about your services on a regular basis. Make sure they know all of what you offer and how your services can help them.

Nothing contributes more to successful marketing as forging a special bond with your clients. It's a relationship in which your clients say: "I believe this person and this clinic not only can and will help me, they truly want to help me."

4. Avoiding client satisfaction surveying

   4 great reasons to conduct regular client satisfaction surveys

      1. Surveying your clients lets them know that what is important to them matters to you.

      2. It is a way to market your clinic. It can serve as a tool to help you improve and expand your practice.

      3. Surveying is a way to find out how aware your clients are of all of the services you offer, and what other services they want from you.

      4. Surveying allows you to clear up misunderstandings about your services and their expectations of your services.

5. Depending on physician referrals

Today patients have access to much more information that allows them to understand diagnoses, treatment options and service provider options. Physicians are no longer considered the only source of information by patients. This not only opens the doors to a larger market for clinics to access, it also means that you need to learn to compete for business in an open market.

What you can do...

Even if your prospective clients and referral sources have more information to access, they still need help making the best choice for their care. This is where you come in. This is called marketing. You need to provide prospective patients and referral sources information on the treatment options available to patients, the benefits of these options, so they can select the best service provider for them. 

6. Not telling others or asking for help

One of the most overlooked secrets to successful marketing is getting a hand from people you already know. The truth is that people who already know you, both personally and professionally, are likely to be the best contributors to your success.

If you always remember to tell everyone you know what you are doing and ask for their help, this simple one habit may bring you all the clients you need.

A simple strategy...

Send an email to your entire family and circle of friends to tell them what you do and what is new in your clinic. Tell them clearly that you are growing your clinic and would like their help spreading the word and bringing in new referrals. Be sure to also tell them about your target market. Do this at least twice a year!

7. Failing to Track the Results of Your Marketing Initiatives

If you don't track the results of your marketing there really is no point in spending your time, energy, and money on marketing. When you track the results you'll know how to change your approaches, eliminate a certain strategy, or where to spend more of your money in the future.

A very simple and often unappreciated tracking method is to always ask new clients how they heard about you or came to you.  This is so easy and provides you with useful information about where your marketing is working.

You can also get clinic management software and programs that have great market planning and tracking tools.

8. Not target marketing

Many physical therapy professionals feel they need to appeal to all types of people with all sorts of problems. In the competitive market of today, it is much more effective to target your marketing efforts to a specific population or populations you want to work with.

People like to hire those who they see as experts; they think they will get the best service possible from this expert. When you target your marketing efforts to a specific population, your marketing message, strategies, and dollars will be much more effective. When you have a clear target market you will become better known for what you do and do best, you will attract more suitable clients, and you'll provide a higher quality service.

9. Using a self-centered marketing message

I find many of you telling others in your marketing materials when your clinic was opened, what services you offer, how many therapists work there, and what process you use in providing your services. These are self-centered messages. They do not speak to your clients in a way that is meaningful to them.

Yes, it is important to value yourself and your services and believe that you have something highly valuable to offer people and be proud and confident in telling them about it. What is more important is how you communicate this from a prospective client's point of view or point of interest.

As such, learn to speak about the benefits of your services not the features!  Your prospective clients are most interested in hearing what you have done for others with the same problem and what a difference your services have made to their short and long term futures. They need to know you are skilled in helping them get better. They need a sense of hope!

10. Using the hop and drop approach to marketing, or giving up too soon

Any worthwhile skill takes practice, and so it is with marketing. Yet most physical therapy clinic owners abandon each marketing tactic after just one try, without giving themselves a chance to get good at it. It's like a running rabbit - switching direction with every hop.

Before abandoning your marketing strategy entirely, it is very important to try and figure out what went wrong. A number of factors could be coming into play here: your message may not have reached your target audience, meaning that you need to look at how you can better find and locate your audience; your marketing message may not have a strong enough appeal to your target audience, meaning that they don't clearly see the benefits of using your services; or you may not have put your message out to your target often enough (it often takes seven touches to "sell" your services).

You must not only monitor carefully the results of your strategies but you must also be willing to tweak them and keep trying until you are more successful.

In closing...

Marketing is not as complex as you think! Understand that you are building a business. You must have a viable plan to build it. Yes, I mean market it! 

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This article discusses if and how a massage therapist really can make six figures in their massage therapy business.

Truthfully, the median income for massage therapists is below $50,000 per year. Many earn much less than this. This is predominantly because many choose to work part time. But what about the entrepreneur who wants a full time massage therapy business and wishes to make a 6 figure income?

How To Make Six Figures From Your Massage Therapist Business

Well most massage therapists have a base rate that equates to around a dollar per minute, so an hour massage would be around $60. Mind you, I've seen much higher, in 2002 I stayed at an upmarket resort in Fiji that charged $250 USD per hour for a massage! But let's use $60 per hour for this example.

6 x 1 hour massage per day, 6 days per week, 48 weeks per year. This is certainly 'do-able'. 2 treatments in the morning, 4 in the afternoon / evening, 6 days per week with 1 month off per year for holiday, and you're making a 6 figure income. $103,680 to be exact.

While a business like this would certainly take time to establish, it's absolutely achievable. This leads us to 2 further questions:

1. How to make six figures in your massage therapy business while working less than this?
2. For the very ambitious - how to make even MORE than this in your massage therapist business?

1 - How To Work Less And STILL Make Six Figures In Your Massage Therapy Business?

While this work load would not be an issue for some, for others, the thought of averaging 6 x 1 hour massages per day, 6 days per week is a bit too much for their liking. So to make the same amount while working less, it's simple, substitute some of your massage revenue with a different kind of revenue that you can still make in your massage business.

For example, let's say you want to do 6 less massages per week. Instead of 6 per day, you want to average 5 per day. Or maybe you want to work 5 days per week rather than 6. You need to find a substitute revenue earner to bring in $360 per week.

The easiest way, sell products, here are some ideas:

· Massage oils
· Massage books
· Massage videos
· Massage pillows and rollers
· Yoga and Pilates products
· Massage novelty products - like mugs and t-shirts

You can also run a course once per month teaching massage for home use. You can specialise in a particular massage niche like:

· Face and scalp massage
· Back, neck and shoulder massage
· Couples massage
· Massage for infants

If you have just 10 people paying $200 for an all day, or weekend course, that's $2000.

2 - How To Make Even MORE Than 100K Per Year From Your Massage Therapist Business?

When you get to a six figure income level, you may find you are so enthused with your business that you just don't want to stop, your entrepreneurial genes kick in and you want to increase your income even further.

Of course you can add all the things I mentioned above, sell products, run courses, but there's also another major strategy... leverage.

Leverage Your Massage Therapy Business

This means leverage your time. If you are doing 6 massages per day, all you need to do to triple your income is do 18 massages per day, except of course you couldn't physically do it!

But if you are at this level of business expertise, you could certainly scale up your marketing to increase your clientele, and employ other massage therapists. Imagine having 1, 2 or 3 other massage therapists working for you and you keeping 50% of what they make. That's the power of leverage.

This may seem a daunting strategy, but when you have established a successful massage therapy business and have accrued some business skills and entrepreneurial talent, leveraging your business in this way can take your income to a completely new level that you may have once thought impossible for you.

I hope these ideas on how to make six figures from your own massage therapist business have given you food for thought and inspired you to set higher goals for where you want to take your business. Other successful massage therapy businesses are doing it and reaping the benefits, why not you too?

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Fast paced and stressful lifestyles strain the body and the mind, but despite this do not give the possibility to relax and unwind. You cannot remember the last time you took a day off, but your tired body and stressed mind call for a break. In this case, massage therapy is the perfect solution as it does not take up a huge amount of your time and it is also easily accessible as many beauty salons and spas have a wide selection of treatments to choose from. Some are more traditional - for example Swedish massage, others are rather unconventional like chocolate or honey massage.

However, do not be intimidated by the names of these techniques. They may sound rather luxurious, but in reality they are really suitable for all people despite their age, sex or body type. Commonly these treatments are preferred by female clients, but men are also welcome to try the techniques. Chocolate and honey massage therapy techniques have developed over time and have become fully accessible quite lately. They have their roots in the same massage techniques that originate from the ancient China and Japan, but in addition to applying pressure and carrying out movements, have a modern side also.

Still, one can doubt the usefulness of getting smeared with chocolate or honey. For some people this might even sound unpleasant - all the stickiness and sweetness. However, chocolate and honey are natural substances and they do not differ much from other essential oils used in massage sessions.

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Some people enter massage school to help others through healing touch. Some attend massage school to work in a particular field such as sports medicine or in a spa environment. Others receive massage training to satisfy a different ambition. They want to:

¨ Own their own business

¨ Be their own boss

¨ Make a lot of money

The massage industry is not immune to capitalistic instincts. Nor should it be.

Many massage schools tout the income potential of a career as a massage therapist. Income projections for a good massage therapist range from $50-$75 per hour. That translates to about $65,000-$100,000 a year depending on the number of clients served each day. This also requires that you are working independently and managing your own client base.

As attractive as a six-figure salary for providing massage therapy may be, the reality is that the median income for a massage therapist is $35,000. Many massage therapists only work part-time and quite a few are working in spas or health clubs as an employee or sub-contractor. So apparently, the big money in massage therapy goes to those that own their own business and practice full time.

So can you make big bucks as a massage therapist?

It is definitely possible to make a quite decent living as a massage therapist. But don't expect to strike it rich right out of massage school. You will have to build up a fairly substantial client base and that doesn't happen overnight. Many new massage therapists go to work in a spa or health club to gain experience and build a reputation. Others perform massages for a very low fee or even for free just to get some buzz going about their capabilities. It can be a slow go once a therapist is out on their own and quite a few massage therapists call it quits as a full time enterprise early on.

As in any business it is usually the person that works the hardest and provides the best service that becomes successful. It takes patience and perseverance to build a business from scratch. It also takes some decent business skills. A self-employed massage therapist should be prepared to spend time managing financial records, keeping licenses current, filing taxes appropriately and treating their massage therapy practice like the business enterprise it is.

If starting at square one and taking the slow road to success is not appealing you may want to consider jump-starting your massage business by making an investment in a massage franchise. For a mere $39,000 you can become the proud owner of a Massage Envy franchise.

Massage Envy is a hot new franchise that currently boasts 101 units in operation with a total of 274 franchise units awarded. The company offers a recognized brand, training program and ongoing support for franchisees. Each Massage Envy clinic offers a variety of massage modalities and is open 7 days a week. As an owner you would employ multiple massage therapists. Heck, you don't even have to be a massage therapist to own a massage business like this one.

There is no doubt that the demand for massage is growing rapidly and the need for massage therapists will grow right along with it. Those therapists with excellent massage skills, good business sense and a dedication to service can expect to make a comfortable living. Others can take satisfaction in helping others to deal with pain and stress while making some decent part-time income.

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What Is Sports Massage

It is the application of basic and treatment oriented massage techniques for athletes with the purpose of enhancing the athlete's preparation or recovery from the physical demands of training and competition.

The golden rule is "DO NO HARM". Inappropriate techniques may have a negative effect on both the athlete's physical and mental performance.

Generally the techniques are broader and less intrusive than clinical work.

Benefits of Sports Massage

The benefits may include:

• Consistency in training

• Reduction in strain and discomfort from training

• Reduction from muscle and tendon tightness

"Physiological" Effects - May Assist In:

• Improved fluid circulation

• Muscular relaxation /stimulation

• Separation of muscle from connective tissue

"Psychological" Effects:

• Encourage relaxation and readiness

• Reduce anxiety and competition stress

• Increase alertness and mental clarity

"Performance" - Related Effects - May:

• Increase energy

• Increase range of motion at joints

• Develop faster recovery post training

3 Main Categories

There are about seven to eight stages of application for this type of massage. The following are the three most common:

1) Pre-Event Performance:

This massage has primarily a stimulating effect. Generally this type of massage is performed without oil. It takes place within an hour before an event. It is done as part of the warm up process for the athlete.

2) Inter-Event:

This type of massage occurs in between same day events. This type of sports massage occurs with and without oil. The objective here is to help with the cool down process post event and stimulate for the next competition or event.

3) Post Event Cool Down:

The major focus of this treatment is drainage. It is a relaxing massage. It should be done without creating any pain.

The depth of the strokes is light to moderate. The strokes are rhythmical and broad. Generally this massage should not last longer than twenty minutes. The areas of the body to be treated will depend on the athlete's needs.


In Canada in order to be recognized as sports massage therapist you must go through a certification process. This in general includes putting time in at sporting events collecting "field" hours as well as hours in a clinical setting.

Although many schools have sports out-reaches as part of their curriculum it is important to take a recognized course through the Canadian Sports Massage Therapists Association with a certified sports massage therapist.

The opportunity to participate with professional sports teams, winter and summer Olympians, national sports teams and high level amateur sports teams increases significantly if you have your certification.

To get more specific information you can go to the CSMTA website.

Equine Massage

This massage has recently gained some popularity in the world of sports massage.

Equine sports therapy can address issues in a horse such as:

• Inhibited motion

• Shortening of stride

• Stiffness

• Showing signs of resistance

Be aware of YouTube videos claiming to be Sports Massage, but are actually treatments or rehab for sports injuries. There are several of the out there. Check out the link in the resources box for an actual pre-event demo.

Mike Grafstein SMT(C) Certified Sports Massage Therapist

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