In more recent times, physical therapy continuing education courses focusing on training the muscles of the spine have placed a huge emphasis on Transverse Abdominius. There are differing views on the importance of this muscle.

We recently interview a spine rehab expert to get his thoughts. This is what he said.

Interviewer: Well, if we talk a little more specifically about your work, can you describe your research findings on the roles of the different muscles in spine stabilization?

Spine Rehab Expert: I knew we had to get to that one. Well, you know, we've heard so much about muscles like how important it is to correct transverse abdominis pathology, and the multifidus is so important and whatnot. I think there's really a disconnect between the science and clinical practice. These muscles are no more important than any other muscles. I've already mentioned a couple of minutes ago that if you don't have quadratus lumborum you can't walk, and yet in the clinical discussion you never hear, well, very rarely would you hear a clinician talk about QL.

If you're going to carry an object, if you're going to plant a foot on the soccer pitch or the football field and change direction and run, if your pelvis collapses on the swing way side you'll be a very ineffective sportsman and you'll load up your back. So, there's an example where quadratus lumborum is absolutely crucial.

For lifting, when you go to Russia and you study their lifting culture, they put huge emphasis on latissimus dorsi. Very rarely do I hear lifters in North America, when they're pulling a bar, trying to bend the bar, external rotate through the shoulders and pull with latissimus dorsi, strapping and stiffening their back down to the sacrum, for example.

The role of the gluteal complex is enormous for hip extension, and particularly those who have back problems. We know those muscles tend, not in all but in a lot of people, tend to get inhibited.

So, the answer to the question is all of the muscles are important when it comes to spinal stability. They form a guide wire system that allows the spine to bear tremendous loads. It allows the spine to store and recover elastic energy when they're throwing an object or kicking or punching, for example. Or it might be just to simply pick your groceries out of the back of the car. So, all muscles are important. How they play together is crucial. You have to recognize these patterns, measure it, and train it appropriately. But, this emphasis on single muscles, well, I think that's dying out now as you probably have detected as you go to different meetings.

Interviewer: Right. So, just to clarify on that, we know that the transverse abdominis, for example, is not the whole answer to spinal stability. Some research -

Spine Rehab Expert: It is probably one of the most minor muscles, mind you.

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Rotator cuff physical therapy exercises are a key component for its rehabilitation. It's typically used first to try to avoid a surgical procedure since most shoulder injuries tend to respond to these workout routines. However, severe shoulder tears and acute shoulder impingement usually require a surgical procedure and a period of recovery before starting physical therapy.

After the rotator cuff has been injured, it's important to give the shoulder time to rest until the swelling and aching has gone away. Any tenderness or pain you may experience with certain movements is often a sign of a new injury to the muscle tissue or tendons. It may be necessary to use a sling to rest the shoulder correctly, avoiding driving, and also changing your daily routine to avoid painful activities. In addition to resting, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken to reduce the swelling. Swelling of your muscles and tendons is what causes most of the aching in shoulder injuries. Also reducing the swelling is crucial for a speedy recovery.

As soon as your swelling and pain are reduced, it's important to start doing exercises that target the shoulder muscle group and rotator cuff specifically to strengthen and rehabilitate. These physical therapy exercises are not common shoulder weight lifting exercises that are used to build muscle, since in those the rotator cuff muscle isn't involved.

Rotator cuff physical therapy exercises typically use very little weight or no weight at all. The body's natural resistance is normally enough to start getting the desired results. The weight of the arm will work just fine. After the muscles get better, it will be necessary to move on to small weights. Before lifting, it is imperative to begin with light stretches to prevent any further damage to the injured muscle tissue. Then move to exercises that stabilize the muscle, followed by a workout routine to strengthen it. It's amazing how fast the shoulder can heal and be back to normal after the rotator cuff muscle has had a chance to start developing.

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Are you experiencing shoulder pain? If so, you are not alone. Whether you suffer from tendonitis, injury, or disease, much of the discomfort you feel in your shoulder can be relieved with shoulder massage therapy. In fact, a consumer survey conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) revealed that more and more people are using massage specifically to help manage their pain. Shoulder massage is a wonderful way to not only achieve shoulder pain relief, but to also receive many other important health benefits.

The Benefits of Shoulder Massage

Shoulder massage has been proven to improve range of motion and ease the pain associated with shoulder problems. However, not only does shoulder massage help you get pain relief, this therapy treatment also help the body in many other amazing ways.

Shoulder massage:

o improves blood circulation

o provides deep relaxation to the massaged muscle

o stimulates your lymph system

o stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers

o speeds up the elimination of your body waste

o aids in digestion

o blocks pain signals' pathways to your brain

o provides a natural sense of well being

Self Shoulder Massage Techniques

If your shoulder pain is not severe, you may want to administer self shoulder massage techniques while you are at home. Start by squeezing your injured shoulder with the opposite hand. Then, kneed the shoulder repeatedly. You can also make circular pressure with your fingertips on both sides of your spine. Try applying penetrating massage oil to the shoulder to ensure smooth movements. You can also incorporate heat and cold into your shoulder massage. Applying ice to your sore shoulder will reduce both inflammation and pain, while heat relaxes your tense muscles for additional pain relief.

Visit a Massage Therapist for a Shoulder Massage

For a professional shoulder massage, visit a massage therapist. Before the shoulder massage, discuss the problems you are having with your shoulder. Your shoulder massage therapist will know specific techniques that may help reduce the pain for your individual problem.

If you are experiencing severe shoulder pain, please see your doctor. Discuss your injury or condition with a professional. He or she may want you to take pain medication, such as Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen (Advil), along with shoulder massage to (hopefully) alleviate your pain completely. Also, keep in mind that shoulder massage is not a miracle cure. You must visit your massage therapist routinely for shoulder massage therapy to receive long-term, positive results to reduce your pain and regain full range shoulder function for sustained pain relief.

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From muscle aches to serious health issues like high blood pressure and depression, massage treatment offers a number of proven benefits. Get the relief you seek with treatment from a qualified massage therapist.

Everyone knows that getting a massage feels great. But there are actually numerous health reasons why you may want to visit a massage therapist for treatment. Many people argue that the pain-reducing or health-inducing benefits of massage treatment are all psychosomatic; however, recent scientific research has shown otherwise. These studies have covered everything from empirical data illustrating massage's effect on inflammation following exercise to evidence suggesting massage therapy can be effective at reducing blood pressure in prehypertensive women.

Muscle Pain
Muscle relaxation and pain relief are among the reasons that people have long sought massage treatment. However, it's only recently that we've discovered just why massage can help, particularly with exercise-induced muscle aches. As reported by a study from the Buck Institute (in collaboration with McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario) in the February 1 issue of Science Translational Medicine, massage reduces inflammatory cytokines in muscle cells and helps foster the creation of mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of a cell). The study's analysts point out that this reaction is actually quite similar to the way basic anti-inflammatory medications work to relieve pain.

Blood Pressure
Stress-reduction and relaxation are two of the most commonly cited reasons for getting a massage, but this relaxation goes beyond just mental health and into the realm of physical health. Several different studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce blood pressure in both women with prehypertension and hypertension. One Dillard University study presented in 2010 indicated preliminary positive results in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive African American women through therapeutic chair massage intervention. Another study, published in February 2011 by the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research illustrated lowered diastolic and systolic blood pressure in prehypertensive women following ten 10-15 minute Swedish massage sessions.

We know that massage can make your body feel better, but it can also provide the same benefits for your mind. Massage therapy has long been used to treat depression, operating under the understanding that human touch is stimulating and healing. However, there is now ample scientific data supporting that opinion. A compilation of studies reviewed by researchers at I-Shou University in Taiwan in 2010 indicates that massage can provide "potentially significant effects" for treating depression. By inducing the body to release oxytocin and through other physiological processes, massage can reduce the symptoms of depression.

So the next time you want to improve your health as well as get some deep-down relaxation, you may want to turn to your local massage therapy center.

As with all complementary health care treatments, make sure you consult with your doctor prior to seeking massage treatment. Be open and honest with your massage therapist regarding any relevant health history, your reasons for seeking treatment, etc. to ensure you receive the safest, most beneficial massage therapy session possible.

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So you want to be a cowboy. If you're not born and raised on a ranch, weaned on horses and cattle, exactly how do you go about achieving that all-American dream? I always wanted to be a cowgirl but by some strange accident I was born in Philly and lived the better part of my adult life in Jersey. Not exactly the Wild West, but I did it- I found a job in Colorado wrangling horses. I would never call myself a real 'cowgirl' because at the age of 49 I'll never get there. And I too much respect what the real cowboys and girls do. But I wrangle horses, can saddle and care for them, and I can teach other folks the basics. Not bad for a girl from Philly.

No matter where you live, the first step in becoming a cowboy (forget the gender thing for a minute if you can) is to get familiar with horses. Take lessons if you can afford it. If not, volunteer to clean stalls at any barn anywhere. Within driving distance of any major city you'll find stables of some kind. I used to volunteer at the Atlantic Riding School for the Handicapped. This organization used horses as physical therapy for disabled children and adults. There were specially trained instructors but they always needed help cleaning stalls, saddling horses, and walking beside the riders for safety. Do whatever you can to start getting a real comfort level with horses.

Next, start your mind-training. Read, read, read about the cowboy lifestyle, about life in the West, about a "day in the life" of a cowboy. You'll find most "real" cowboys are born and raised in the West, and were on horses before they could walk. You can't really aspire to this, but you can absolutely become a ranch hand, a wrangler, and a dude horse trainer. "Dude" in the West refers to any city slicker or any non-ranch or horse person. In Jersey, 'dude' was a surfer term of endearment. Not so much out West. This is what you can learn by reading about the cowboy culture.

A "wrangler" is a person - not always a cowboy - who has some basic competence around horses. He can groom, saddle, and care for them; he understands tack (horse equipment, saddles, blankets, bridles etc.) and is committed to safety on a horse and when teaching others. Cowboys do wrangle, but they do a whole lot more than that. They are usually responsible for an entire herd on a ranch (and you can't imagine the trouble horses can create) and they do tons of general maintenance involving tractors, fences, hay, and any structure on a ranch. It's a hard life.

Start to explore areas of the country where you can work outside with horses. Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana do the lion's share of dude ranching so these are a natural fit for cowboys-in-training. But anywhere you live in this country, there's probably green space somewhere, with someone working horses. Do you research and find it. If you can afford to travel, go West young man or woman (or in my case, middle-age woman). Take a horse pack trip - they're not that expensive - and get familiar with the process of horse-related travel. This is where I met the folks I work with now. I took a five day pack trip into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. When I came down from the mountain, life would never be the same.

If you are young, you're probably not yet saddled (sorry) with debt and family responsibilities. Even with little experience you can get a job on a ranch as a hand or a beginner wrangler. You have to be eager, and willing to work hard. There are a few places where you can actually attend a Wrangler School. These courses are enormously beneficial and surely look good on a wrangler resume.

If you really want to be a part of the cowboy or wrangler culture you have to be willing to work very long hard hours, outdoors, in any weather. Summers in the dude ranch industry are incredibly busy - 16 hour days, and many nights spent sleeping under the stars (not a bad perk, huh?) There are a few great websites for outdoor jobs, like and You won't believe what's available. You can also do a Google search for dude ranches in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. You may need to start out as a cook one summer, and work your way up to wrangling.

I was a high school teacher and (gulp) a litigation attorney for 16 years before my dream of being a wrangler came to fruition. If this nearly-50 year old Jersey girl can ride the range for a living surely you can too. Good luck, and come see me at the ranch.

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Being a massage therapist is a people-centered job that entails lots of interactions with clients such as patients and people who generally want to relax after a stressful day at work. Because of this, if you want to succeed in the healthcare and service industry, you must have the following personality traits.

Resilience. You will be meeting various personalities in this kind of work with differing needs and reasons for seeking massages. Therefore, you must be flexible enough in dealing with your clients.

Patience. Some patients seek the help of massage therapists because doctors recommended the treatment, while some simply want to relax and de-stress. There are also those who come for massages but do not really understand the health benefits one will get from it. In this case, you have to be patient enough to explain the pros and cons of massages as well as the nature of the various massage modalities.

Good listener. Not everyone who goes for a massage can explain what he or she really wants to get out of it. As a massage therapist, you must be able to make sense out of what your client is talking about. If he is complaining about a certain body pain, explain to him what could have caused it or refer him to the clinic's physician or healthcare practitioner.

Good communication skills. Generally, this type of job does not require you to talk during the entire massage session, except for a couple of questions you might ask your customers concerning their comfort and preference when it comes to application of pressure during the massage. But the need for communication happens before your massage session in order to put your client to ease and after the session, where you check whether he or she feels better after the massage or if they need anything else after the session.

In addition, you might also double as office receptionist from time to time, thus, you will be having client interface at a different setting.

Commitment to work. Being in the massage industry can be a taxing job considering that you will be using mostly your hands, arms, legs, and feet during massages and depending on the type of massage your client wants. Therefore, you have to have the dedication to work even when you feel tired after handling several clients already.

This also means you have to come mentally prepared and alert so that you do not hurt your clients while doing the massage. Your role as massage therapist is critical and just one wrong move could result to permanent damage or pain to your clients.

Caring attitude. Caring and nurturing for your client should be inherent in you in order to be successful in this job. Because your work is critical to a client's well-being, you must have the instinct to want to help people get well or feel better about themselves.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that physical therapists see quite often.

Though it is normally thought of as a wrist condition, CTS can actually affect your entire arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on your median nerve. Although repetitive hand motions can result in CTS, they are not the only cause. Other diseases can also lead to its development. Regardless of its cause, surgery is often recommended as a treatment for CTS. Fortunately, surgery is not always necessary. Physical therapy alone can help most patients with CTS manage their symptoms effectively, relieving pain and restoring the normal use of the arm.

Once Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has been diagnosed, if your doctor recommends physical therapy, your therapist will begin with some education and exercise. The education will mostly revolve around how to take care of your wrists going forward, as well as instruction on any exercises your therapist recommends you engage in at home. He or she will also lead you through some exercises right there in the office intended to increase your muscle strength. As always, heat and ice packs are often used during this process in order to make it more comfortable for you. Your therapist may even visit your work site in order to assess it and recommend adjustments to your daily routine.

If surgery is recommended, you will probably still need physical therapy as well. In fact, assistance in post-operative recovery is one of the physical therapist's most important roles. A lot of the techniques we've already described will also be utilized in this type of case. In addition, there will be some scar management, which will help to make sure that your skin remains supple and flexible. When you're first beginning to recuperate from your surgery, it may feel like you may never be able to use your hand and fingers normally again. Rest assured, you will, and your physical therapist will be right beside you every step of the way.

As I mentioned before, patient education is one of the benefits of physical therapy. When it comes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a lot of that education will pertain to ways to prevent this disease from becoming a problem again in the future. Reducing the use of force, taking frequent breaks, and maintaining a neutral wrist position are all important preventative measures. Though physical therapists are wonderful people, you probably don't want to see them any more than you have to.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, contact a local physical therapist.

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For many clients the idea of having a massage therapist come to them is appealing. They do not have to drive or deal with parking on their way to or from their appointment and they are able to relax immediately after the appointment. As a massage therapist, providing services to these clients can be lucrative. However, concern for your safety may limit you from offering these services. We employ many therapists across the country to meet the demand of mobile massage services and recommend the following tips to help ensure their safety.

Your company image is important to ensure both you and the clients are comfortable with your business relationship. Professionalism in your advertisements, phone consultations, and marketing materials will project the services you provide.

Have a safety person you contact to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of the client you will be visiting. Explain to them you'll call them when you arrive and when you leave so they will know where you are.

Once you have a client's name, research them on the internet. Conduct a search on their name and go to sites like to determine if they reside at the address provided or your local sexual predator lists to determine if there are any areas of concern.

Consider processing payments by credit card over the phone in advance so that you are not carrying cash with you on appointments.

Personally, I have found visiting clients in their homes provides another level of interest to client relationships. I have the opportunity to meet family members, see their environment and lifestyle which assists in assessments and recommendations, and reduce my overhead costs not having to maintain an office.

As a mobile massage therapist, you have a great service to provide and keeping your safety as a priority is critical.

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Across the nation, companies are experiencing the benefits of massage in the workplace!

Corporate chair massage has quickly become one of the most popular and requested benefits in the workplace today. The physical demands of long hours at the computer and the high stress of the new marketplace have made work stress reduction necessary. This service reduces fatigue and tension for greater productivity and safety. Whether your company uses it through a regular employee wellness or benefits package, or as part of an incentive program, this type of program can be an asset to your human resource department and your company.

The Benefits of On-Site Massage

1. Increased morale and productivity.

When Fortune magazine featured the best 100 companies to work for in America, they emphasized corporate perks such as this type of therapy. These benefits were shown to empower workers and positively affect the success of the business. The Gallup poll summarized that "employee attitudes correlate strongly with higher profits."

2. Relief of stress and fatigue.

On-site massage is an energizing massage, but it also relaxes the muscles and soothes the spirit. Workers surveyed by Time magazine preferred massage over coffee breaks!

3. It opens the mind and increases alertness.

Massage clears thinking and releases the individual's innate creativity. "A 15 minute massage increases alertness and performance," reports Dr. Tiffany Fields in Life magazine's eight page cover story on massage.

4. It increases brain power and sharpens the senses.

The Miami Research Institute of Florida reported that office workers who were massaged completed a math test more quickly and with fewer errors!

5. It frees the body, enhances emotional well being and reduces the damaging effects of stress.

It can help relieve backaches, headaches, muscle spasm and pain, reduce blood pressure, and improve circulation.

How Corporate Massage Therapy Works

* Typical on-site massage is done in 10-20 minute sessions and is done through the clothing, aiming at the shoulders, neck, arms, and back.

* The therapist will bring a specially designed massage chair, relaxation music and any other supplies needed.

* Appointments are booked in advance. The company will usually provide a sign-up sheet and send out a memo to the associates.

* Employees may have an option of signing up for one session or two for a longer massage.

* It is advantageous to send a weekly email to remind associates of their massage appointments and if any openings are available.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

The company may pay 100%, split the cost, or simply make this service available for the employees to pay themselves. Cash or checks may be used for payment and possibly credit cards or flexible spending accounts.

Tax and Insurance Benefits

* Massage can be a tax deductible medical expense.
* In some situations, a flexible spending account may be used for massage.
* Large companies often offer incentives for employees to participate in exercise and wellness programs.

How to Find Corporate Massage Therapy

Corporate massage therapy is a service typically provided by licensed massage therapists working in dedicated massage therapy offices rather than by massage therapists working in a spa environment. To find a provider of corporate massage therapy, contact licensed massage therapy offices in your area or a professional massage therapy association.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the mean annual salary of a physical therapist for May 2007 was $71,520, with those in the bottom 10% earning a mean annual salary of less than $48,530 and those in the top 10% earning a mean annual salary of more than $100,000. This job also has great expectations for growth, so it is likely that there should be no problems getting a job in this field if you have the qualifications.

There are many factors that can affect the salary range of a physical therapist, including the industry they work in, the location where they work, and the years of experience that they have. All of these things need to be considered when considering the income of a physical therapist.

The industries where the mean annual pay of a physical therapist is the highest are social advocacy organizations ($82,710), other amusement and recreation industries ($82,650), home health care services ($79,300), vocational rehabilitation services ($76,980), and employment services ($74,720). However, only one of these industries is among the top employers of physical therapists, and that is home health care services. The other industries among the top five physical therapist employers are offices of other health care professionals, general medical and surgical hospitals, nursing care facilities, and offices of physicians. It looks like the best chance of getting a job with a high salary for physical therapists is to work in the home health care services.

Although salaries vary by location, when you consider the salary range for physical therapy in different locations be sure to also consider the cost of living as well. With that said, the states with the highest pay for physical therapists are Nevada ($80,960), California ($78,940), Rhode Island ($78,430), New Jersey ($78,130), and Texas ($77,290). Rhode Island is also one of the states that employ the most physical therapists. The others are Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

Experience definitely does make a difference in the income of a physical therapist. According to PayScale, the median annual salary for physical therapists with less than one year of experience is $53,586, while that of a physical therapist with 20 or more years of experience is $69,601. The longer you work as a physical therapist the higher your salary can go.

Those with higher levels of experience and higher levels of education are more likely to hold positions in management or positions with more responsibility, which in turn lead to the higher salary ranges for physical therapists. Louis Zhang, Certphysicaltherapist dot com

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