The ever-increasing fame of massage therapy among people worldwide has introduced a powerful and lucrative career in the field of massage therapy. People are looking forward to become a massage therapist and provide adept services in this industry. The process of massage therapy can be extremely grueling and tedious for a massage therapist but there is a great scope to earn fame and money in this field.

A career as a therapist can bring you great rewards and money. To pursue a career in massage therapy, one requires attending a reputed and recognized school. The school will train the individual in the fundamentals of a variety of techniques.

These schools are present all over the world and attending one of the schools will train you in some years. You will also be provided a license as a therapist. Most prefer opening their independent business where they can either train prospective massage therapists or provide massage therapies.

If you are interested in opening your own massage parlor and provide expert services to your clients, you should include the following services in your parlor.

a) Swedish massage:
This is one of the most popular massage therapies that include long, slow strokes to relax muscle tension.

b) Deep tissue massage:
This type of a massage therapy works on the deepest part of the muscles. Athletes prefer this massage as it provides them the kind of relaxation they actually require.

c) Hot stone therapy:
This massage therapy utilizes heated river stones to sooth muscles.

d) Maternity massage:
The therapy help people ease the discomfort that may sometimes accompany with pregnancy.

As a professional massage therapist, you require to concentrate on quality than quantity. You cannot schedule more than a few massages per day. This can be tiring and also affect your proficiency. As a good therapist, you should concentrate on making your last massage of the day as good as your first.

If you are a customer and want to visit a good massage therapist to relive all your tensions and achieve ultimate relaxation, you require keeping certain points in mind.

First and foremost, you need to consider the qualifications of the person whom you want to receive a massage therapy from. Take special care that the therapy training obtained by the therapist must be from a reputed and well-recognized massage school in your country or state.

Second, try to collect reviews about the services provided by a particular massage therapist you want to appoint for the therapy. You can contact your friends, colleagues and relatives for best and honest reviews.

Once you appoint a massage therapist, you need to talk to him or her so that you can obtain the best possible treatment. Tell your therapist if any area on your body aches or has been restricted from this therapy. Also inform the therapist about the area of the body you need special attention.

During the massage therapy, let the therapist know whether a stroke is hurting you and ask whether it is normal.

A massage therapist can provide you the kind of relaxation you require.

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Find Personal Trainer Schools in the United States and Canada. Students who are interested in gaining an alternative education will find that personal trainer schools will instruct individuals in the art and science of personal training and coaching. Personal trainer schools teach individuals how to mentor and guide individuals, and how to facilitate the best collaborative services to meet short and long-term goals to overall health and fitness. Students of personal trainer schools may learn how to use specific techniques, such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), to help harmonize the client’s mind, body and spirit.

Additionally, personal trainer schools instruct students on how to develop personal profiles, health and fitness evaluations, how to increase energy, improve nutritional plans, rehabilitate and strengthen, and help to enhance overall lifestyles. In addition, courses that are provided in personal trainer schools commonly include training in basic First Aid and CPR.

A number of personal trainer schools may offer coursework in legal guidelines, business management, client evaluations, program design, insurance operations, nutrition, anatomy and physiology, and other physical fitness education programs as well. Several personal trainer schools offer certificate and/or diploma programs to students who successfully complete one of a variety of personal trainer/life coaching courses. Certified personal trainers can enjoy working in physical fitness centers, as aerobic instructors or personal fitness coaches; as well as life coaching centers (depending on course of study).

Prospective students who are interested in becoming more motivated, more goal oriented, or simply wish to assist clients in improving their overall wellbeing and lifestyle, feel free to check the vocational schools' directory for personal trainer schools today!

Find your dream job! Let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Personal Trainer Schools
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There's a whole other language of vocabulary to learn in audio school, but here's some quick peeks to help you focus on your studies. This time we're going to focus on acoustics, which actually the scientific study of all mechanical waves, but in audio engineering school is generally limited to the properties of how sound behaves in a space.

Absorption: refers to a material's sound dampening qualities. Generally soft, dense materials with lots of give absorb better than hard, lightweight surfaces. Absorption matters when you're figuring out the acoustics of a performance or recording space. Generally lots of reverberations is a bad thing, but for certain audio effects it may be exactly what you want.

Ambience: is the part of a sound comes from the surrounding environment. Audio engineering school teaches you to make the best out of the sounds you have. Sometimes this means looking for accidents and unique circumstances, and abandoning conventional instruments. DJ school is particularly interested in this, remixing industrial and naturally occurring sounds or distortions into musical compositions.

Ambient Field: Also known as reverberant field, this is the area where the reverberation is louder than the actual field.

Baffles: Sound dampening panels used to control where sound may go. They may bear a passing resemblance to egg crate foam.

Critical Distance: This is the area where the original sound and the reverberation is equally loud.

Delay: As well as being used to generate echo effects, a delay is also used in large venues so that the speakers produce sounds in a way that's perceived as simultaneous, regardless of their actual seat in the hall, theatre or auditorium.

Early Reflection: The first echoes of a sound to reach the listener, caused by reflection of a single surface. Keep in mind that sound waves could bounce several times.

Reverberation: While similar to a full echo, a reverberation is the sound you hear after sound waves have bounced off something. Depending on what it bounced off, this may have made a considerable change to the quality or characteristics of the sound. If this is a desired audio effect, a special echo chamber may be used. Or, as you'll learn in audio school, you can get the same effect through the right setting in a modern recording switchboard.

These terms are important not just in recording, but also in correctly setting up speakers for a live performance or even deciding on a venue. If you look around your audio engineering school you'll notice certain architectural features in recording and practice spaces, both to get the best quality of sound, but also to make sure what can be noisy instruments are muffled outside the area that you don't want them. While a soprano can only achieve a certain degree of amplitude on her own, you've probably heard how far an un-muffled saxophone or bagpipes can carry.

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According to touch massage therapy professionals, benefits of massages for the elderly include relaxation, blood pressure regulation, improvement of circulation and swelling, relief of joint pain treatment and reduction of stress, depression, anxiety and feelings of isolation.

The elderly are very interested in receiving therapeutic touch and are very willing to benefit from its increased popularity among practitioners. More and more often, therapists of all types are encouraged to speak to and work with adults living in nursing homes and assisted living communities. Especially popular among these therapists are those focused on promoting nursing home and assisted living clients' wellbeing through touch.

Of course, providing therapeutic touch for this fast growing demographic does not come without complications. Many therapists will need to continue their education in order to provide proper care for their elderly clients. As with any form of massage, there are certain guidelines to follow when assessing client age and needs. This is very much a consideration with the elderly.

As expected, therapists who receive certifications in touch for the geriatric, or elderly, are taught to be extremely in tune with their clients needs. Frequently, the older client can be more sensitive to touch. A more gentle approach is occasionally necessary. That isn't to say that elderly patients are fearful of touch. This is a common misunderstanding. Because even very light touching can bring about successful results toward promoting relaxation and wellbeing, it is wrongly believed that massages may be too much for the elderly patient.

With many demographics, pressure points are an easy way to get to the source of the muscle, stress or pain issue. The same is true with the geriatric population, though caution must be used when applying pressure. In some cases bone density loss, arthritis or general fragility prevents the therapist from exploring the pressure points of their elderly clients. However, with continued attention even light touch of pressure points can yield impressive and wonderful results.

Often massage therapy is being used among Alzheimer's patients with exciting outcomes. Studies suggest that touch among even the most severely affected by the disease has restorative results. Occasionally non-verbal patients have suddenly vocalized during massage treatment, suggesting that touch can get to the core of the individual no matter what stage of Alzheimer's they find themselves. Patients are also seeing increased mobility after a few sessions with a therapist.

It is important to note that, as with other demographics, each client must be treated as an individual. Their experience may be completely different than that of their peers and attention must be paid accordingly. Therapists could easily work on a 75 year-old patient that suffers from increased fragility, while at the same time working with a 95 year-old client that handles deep tissue therapy with ease.

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Are you interested in learning the art of massage? If your answer is yes, you would surely need to find a good and certified school to train you. There are plenty of factors that you need to consider in order to find the perfect massage therapy school.

Before we take a look at what you need to do, you would have to ask yourself some questions - are you going to begin your own massage centre or would you look for employment once you complete the course?

Whatever the case; if you're good at it, you'd find plenty of customers as it's not just travellers that love massages; but, these days almost everyone goes for an occasional massage.

Tips to find the best massage school

Let's take a look at what you need to do in order to find the perfect school:

Come up with a list

The first thing that you need to do is come up with a list of possible institutes wherein you would want to learn this art. You could do a bit of research online or ask some family and friends to help you out - they may know someone in this industry really well.

Find out more

Once you've got your list created, the next thing that you need to do is shorten it. Begin by considering the fees they charge; if it's out of your budget - drop them. Next, take a look at what kind of courses they offer and whether or not they're certified. Another important step that you should never forget is - personal reviews.

What have the past students said about the institute? Are they doing well now that they've completed the course from the particular massage school? These are some really important questions that you need to find answers to.

Visit the schools

Once you've got a shortlist of possible massage schools that you would love signing up at, the next step involved in the process would be personal visits. Contact the schools and ask them to give you a tour of the services they offer.

If you're happy with the campus and services as well as the qualifications of the people teaching you, you should go ahead and sign up. But, before you make a hasty decision, visit all the schools on your shortlist.

If you've got any sort of questions regarding the school make sure to ask the people in charge. If you don't receive a satisfactory answer the students would always answer your questions.

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Elderly everyday are facing limitations in their quality of life as their ability to walk, dress, bathe, shop, pay bills, and prepare meals can become very limited. Falls are another significant concern for older adults. Falls can lead to a devastating chain of events such as fractures, orthopedic injuries and furthermore increase fear of future falls. Early identification of risk for falling through the use of the Berg Balance Scale and other forms of diagnostic tests are essential. Experts use these tests to develop client specific treatment strategies to help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Simple balance exercises performed with a physical therapist can reduce risk of falls and improve proprioception. Proprioception refers to a sense of joint position and is generally a subconscious action much like the sense of smell. With a disturbed sense of proprioception, a person has to look directly at the limb they are moving in order to perceive its desired movement. When ones sense of proprioception is disturbed, it makes it difficult to do simple things that once were second nature. Like any other motor activity, proprioception can be taught.

A home health care physical therapist can improve your balance and walking at home by determining which of the three key elements of balance needs to be improved. Along with the aging process, proprioceptive sense, vision, and vestibular information all decline, leading the person vulnerable to slips and falls. Through proper physical therapy, these losses can be slowed down giving a person an extended period of mobility and better quality of life. Each client should be looked at on an individual basis and evaluated so that proper treatment techniques can be provided. It is not a one set package for every individual.

Improving the balance in seniors can significantly reduce the risk of falls and prevent undue injury, which is especially important when the elderly are living on their own. By having a home health physical therapist come to the elder's home and work on their balance, confidence can increase and lead to improved levels of function. In addition, having scheduled appointments in the elders' home gives them a sense of security, which makes the physical therapy much more beneficial. The necessary time can be taken to teach the elder techniques and simple balance exercise they can also do on their own.

Home health care physical therapists are trained in the latest treatment strategies to optimize ones health and quality of life. It is important to practice these techniques under the supervision of a qualified physical therapist to ensure safety. Once balance improves, progressive home balance exercises will help to further enhance ones condition. Remember always, safety first!

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Almost every week, it appears that a new Asian foot massage business opens up in town. I am amazed how these people can bond together to get a fully-staffed business up and running in no time. There is no shortage or bad economy for them. Every time I see an ad for a grand opening of one of these, I wonder how it is that I missed that link or why more cultures don't bond likewise to build up one another. I have wondered whether these cultures don't have the competition, malaise, fear and fraud among them; i.e. the energies which have kept so many other ethnic groups back, mine included. They seem to appreciate that one person might have a dream for a business, but it takes more than that one person to put it all together. I appreciate that too...and I give the Asians a lot of credit for this essential trait.

So I was curious about this "foot massage business" and since I can't always afford to go get a massage myself, it seemed an economical option. After all, the Asian community is at the forefront of reflexology and Eastern therapeutic treatments, so there is much benefit in receiving sessions from them; even if it is just a "learning experience". It is necessary to indulge here, that many of these businesses have a history or appear to have a connection with the porn industry. There are all kinds of stories of police busts among other sting operations across the State/Country. Some are not "shy" about promoting their services and their ads may be found in local cheap and/or free magazines and news papers. I actually know people, men and women (but especially men) who have patronized and got their "happy tugs". This indulgence is a pro or a con depending on who you are and what you seek in a massage. As a therapist, one has to make the decision whether or not they want their profession to align with this for the sake of money, and/or whether to dignify their skill set and keep their profession honorable.

Every few weeks I notice coupons in one of those coupon magazines that come with your junk mail, advertising 60-minute foot massages for $19.99. I thought, wow...that's cheap... I wonder what they do in the 60 minutes.... The ad indicated that they added in shoulder/back, head, and hand massage with the foot reflexology, and that there was the option to get a full-body massage for $35.00 using special herbal oils. So I called and told them I wanted to check them out but didn't make an appointment. I drove by shortly thereafter and peeked through the glass doors. It was so dark I could only see my own reflection. I opened the door and looked around but maybe it was too bright outside for my eyes to adjust quickly to the darkness inside. After a few moments a man came up to ask whether he could help me. I glanced around, said no thanks and left. All those images of the "happy looking" men leaving that place next door to the spa I used to work for in Studio City came flooding through my mind and I felt dirty for having gone in...but I would eventually conquer this feeling so as to form my own opinions. What were the pros and cons of patronizing a place like this?

My experience proved the following combined "pros" and "cons" (not in any order of priority/significance):

1. It's weird going into or coming out of these facilities, especially if you are a therapist.

2. Hardly anyone there speaks English. This means your therapist won't talk to you the whole time.

3. Usually, you won't want anyone to know you are there so you turn off your phone.

4. It's cheap! $15-$20 worth! $35 for full body massage!...but you get what you pay for.

5. These places are usually convenient...right next door from where you work, for e.g., so no need to park your car right in front. Simply leave it at the job or grocers across the street.

6. The staff is usually very attractive, like the folks at your nail salons.

7. It's pretty dark inside so you may not recognize others or be recognized.

8. You can give a fake name and wear disguise.

9. You don't take your clothes off unless you go into that "back room" for the "full-body" massage.

10. The overall ambiance embodies the culture of the staff.

11. Certifications and licensing are prominently posted in the "front lobby".

12. You get served right away, usually, and they finish right on time.

13. Tipping is a must! The therapist waits in expectation while you pay or gather your things.

14. General reflexology happens in a large room with other patrons getting the same thing done right next to you.

15. Most of the "Certifications" prominently posted are copies of certifications and not always CA certified (and one doesn't know whether they are real).

16. From a therapist's standpoint, the staff appears not to have training over 250 hours and in anything other than Shiatsu/Reflexology.

17. The staff consists of both men and women.

18. Be prepared for a staff member that just came in from cigarette break.

19. You don't have a choice for your attendant unless you made reservations and asked for someone by name.

20. Most of the patrons of these places appear to be white and/or non-black.

21. I think the "foot soak" is just a pan with plain warm water, nothing else.

22. Everyone appears to be very tired and somewhat frustrated with their job.

23. If you are an athletic female (muscular), expect them to be extremely rough/rude (change attendant without notice and speak in their language with "disdainful gestures" while doing so) and don't protest...they won't understand you and will just keep going. (My Asian colleagues have often asked me why it is I think I need to be so "muscular and un-feminine"... Culturally, they believe women should be "slender but soft", to attract and keep the men. Others say' the Qi in the muscular female is too strong. This might be why the female attendants seem to opt out" and let the male attendants massage me. These men acted like I was a freak and did not treat me like a lady. I believe this is because I don't appear to be as "soft" as they thought women should be.)

24. I've seen men get service with their shirts off, but ladies shouldn't try this!

25. Ladies shouldn't go in their sports bra or just a tank top alone on top, hoping to get more back and shoulder action. They'll simply put a towel over you and continue with their "robot-like routine".

26. Don't ask them not to touch your face. They don't understand you (unless you indicate to the customer service person who might translate if he/she understands).

27. Ladies should wear comfortable yoga-like clothing. No jeans, shorts, dresses, or skirts. One would think shorts would be o.k., but I tried it and no...don't...!!

28. Part of their routine is to "stretch" your legs, which from a therapist's standpoint is a Shiatsu-like stretch a la yoga's "spinal twist". Jeans are too close-fitting and inflexible for this stretch and shorts can become like ropes strangling your groin 'n goodies, especially if you get a "very zealous" male attendant. Mine appeared to have been looking for a particular reaction or to show off his power. I felt like he was pleased he "conquered" me...the muscular, un-feminine woman...(but I knew he wouldn't understand my language if I complained so I didn't...)

29. There doesn't appear to be any breaks between clients, so the staff is really very tired.

30. These businesses are open sometimes from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. in general, but one can find some who are open later.

I have decided, based on my own observations and experiences, that I will no longer patronize these establishments. My first objection is that we don't speak the same language. When I say "that hurts"; "please don't touch my head or my face"; or "I don't want to be stretched like that", these directions/requests are received with a smile and nervous nods and they just proceed with their routine, or until someone comes over to translate, which might be too late and/or cause a scene in this large room of service providers.

In my opinion, these are not legitimate massage therapists and they give credit to those who believe "anyone" can give a massage or do reflexology. They fall in line with the other chain spas and franchises which are simply in the "making-money business" not in the "people- health- then-money business".

Legitimate body workers, like me, are genuinely concerned about the health and welfare of their patrons and people in general. We don't "judge you", which in my experience, I believe these places judged me.

When an individual goes in for massages in any facility, they should not have to wonder whether they are fat, skinny, muscular, black, short, tall, ugly, pretty, or what not. Yes, in my particular business, clients will ask about their health conditions and what I find while working on them. Some will ask for suggestions as regards what path to take to address a health issue. Sometimes I know and sometimes I don't. Others do lament about trying to lose weight or put on weight or low energy, or soreness after a workout, etc., and yes I have experience in nutrition and wellness as well as weight management/personal training and have no problems making recommendations that I know work. However, this is generally not the reason for coming in.

Although I do make recommendations as regards how to eat in the days following your massage session with me, this is simply to nourish the organs effected in your session and to prolong your therapeutic results. The ultimate goal is for your health to improve, which it will with your consistency in coming for treatment and following through on the suggestions. Yesterday, a client told me she considers my opinions/treatments right up there with her team of doctors. It was a sweet compliment and I believe her. She's seen results and experienced "my power" as she calls it and it feels great that I've attracted someone so open, and available for healing.

Mostly, we get massages because we believe they are good for us and our health. They feel good and we want to feel good. The economics are definitely a concern, but we understand that we get what we pay for. The people who patronize the foot-massage businesses and the chain spas, are usually making an economic decision, not necessarily a health related decision. I would want to be sure that my therapist has had some training in an American accredited school and is licensed and certified by the State or County in which I receive service. I also would want to know that the establishment is honorable with labor rules and is in no way connected with the porn industry. Lastly, I would want to know that there is no prejudice; that everyone speaks the language I speak; that there is value on my money just as much as any other patron, and that my spirit and my body will be honored in the professional delivery of service contracted and for the betterment of my health and vitality.

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Massage therapy is a growing interest in the western world. People of different ages and class are flocking to receive massages because of their effectiveness at relieving pain and alleviating stress. The need for licensed massage therapies has thus grown and there are those that seek diplomas and certifications in massage therapy. A certificate or diploma for this is a great asset. Within this popular field are many opportunities ready to avail itself to persons seeking them. There are many schools and programs across the country which offer massage therapy classes.

Any of this program should be held by a school hosting the right accreditation. This is an essential requirement that potential students should look out for. These schools are able to afford students with everything they will need in order to become a licensed and professional therapist. The best way to find a school that offers these services is to research heavily and not rely on the first one that comes your way. There are many schools available so it is the student's responsibility to choose one that fits their lifestyle and learning.

For those who want to excel within this vast field, there are countless programs which can be taken. Students should allot time for studies beginning with beginner classes and then on to advanced levels. A beginners course in massage therapy will open many doors for those with proper diplomas while further knowledge in more advanced programs can open hundreds. Within massage therapy there are over 80 different types and techniques which can be acquired. There are no limits to what can be achieved. The more knowledge that is acquired, the better the job and positions available.

For those with hectic schedules, online classes can ease some of the stress of attending a physical class. There are massage therapy programs which allow students to attend, do assignments and even exams via the Internet. In this day and age, more and more people are finding less and less time to dedicate solely to learning, work and responsibilities at home. With online schools, students are allowed to excel from the comfort of their home or office.

Part-time massage therapy programs are also quite popular for those who cannot find the time to dedicate solely to school. Part-time programs take less than a year to learn and will allow students the knowledge to go out and seek employment with the skills they have learned. If students decide to attend classes at a school, speaking with a counselor can also be helpful. These individuals are able to point others in the right direction in terms of studies, courses and time management. Counsellors are able to give potential students information surrounding all aspects of the programs available and answer just about any question that may have been a mystery.

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It is important to find ways to scrimp and save without entirely eliminating the very thing that helps us cope with the stress of daily living. Getting a massage, specifically a Thai massage, costs very minimal but rewards us greatly. Shopping can create a dent in our savings. Going on a vacation can be very stressful and very expensive. But not with massages as we can still squeeze a massage into the monthly budget. Or maybe once every two months if the budget is too tight to have it every month. The important thing is not to deprive oneself of a good thing.

Having a Thai massage is definitely a great thing because it is effective and unique. Although, the one who is administering the massage to you should have gained his or her training at a reputable Thai Massage School. It is very critical that he or she has finished the course and the training. It can be very dangerous to the client, if the one who does the Thai Massage does not even know what he or she is doing.

Thai massage encompasses all parts of the body starting with the feet up to the head. It is critical that the masseuse knows the art of Thai massage because of the healing benefits it gives to the recipient as well. A Thai Massage is not only used for therapy to rid us of the body aches and pains but it heals the mental well-being. Aside from that, it helps detoxify the body and it strengthens the immune system. It helps increase blood circulation and it lowers blood pressure. It improves the breathing, the posture and the equilibrium. Some can even attest that it can slow the aging process which is why it is not really a surprise that Thai Massage is the most requested massage amongst all other kinds of massages.

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Choosing an appropriate Mobility Scooter or Power Wheelchair for you or your loved one may seem like a simple task but looks can be deceiving. As a licensed physical therapist and home health care specialist, I assess people with physical disabilities on a daily basis and can provide insight to your in your purchase. Below are the 5 most important aspects of selecting your electric scooter or power wheelchair.

1) Severity of Condition -- Many people ask: Should I get a Power Wheelchair or a Scooter? Its a great question and quite easy to answer. Power wheelchairs are heavy duty and meant for in-home, full time usage and usually those with more debilitating conditions. They cannot be folded up and placed into a car trunk like most scooters. Scooters are meant for intermittent usage around the house and are portable to enable mobility outside of the home as well. Power wheelchair usage outside of the home requires transport via a specialized van or power lift mechanism/trailer added to ones vehicle. Decide what's best for your condition.

2) Home Setup -- Do you live in an open area or tight space? Power wheelchairs have a much smaller turning radius than scooters, sometimes zero with certain high end models. If your home setting is open without clutter, this should not be an issue but with most elderly individuals, open home setups are not the norm.

3) Insurance Eligibility -- Are you Medicare Eligible? If so, as long as your physician deems the wheelchair/scooter as medically necessary you will be covered by Medicare for the device. To determine if you have a condition that would qualify as medically necessary, speak to your physical therapist or physician. Such conditions include severe degenerative arthritis, multiple sclerosis, strokes and respiratory diseases such as emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If not Medicare eligible, check with your insurance company for any coverage they may provide. Scooter costs can range as low as $500 to upwards of $3500 for heavy duty models while electric wheelchairs are usually $1000 at minimum with some models up to $7000+.

4) Support Systems -- A big factor that needs to be considered is the external support system one has. Is there a family member involved that would be able to physically lift a scooter into a car trunk? Does one have access to a van to transport a power wheelchair? These details need to be factored in before the decision is made.

5) Do you really need it NOW? -- I think this is the most overlooked aspect of this whole process. If you have 2 severely arthritic knees that would qualify under Medicare guidelines, did you consider knee replacement surgery to potentially avoid the need? In my view, individuals tend to elect the use of assistive devices such as power wheelchairs and scooters too early in their lives. Once one chooses to go this route, persons usually fall into a dependent mode and it becomes very difficult to regain mobility and independence into the future. Trying active rehabilitation programs such as physical therapy, occupational therapy or a simple exercise regimen could potentially put off the need for such devices.

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