You may have seen the advantages of a full body massage in the past, but were you aware that a foot massage can help the body heal itself and eliminate certain ailments? The usage of reflexology, a traditional Chinese technique used for healing of the body and to unwind the muscles, is the basis of foot massage, and if you have had frequent colds, headaches, joint or muscle pain a quality foot massage might be just the thing you need.

How Does It Work?

The foot massage, which is also known as the sole massage, is the technique of massaging specific areas on the foot so that you can cure certain diseases. Reflexology based in China suggests that each section of the foot is associated to an internal organ, and that this area will heal the organ through the use of massaging the foots specific spot that is associated with the organ that is damaged. This makes the process unlike most other body massages because your therapist will only be rubbing areas on your feet, but you can feel the effects in all other corresponding parts of your body.

Your session will probably start by soaking your feet in a hot water bath and a mixture of Chinese herbs which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Your therapist will typically use strong, fast movements (commonly with the use of their knuckles) to work your feet, which is undoubtedly a change from the long sliding type of movements that you will typically feel for a Swedish massage or a sports massage. A body lotion or oil can also be employed during your foot massage to help you feel more at ease.

What Can You Expect During Your Session?

When your therapist touches an area of the foot that induces and discomfort in you, they are more than likely to share with you the reasons you are experiencing any discomfort, and provide you with tips for healing that specific organ that might be giving you problems. For example, if you have stomach or abdominal pain, you might be having a problem with the liver or kidneys, which is suggested by the sensitivity of an area on the foot, the same holds true even for headaches as well as fatigue.

If your therapist touches an area too fast or too deeply, it can cause discomfort because your muscles contract automatically, which can also be indicative of health problems that you might not be aware of. During the session, you should begin to feel much better, because the spot on your foot, which is causing you problems should start to feel better at the end of your session.

If you want to use the foot massage to help heal you of any health conditions, be sure to talk with your physician about massage techniques that will suit you best. You might also want to consider a massage chair to use in your home, so that you can get a massage at any time to gain energy as well as cut down on any type of pain you may be having in certain areas of your body.

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Treating shin splints can be difficult when the pain is too much to handle. From the vulnerable nerves to the inability to put pressure on the lower leg, it is one of the excruciating foot conditions. Nevertheless, with the right treatments, shin splints relief is possible in most cases. Including the proper use of orthotics and several innovative massage techniques, relief is finally in sight.

Learn How You Can Make a Difference for Your Shins

Shin splints are commonplace injuries that are caused by some of the following major factors:

  • Weakened anterior or tight posterior leg muscles

  • Sprinting on a hard surface or a recent increase of physical activity

  • Wearing shoes that are too tight or small including lack of heel cushion or shoes with little support

  • Suffering from flat arches

These factors can become a life-changing injury if your career depends upon your fitness level or being on your feet for prolonged periods. In the case of police officers, for example, they must stay fit and strong so they can keep up with their requirements on the job. With better upkeep of fitness, however, shin splints can quickly become an issue.

Orthotics Help Foot Pain in More Ways than One

Research studies have concluded that shoe orthotics help relieve shin splints by cushioning the heel as well as providing arch support. These are several of the major factors listed above that can be taken care of starting today. Some athletic shoe orthotics are specially made to cushion the heels and support the feet. These devices diminish the stress to be absorbed into the insoles instead of forcing the joints to absorb most of the stress. For people with flattened arches, shoe orthotics designed for athletes can be purchased with firm arches so that normal arch support is provided to the feet. Wearing adequate foot arch support is critical to normal foot function.

Treating Shin Pain Involves More than Resting

More can be done for the lower legs aside from strengthening and stretching the muscles as well as keeping the affected area iced and rested. Massage treatments can make a huge difference in the overall healing time. One recommended exercise is to massage under water. Water massage using cold water is highly recommended, since it can help to reduce fluid retention in the area.

Shin Pain is Easy with Massage

One underwater massage technique involves first soaking the lower legs in a bathtub with some ice cubes. This will lessen the swelling and also help the nerves to be soothed. Never press thumbs into the shins, since this can send the injured person through the roof in pain. Instead, with a hand-off approach, have them point their toes and flex their foot alternately underneath the water. This not only self-massages the inner muscles, but helps bring blood to the area. It also strengthens the anterior muscles while stretching the posterior muscles in tandem.

Learn How Massagers Can Remove Shin Pain

Another massage that helps tremendously for shin splints is by way of a battery-operated or plug-in massager that provides vibration massage. With nerves ultra-sensitive to being touched, giving a skin-to-skin massage simply isn't the best option. Some types grip the leg via a neoprene sleeve while others are in the shape of a square and can be placed flat on the floor or on top of the shin. For tight posterior leg muscles, a roller-type massage machine (handheld) can also be excellent for massaging calf muscles.

You no longer have to let shin splints stop you from living. With the frequent use of shoe orthotics and these two massage techniques; shin splints can be painless and extremely effective.

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Massage therapy schools are proliferating across the country as more and more people decide to become licensed as massage therapists. There are schools in nearly every state, and there are a variety of programs that focus on particular types of massaging, so you can become specialized in certain areas.

Before enrolling in a massage therapy school, it is probably a good idea to do a bit of research into the different types of massaging, so you can decide if you would like to specialize in any one area; then, you can choose your massage therapy school accordingly.

Once you have determined what you want to do, you can begin researching schools in your area. Different factors like tuition prices, length of the program, and the experience of the instructors should come into play.

When choosing a massage therapy school, it is best to look for one that is accredited; that is, those schools whose programs have been evaluated and determined to be teaching the correct methods in a universally acceptable way. Many schools, though, rely on traditional Chinese theories for massage.

In general, when you enroll in massage therapy schools, expect to spend around six to eight months learning and practicing. Of course, there are more lessons to be learned than just the massage techniques, though. You will find that coursework may include basic anatomy classes, techniques for massage, legal requirements and responsibilities, management and finances, and even health and regulatory practices.

These are all in addition to practicum's wherein you will have the opportunity to practice your newly acquired skills. Performing an internship may or may not be required; nonetheless, it is a great idea to shadow a massage therapist who has achieved success to see the techniques in action, in a real-life setting.

Massage therapy schools that are accredited and are regulated by state standards will ensure that you receive a top quality education in your new career path. In those few months that it takes to learn to become a massage therapist, you will acquire skills in everything from pressure points to opening and managing your own spa or salon.

In fact, these business skills can aid you in developing a business plan and marketing methods that will be transferable to your real life, where you can take everything from the classroom and make it work for you. Beyond the business aspect, expect to get some history lessons as well.

Massage therapy schools, particularly the ones that help you specialize in particular methods, will not only instruct you in those methods and techniques, but will also teach you all about their origins and evolvement over time.

Knowing not only what you are doing but how it has been developed and molded over time will make you an expert in your field of expertise. Beyond that, expect to find out everything you need to know about the law and regulatory practices of your state and/or region. This way, massage therapy schools are certain that they teach every possible aspect of massage therapy, including what it takes to have a successful, law-abiding practice.

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While you can find a person who likes just about every kind of job out there, not all careers enjoy very high levels of job satisfaction as a whole. It's important to know how people end up feeling about their careers as they are in the midst of them, because it can give you a clue as to how you might feel too, and whether or not a particular line of work is the right path for you. Physical therapists, for example, enjoy extremely high levels of satisfaction, making the prospects of entering this field even more exciting for prospective students.

One of the key facts behind this comes from a 2007 survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center. This survey found that over three quarters of physical therapists responded as being "very satisfied" with their jobs. That's more than 75%, and it shows you that if you end up pursuing physical therapy, it's extremely likely that you'll end up feeling happy about your line of work.

Not only is this an extremely high percentage, but it's actually the number 2 highest rated profession for job satisfaction across any industry or area. Number 1 belonged to clergy, and no other health care related profession ranked in the top 5.

But there are a few other surveys and rankings which help to bolster the case for physical therapy even more. In November 2010, ranked physical therapy as the number 4 best job in America, in a top 100 list. A year before that, the U.S. News and World Report included physical therapy on their list of the best careers for the year.

Now that you know how highly satisfactory physical therapy can be for most of the individuals in the field, it's important to know why. Right at the top of the list is that physical therapy is extremely rewarding in terms of helping people and improving their lives each and every day of your working life. You'll always feel positive and like you're doing something worthwhile as you work as a physical therapist.

Intrinsic rewards are great, but let's be honest, earning a good salary is also very important for the career that you'll have. Physical therapists bring in very high salaries, and there are also great job opportunities right now for new professionals. That means you'll be able to land a great job very quickly, and once you do, that job will pay you what you deserve, on top of all of those other great benefits and rewards.

Some careers have job satisfaction rates of about 50-50, and many others fare much worse than that. So when you see that 75% of physical therapists love their jobs, the 2nd highest ranking career of any, then you really have to take it seriously. If you haven't been considering physical therapy before, you might definitely want to consider it now, from the high salaries and numerous job opportunities, to the intrinsic rewards of helping people every day.

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To become a masseuse you need to go to a massage school where they give a specialized course on massages. A good massage school clinic will help you get really good and professional training and will be provided with a certificate at the end of the training too. These too are essential for the growth of your career in this profession. Four things that you must consider before you join a massage school are

• Economy
For any type of education the cost plays an important role in determining whether the course would be worth the cost. The overall cost of the school is to be considered. The school normally provides training and these schools are mostly privately owned and run. Therefore the tuition fees are very dependent upon the type of school. You should ask about the fees about the schools and the extra costs that are associated with the school. Do inquire about any scholarships that might be offered for financial aid.

• Licensing Requirement
Before you select one particular school for the one where you will study you should check the licensing requirements that the school needs to fulfill. If the school has not fulfilled the requisite license then avoid going to that school. Get yourself admitted into a certified school and it should be one that is recognized everywhere and thus can help you get a job.

• Curriculum
There are many variations in massage schools and there are many vocational schools that offer these programs. You should be going in for courses that cover specialized styles of massages. There are some schools that offer an associate degree along with the major degree which is provided to you. Also look for additional diplomas that you might be able to earn while pursuing your course. There is a certain 500 hours quota that one needs to fulfill to be able to get the diploma but that again is something that is dependent upon the school and thus it varies from place to place and college to college.

• Course
This is one area where you need to have done prior research before hand to have been able to properly understand this. The selection of the right type of courses will ensure that you will be more experienced and knowledgeable in those areas. There will be courses which have their practical counter part along with the theory areas these subjects are the ones which you must apply for. Courses which include advanced massage techniques and all about physiology and psychology are absolutely essential for every masseur.

You need to be able to thoroughly check all these requirements before you decide to pay the fees and enroll in the school. The type of education that you get from places like these will be determining how are one is going to be existing for the rest of one's life, and one do not need to take a chance with such a decision without research.

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In the spa in Redding where I have a massage studio, both men and women come into buy massages for their significant others. The intent of these gifts are wonderful. The significant others are always grateful. However, there are times in massage sessions where a client will say, "I wish my husband or wife could massage me the way you do". They say, "you have this way of connecting to my body that my partner does not". Those comments illustrate what is often times missing between many couples- a deeper, loving. physical connection.

Because they want that level of connection with each other, many couples are requesting that I teach them how to massage each other. There is a deeper message that is being communicated to me from couples, not just male and females couples either, all variation of couples. Women tend to receive massage more, so for their men I teach them that one of the greatest gifts they can give their woman is the magic of being a man who gives touch and massage with the intent of having her feel good, all without wanting sex afterwards. This intent can apply to any variation of couple. It's simply genuine intent and open heart space that people wish to feel, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. This is why professional massage feels so good. Many of us massage therapists have trained ourselves with that level of intention and presence. I teach clients that giving your partner loving, therapeutic touch is much less expensive(and more fun) than buying "things" like an expensive dinner or flowers, especially if funds are limited.

Lately, stress levels for so many are higher than ever. For couples though, during high stress times, the physical, intimate connection is what often times gets neglected first. Luckily now in society it is becoming widely accepted that therapeutic massage and touch are way to decrease stress levels. Loving, therapeutic touch can always be available between two people. The benefits of massage are infinite; physiological, emotional, and physical. In addition the boundless loving energy that can be exchanged between two people is amazing. Everything is linked. The mind/body are one, when you affect one area, you always affect the others. Here are just a few of the benefits of massage; A physiological benefit is that touch releases serotonin in the body, and serotonin is the "feel good" chemical. This connects right to the emotional benefit of touch, it feels good, it brings happiness. The physical benefit when the body is touched, is that muscles will relax, thus decreasing tightness. This decreases pain in the body. It's always a cyclical effect.

Clients will say to me I can't massage my partner because I don't have strong hands or my partner just doesn't know how to get to those tight spots. There are ways to train oneself so those problems do not affect the level of connection between a couple. The real goal is staying connected with the intent of love and presence, because energy goes where thoughts (intent) flows. You can have tiny hands and still give an excellent massage.

Like I mentioned above, nothing beats getting a high quality therapeutic massage. You get presence, experience, plus the breadth of knowledge of a professional massage therapist. All this, without having to give back. You lay on the massage table and drift off into dream land, trusting that the massage therapist will attune to you, your body and give you the love and focus you need. If you have a truly skilled massage therapist, then he or she will know the power of giving massage from an open heart. You can sense in anyone's touch what their intent is. The warmth of their heart will flow through their hands.

Imagine that you and your partner have all those qualities. It is possible. This is where intent comes into play. In your mind's eye imagine how wonderful it feels receiving loving, therapeutic touch from a trusted partner. You can still drift into dream land. Trust that your partner is giving to you because they want to make you feel good and you don't have to give back. Then practice giving touch to them the same way.

There are many skills and techniques one can learn to give excellent therapeutic touch for helping each other de-stress and relax. First though it really comes down to heart space with the ebb and flow of giving and receiving. Like I said, energy flows where intent goes. If you want to make your partner feel good, then your partner will feel good. This open heart space coupled with communication are keys for navigating the art of giving and receiving.

Especially during stressful times, staying lovingly connected is one of the most important things we can do for each other. This loving connection often replaces material things. Plus that abundant energy is returned to us in profound ways. Next time you are stressed, maybe just let that stress go. Focus with your partner on giving and receiving therapeutic touch. You might be surprised at how it can relax both of you.

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There is a wide range of physical therapy assistant schools to choose from for those who plan to pursue a career as a physical therapist's assistant. However, there are several considerations to take into account when selecting a school. One of the most important things to consider is the school's status with regards to accreditation.

Because they are acknowledged and held in high regard by virtually every healthcare facility, accredited programs are the wisest option for one's education. There are over 265 schools throughout the country dedicated to teaching students the knowledge and skills required to work in the field, meaning the relevant training can be obtained by almost anyone.

Physical Therapy Assistant Schools

Accreditation Considerations

In August of 2010, the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education-CAPTE-obtained permission from the American Physical Therapy Association to grant accreditation status to such programs.

Each learning institution is judged on its program's quality, the instructor to student ratio, IT features and administration considerations. For this reason, choosing a CAPTE-accredited school is the best way to ensure that one receives a quality education.

Although the school selected will depend on a variety of factors, the following two schools are inexpensive and offer a high quality of teaching:

Southern Illinois University

Southern Illinois University offers an Associate's of Applied Science program for those interested in becoming physical therapist assistants. An individual can earn his or her degree in five semesters and the university provides job placement assistance. The cost of each credit hour is approximately $74 as of January, 2012.

College of Southern Nevada

The College of Southern Nevada also offers an Associate degree program in Applied Science. The degree can be earned in four semesters, and the average tuition cost as of April, 2012, is approximately $69 per credit hour. The college also provides several financial assistance programs for students that are deemed to need it.


Although coursework will vary at physical therapy assistant schools, almost all programs will include the following: anatomy, physiology, biology, neurosciences, behavioral sciences, pharmacology and therapeutic procedures.

Students will learn through classroom lectures and clinical experiences, the latter of which is taken under the direction of a physical therapist or other licensed health care practitioner. With most programs, essentially 100% of the final semester will consist of hands-on training. Clinical rotations are typically taken in clinics and hospitals in the general vicinity of the learning institution where one is enrolled.

Online Options

Students can also choose to complete their education at one of many physical therapy assistant schools available online. This option has become increasingly popular over the past 10 years. However, it is important to note that only accredited online schools should be considered. The following is a popular school which meets this criteria:

Online PTA Program at San Juan College

Prospective students can earn an Associate of Applied Science degree at San Juan College's online campus. The New Mexico based college is CAPTE-accredited and specializes in assistant programs. The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges has also accredited this School. As of 2011, tuition stands at approximately $50 per credit hour.

Those who are interested in becoming an assistant in this field will discover that physical therapy assistant schools are available to suit virtually every lifestyle and budget. Therefore, those who wish to realize their goal of working in this profession should enrol in an accredited school to take the first step toward securing meaningful employment in the field of physical therapy.

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Hot stone massage is a popular combination of a light massage technique aided by hot stones for relaxing stiff and tension muscles all over the patient' body. Swedish massage is probably the most commonly used massage therapy for this type of therapeutic massage as it is done in a gentle and smooth manner. The most common type of stone used on the patient's body is basalt rock. The reason for this is because of its ability to retain heat for a long time unlike the other stones. These stones are usually sanitized before being used on the patient's body.

The person responsible for making this massage type popular all over the world is an Arizona massage therapist named Mary Nelson. However, this massage technique is used for many centuries ago as an alternative medicine to promote a healthy condition. La-Stone Therapy was a modified version of hot stone massaged developed by Mary Nelson.

The basalt or other types of stones used are usually placed on a preheated water container until they reach the desirable and appropriate temperature suitable for this type of therapeutic massage. An electric heating device is commonly used as it is more convenient to heat things there than any other type of heating device. Stones that are not warm enough or lost their warmth are replaced and immersed back in the water and heated again in the electric heating device.

In a hot stone massage therapy session, the process is similar with any of the conventional massage therapy where the patient is required to undress and comfortably lie down on the massage bed. However, unlike the other massage styles, hot stone massage starts its therapy by warming up the patient's body with the help of hot stones positioned on the various meridian points located all over the body. The warmth of these stones helps a lot in releasing tension and calming the body parts of the patient as a preparation for a good massage therapy. The massage therapist also uses oil or lotion as a lubricant on the patient's body for a smooth and friction-free manipulation of the various massage strokes. The therapist has the liberty of using hot stones placed on both hands as he or she massages the patient. These stones are replaced with new stones in case the heat doesn't meet the appropriate temperature required for this massage therapy method. Most of the time during a massage session, the massage therapist doesn't remove the hot stones on the patient's body key points as he or she works all over the body.

Many people are getting hooked with this type of massage therapy because of its wonderful effect on the patient's body after the massage therapy session. This type of massage therapy is suitable for individuals who prefer to relax with a lighter and gentler massage therapy. People with body pain often find this technique relieving, relaxing and energizing. It is also a good way of removing emotional and physical stress by getting your energy re-balanced for a healthier body condition.

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Physical therapy or physiotherapy involves treatment of diseases, disabilities and disorders by evaluating, diagnosing and treating the diseases using physical treatments. For the treatment of different types of disabilities and diseases, various types of equipments are used by the physical therapists. These equipments are known as physiotherapy equipments. Most of these equipments and machines are mainly used to complete daily tasks easily and painlessly. Various types of therapies are used to heal different parts of the body.

Different Types of Physiotherapy Equipments

A therapist may require various kinds of machines and equipments to treat different types of disabilities. Some of the most important types of equipments used by the physical therapists are elaborated below.

Exercise equipment: Exercise is one of the most common and widely known varieties of physical therapy. Different types of exercise equipments are used by the therapists to heal bone and muscle disorders and disabilities. Treadmills, exercise bikes, pedal exerciser or elliptical trainer are some of the most common types of physiotherapy equipments used in most of the therapy clinics and hospitals.

Another type of exercise equipment includes the Upper Body Ergometer (UBE). It is quite similar to the stationary bikes in appearance. The UBE is mainly used to heal and strengthen the upper body, shoulders and arms. Stationary bikes are mainly used to strengthen the legs.

Balance ball and chair: One of the most useful varieties of physical therapy equipments includes the balance ball chair which is quite essential to patients exercising with the balance ball. It helps to keep the body and spine in proper alignment while performing exercises. This ergonomically designed chair helps to prevent muscle strains while exercising with the balance ball.

Trampoline: Physiotherapy equipments also include a mini portable trampoline which is quite essential for patients during therapy sessions. One of the greatest advantages of the portable trampoline is its adjustable inclines. It can be adjusted according to the requirements of the patients. It is mainly used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and helps patients with leg injuries.

Mobility equipments: Various mobility equipments are also used in physical therapy treatments. These physiotherapy equipments are used to improve mobility, strength, balance and coordination. Staircase trainer is one of the most important mobility equipment used in physical therapies. It helps to regain strength and mobility of the lower part of the body. Parallel bars are also used in physical therapies to improve strength and range of motion.

Hot and cold therapy equipments: Physiotherapy also includes hot and cold therapy to relieve pain from inflammation and arthritis. It also improves post surgical recoveries. Standing and sitting whirlpools are used in these therapies to heal and strengthen the limbs. Heating pads are used to relieve pain. Cold compressors, which are available in the form of wraps, help to reduce swelling of the elbows and knees.

Apart from the above mentioned equipments, various other types of equipments and machines are also used in physical therapies. TENS or the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation machine, laser machines and Ultrasound machines are the other most important equipments used by physical therapists to relieve chronic pain.

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Massage treatment intake forms play a critical role where both the client and the therapist are concerned. Massage treatment intake forms convey a wealth of useful information that provides the starting point for treatment.

Why Massage Treatment Intake Forms Are Required By Therapists

Massage treatment intake forms are what go into the client's file first; they are intended to supply the therapist with the necessary information that will enable him to treat you for you problem in a sound and careful manner.

All patients do not receive the same massage treatment. There are a number of things that can influence the extent/regularity of treatment that you get, including the degree and duration of each session. Now what seems appropriate for you may in fact lead to injury in another person with a particular problem. The queries mentioned in the massage treatment intake form are intended to enlighten the therapist regarding your:

a. Medical history
b. Present medical problems
c. Extent of motion
d. Purpose of treatment
e. Personal viewpoint concerning massage therapy (for instance, do you consider massage to be a practicable physical therapy or just a soothing, relaxing, indulgence?)

Moreover, massage treatment intake forms also list the elementary requirements like contact data as well as confidentiality disclosure.

The replies given by you against each of the queries listed in the form will reveal to the massage therapist which specific areas require greater focus, the type of massage that will work best for you and tend to make you feel more comfortable, and if any products, techniques, or stimulations are contraindicated where you are concerned because of your problem or allergy and such others.

The objective of massage treatment intake form is certainly to make available a unique massage treatment experience with the best possible results.

What Queries Are Included?

Now, your massage treatment intake form should by no means be excessively intrusive, but some basics are required. The standard massage intake form generally will comprise of queries that inquire about:

1. Your address and contact data

2. Levels of stress

3. Strain

4. Headaches

5. Medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy, circulatory and cardiac conditions

6. Latest procedures or problems such as surgery, broken bones, pregnancy, back problems, tissue damage

7. Problems with pain like back pain, sensitive areas, numbness, pressures, or piercing pains

Furthermore, you will have the chance to inform the therapist by means of the massage treatment intake form what your particular area(s) of distress is (are) and in what way you think massage therapy will benefit you.

Your massage therapist just requires you to complete a massage treatment intake form before your initial appointment, and at regular intervals following ongoing treatment. With the help of the information supplied by you, the therapist develops a massage procedure especially for you in order that you attain whatever you set to accomplish from your personal massage treatment experience.

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