A Physical Therapist will serve their patients in helping them to relieve pain, improve their mobility, and help to prevent any permanent physical damage that may cause disability.

Patients of a Physical Therapy may include people who suffer from severe back pain, shoulder pain, fractures, heart disease, arthritis, and head injuries, to name a few. Sometimes, the work of a physical therapist can be physically demanding as they may have to help move patients and help them make certain body movements during therapy. Besides helping move their patients, in Physical Therapy a therapist may also have to move around heavy equipment sometimes.

Physical Therapy have access to their patients medical histories and will examine them so that they can test their patients strength and muscle performance, range of motion, balance, posture and so on. For instance, if a patient has a rotary cuff injury, they will have a hard time raising their arm straight up. The physical Therapy will continually test that patient to see if improvements are made as treatment goes on. Their goal here is to get their patient to raise their arm without pain and to reach that point, the Physical Therapy will have to develop a strategy and a plan to get the healthy outcome that he/she and the patient desire.

To treat patients, the Physical Therapist may have their patients do exercises for them, especially for those who may have problems with certain body movements that most healthy people usually take for granted. The Physical Therapist will try as hard as they can to get their patient to get all normal range of motions back and increase flexibility as much as possible. The patients will need these normal range of motions to get by in everyday life whether at home or at their job, the Physical Therapy has a goal to see that it is achieved.

Aid products that you may see a Physical Therapist use are things such as hot packs or cold compresses. These are used to help relieve pain that a person may be experiencing. Other gadgets that a Physical Therapist use are electrical stimulation and ultrasounds, whatever it takes to relieve the pain from their patients and make them feel better. Massages are done my Physical Therapist to ease pain, massages also help to improve circulation of the patients.

Physical Therapy jobs include teaching your patients how to keep healthy and strong when they go home to fully exert their recovery, exercising may be part of the plan. They may teach the patient how to use crutches, wheelchairs, and other things.

Physical Therapy jobs include lots of follow up with their patients. When a patient is sent home they will have to visit their Physical Therapist from time to time so that progress can be examined. When necessary, modification of treatment will be ordered. For this reason, physical therapy work closely with physicians, social workers, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist, educators, nurses, as well as other professionals to help patients recover.

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About fifteen million Americans require asthma management through physiotherapy programs. There are several medical and physiotherapy treatments which have been successfully employed to manage asthma issues. Recently, there have been concerns raised over the use of some questionable treatment.

Some physiotherapy clinics insist asthma can be controlled through physiotherapy programs. Syptoms like breathlessness and wheezing can apparently be alleviated by physiotherapy. Massages are also said to relieve the same symptoms in both young and old patients.

Acupuncture has also been used as an alternative treatment method to alleviate asthma symptoms. Interestingly, this technique has actually been beneficial for asthmatics.

It has been proven that acupuncture boosts the immune system to fight diseases better. This is an important criteria for asthma management. Common colds or influenza only worsen an asthmatic's condition. Acupuncture, if it reduces the chances of catching a cold, is definitely advantageous in such situations. However, acupuncture has yet not been accepted as a stand-alone treatment and is used only in conjunction with other established methods of asthma management.

There are other methods used by acupuncturists in asthma management such as burning herbs over the acupuncture points, giving the patient specific massages, or using breathing exercises. These treatments, again, have not been proven useful.

Asthma treatments are also carried out by chiropractors who rely on spine manipulative methods. This treatment method has received mixed responses. A study was carried out with two groups of asthma patients. One group was given fake manipulations, while the other group was given actual spinal manipulations. The results showed hardly any difference between both groups. According to these results, chiropractors cannot really help asthma patients with their treatments.

Another study on chiropractic treatments was also carried out. The progress of 81 asthmatic children at a chiropractic clinic was followed. The study showed that children undergoing the treatment had 45% fewer attacks and 30% of the children could reduce the amount of medication they had to take to control their asthma. Because of these two conflicting studies, it is undetermined if chiropractic treatments are actually useful.

For physiotherapists who want to continue in asthma management, there is a specialty certification. They can be trained to become Certified Asthma Educators and deal with patients. There services are paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.

It has been propounded that asthma patients who have been hospitalized should undergo physiotherapy. Asthma patients who were made to do motion exercises during their hospital stay, on average remained hospitalized three days fewer than patients who were not given exercises.

Traditional physiotherapy however faces a problem of dehydrating asthma patients. Asthmatics can be seriously affected by dehydration, which occurs faster for them. Sometimes it may even induce an attack. As a result, physiotherapists must keep this in mind when giving exercises.

There are several methods available to treat asthma, and they may be valuable, but physiotherapy also has a toe-hold in the field of asthma management. However, as long as they can't be proved useful, it is better to use alternative methods in conjunction with traditional management methods.

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As with most "alternative" forms of health care, massage therapy is sometimes met with skepticism. People often assume that any positive health effects from therapeutic massage come from the so-called placebo effect (symptoms being effected by your perception of treatment). However, that simply isn't accurate. In addition to decades of anecdotal evidence regarding the effectiveness of Swedish massage (and other types of massage therapies) in promoting pain reduction and general well-being, recent research continues to show the distinct benefits of massage treatment.

Chronic pain can be debilitating, especially if there is no identified cause to target with medical treatment. However, a recent study has shown that therapeutic massage can provide short-term relief for chronic lower back pain, helping pave the way for long-term health. In a study authored by Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Kahn J, et al. in the 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine journal, subjects were found to have less pain in the short term when treated by various massage therapies than control subjects who only received medical treatment such as pain medication and physical therapy.

Another recent study, authored by Perlman AI, Ali A, Njike VY, et al. in the 2012 PLoS One journal, found 60 minutes of Swedish massage treatment to be an optimal pain-relieving dose for people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Participating in one 60-minute session of Swedish massage therapy once per week was found to reduce both stiffness and pain for these patients.

As you can see, these studies, and many more like it, are finding strong connections between massage treatment and pain reduction, as well as other health benefits. It's also important not to discount the health benefits of relaxation, either. Today's research increasingly shows the dangers of stress for high blood pressure and heart problems, stroke, and other major health concerns. Because Swedish massage and other types of massage almost universally promote relaxation, in addition to their other pain-fighting benefits, this general stress reduction can contribute to your overall well-being.

If you've been a regular recipient of massage therapy, or you've been considering using a massage therapist for alternative treatment, it's a great choice for many health benefits. As both years of anecdotal understanding and cutting-edge research show, massage can reduce stress, increase relaxation, and treat pain. And, as compared with medications, surgery, and other types of traditional medical treatments, therapeutic massage is a non-invasive option with few side effects, making it a great choice for promoting whole-body wellness.

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Acupuncture and massage are ancient practices. These techniques of healing the body of pain and aches along with many other problems have been dismissed previously by doctors and scientists. With modern day research, the benefits of massage and acupuncture have been rediscovered and used to combat health problems.

In acupuncture and massage, palms, fingers and thumbs are used to stimulate those special nerves in our body which then in turn trigger the pain and pleasure points in your brain. This then leads the body to either secrete endorphins (pain killers) and trigger certain actions which helps the body to fight health problems naturally. The human body's healing process is actually induced by massage and acupuncture therapy.

In the past, many people did not believe in the healing process of massage and acupuncture due to ignorance or fear of suffering pain during the process. Nowadays, many doctors recommend this type of treatment to relieve headaches and other unknown body aches.

Acupuncture and massage can be an alternative to medicine
There are many health problems which cannot be resolved by medicine alone. Also, determining the cause of some health problems can be very difficult. In some cases, acupuncture and massages have proved to be beneficial. Fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, and nerve damage are some examples. Using a combination of massage therapy and medicine can provide better results for some patients.

Massages have been shown to relieve headaches. A headache is usually a result of stress and muscle tension. However the actual cause of a headache is debatable. If you rarely suffer from headaches, any over the counter drug will relieve your pain. But if you have regular persistent headaches with increasing intensity, then you really need to see a doctor and follow a prescribed course of medication.

It is seen that tension related headache is due to an imbalance in the secretion of serotonin, endorphins, and other chemicals that serve as neurotransmitters (chemicals that the nerves use to send messages to one another). Acupuncture and massage release endorphins which stops the nerve cells from sending pain signals to the brain.

Nowadays, massage and acupuncture have been accepted by health professionals and the majority of people. Acupuncture and massage therapy have been shown to eliminate or reduce pain and in some cases, it can assist in resolving unknown causes of pain. Getting regular massages can help to promote better health.

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Individuals aspiring to establish themselves as physical therapists think it important to find best amongst top physical therapy schools. Physical therapy courses are becoming interesting profession choices amongst aspirants, proffering them several educational programs. Let us consider all those vital features that will help in evaluating a good physical therapy school for a bright therapy profession:

- The certification

Accreditation is an essential point to be considered while choosing for the top physical therapy schools. It is as well incredibly important to verify if all the courses and educational programs are certified by the official authority.

- The sustain-system

These colleges are offering several facilities for all the college students that are interested in improving their preparation. The aids like study materials, resource materials, access to library, sessions, counseling facilities, mentoring sessions etc are of a great assist to college students.

- Admission requirements

While short listing these type of schools, the aspirants must also take a careful note of all the essential educational requirements that several schools would be requesting for. This aspect is extremely important because the admission requirements vary. Several of the top physical therapy schools have restrictive admission requirements.

- The curriculum

Each of the physical schools has a different didactic program structure according to their particular curriculum. Additionally, while some therapy schools offer theory-oriented lessons, others focus more on researches.

- The distinctive side

All the therapy educational facilities are different. The fact that all the schools are different is a great benefit. All the therapy educational institutions that provide appealing instructive programs will attract more college students than the ones that are considering the conventional approach.

- Managing your time

The time involved in the completion of different courses will determine the indulging time of the student. The course duration may or may not include the duration of an internship.

- Previous results

You must verify how many college students are graduating every year. The selection of one of the top physical therapy schools is a significant decision as only a credible and a reliable therapy school will help them shape up a good career and their future too.

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Find Chinese medicine education in the United States and Canada. Chinese medicine education offered through several acupuncture schools and other Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) schools include certificate programs that are comprehensive, and can enhance your professional aspirations.

A good example of one of the many certificate programs extended through an in-depth Chinese medicine education is the certificate in Chinese herbal medicine (CCHM). This Chinese medicine education program is a postgraduate course for licensed acupuncturists and covers a tremendous curriculum that includes Chinese medicine education in botany, Chinese medical terminology, herbal formulation and therapeutics, Chinese medicine principles and theories, and other related subject matter. Though each school varies in its Chinese medicine education; a number of these programs average about 62 credits.

Other certificate programs offered through Chinese medicine education courses are the Asian bodywork and Qigong courses. Chinese medicine education in these subjects encompass practical training and academics in a range of topics including but not limited to TCM theories, anatomy, qigong, clinical bodywork, shiatsu, biomechanics, kinesiology, Thai massage, Tuina, and other related studies. In many instances, successful students who have completed all bodywork training requirements are awarded Tuina and shiatsu massage certificates.

In addition, some Chinese medicine education courses are extended through home-study programs, as well as in-class studies. These certificate and continuing education programs include courses in herbology. In this Chinese medicine education course, students are introduced to Chinese herbal medicine, pathology, tonic herbs and formulation, and many more associated topics of interest.

Furthermore, several alternative healing schools will provide Chinese medicine education certificate and/or diploma courses in Oriental medicine nutrition, skin care, wellness and acupressure.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding appropriate Chinese medicine education to help attain your dream job, let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=6634739&goto=http://www.holisticjunction.com/search.cfm] near you.

Chinese Medicine Education: Certificate Programs
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The world of physical therapy is both intense and important, as it helps individuals to deal with their ability to function regularly. Individuals will go through treatments for injuries and will need physical therapy to be able to go through the regular motions of life again. Physical therapists must be knowledgeable in a wide range of topics, as they are expected to be able to help each and every patient with each and every issue they have. These physical therapists must be licensed, highlighting the importance of physical therapy colleges across the nation.

If you want to act as a physical therapist you must receive a proper education and go through the proper licensing channels. The physical therapy college that you choose is going to directly affect how simple and easy it is for you to pass your licensing requirements.

You should expect to go to one of these colleges for multiple years, as this specific health care position requires an extensive amount of information. Individuals will use their undergraduate career as pre-physical therapy, taking all of the courses necessary to get into one of these schools. This undergraduate education is the first step toward getting your license. If you are looking to up your chances of getting into these programs, take as many science courses as possible, as well as any advanced mathematics courses as possible. Students who manage to volunteer in hospitals and physical therapy practices in high school will also have a better chance of getting into an undergraduate program.

Focus on your undergraduate career and take the courses that you need to take to be able to get into these schools. These course include anatomy, physiology, biology, physics, statistics, social sciences, and physical therapy-geared courses.

These colleges work to prepare you for getting your license by providing you with the courses that you need to pass your licensing exam. These different educational programs will provide you with a masters degree or a doctorate, highlighting the difficulty of the program. Expect to take courses that range from biology and physiology to exercise physiology and neuroscience. Students should also plan on taking classes including pathology, radiology, pharmacology, examinations, therapeutic interventions, and physical therapy practice.

Each college is also going to prepare you to get your license by providing you with lab instruction, giving you one-on-one clinical experience. You are going to work with real physical therapists to learn how to operate with a client, giving you the tools that you need to help patients from the first day of your licensing.

You will finally get your license after going through the rigors of college when you pass the requirements set by your state. Some states will require you to pass through the National Physical Therapy Exam. Each state requires a different amount of clinical observing for those who wish to be licensed.

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Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) will be in full force in 2010 so now is the time to prepare. Not only does Medicare require documentation over-and-above the other payers, they are now hiring contract consultants to detect and correct past improper payments. Under this audit program, claims a therapy clinic submits, even if approved, is subject to audit.

If you are an owner or Director of a rehab clinic, then you understand the challenges of providing an ever-increasing standard of care - while at the same time - trying to improve your center's productivity and revenues in the face of diminishing reimbursements.

Rehabilitation is the typical fee-for-service program that the new auditors will target and it is important to note that claims can be audited as far back as October 1st 2007.   The RAC auditors will be qualified therapists and certified coders who will know what they are looking for, and how to find it.

Therapy clinics that have been on the fence about  transitioning from paper based documentation to an electronic medical records system should get on board in 2009.  A good physical therapy software solution will enable clinics to overcome, and continue to thrive in the face of such government regulations. Complete and accurate clinical documentation is the key to meeting Medicare requirements and a good therapy software program that is integrated with billing is the best solution.

Look for therapy software that provides more than just a glorified word processor with PDF storage, but something that guides your therapist to the correct documentation and requires completion of that documentation. Clinic owners review some of the nation's large outpatient rehabilitation chains (such as Select Medical) when evaluating software. Companies like this use proven solutions that are typically available in a scalable, affordable solution for small clinics.

Details about RAC can be found at http://bit.ly/Lq7x5.

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Many people believe that since walking is something that they have been doing for most of their lives, no one needs to teach them how to walk again after an injury. Unfortunately, most injuries to the spine and lower extremities do alter walking mechanics and can lead to additional disability if not corrected with physical therapy and fitness training. With or without injury, gait (walking mechanics) frequently deteriorates with age....not necessarily because of age, but most often due to getting weaker.

What is gait? Gait is a manner of walking, stepping or running. More specifically, it is a series of rhythmical, alternating movements of the trunk and limbs which result in the forward progression of the center of gravity (body). Another way to think of gait is as a series of "controlled falls".

How is gait evaluated? We visually observe patients walking on a treadmill or up and down a long hallway. A treadmill allows us to precisely control speed and to observe close-in. If necessary, patients can also be recorded on video while walking/running. The video can then be slowed down, reversed, and repeated as needed during a physical therapy session to perform a more detailed assessment of gait.

Some of the things we look for during a gait evaluation are symmetry of the gait cycle, step and stride length, cadence, and walking base. Symmetry is one of the most important aspects of gait. The movement of one side of the body should mirror the other side of the body. Arm swing, foot placement, step length, foot impact should all be very similar right vs. left.

Injuries and or weakness often lead to heavier impact (usually, but not always) on the opposite side. Since the average human takes 10-15,000 steps each day, increasing the impact of one foot by a force of just 10 lbs (each step) can add up to a lot of extra stress being added to that leg (upwards of 75,000 lbs) every day. No wonder "bad" walking mechanics eventually lead to more injuries.

Another common gait deviation is foot placement. If a patient is having difficulty controlling where the foot is landing (for example: too close to the other leg, turned out/in), they may have significant hip muscle weakness or neurological issues.

The vast majority of gait deviations can be corrected or compensated for with proper physical therapy and fitness training. Most physical therapists are experts in gait evaluation and training. Left untreated, significant gait deviations can lead to injury. Taking that first step, and getting a gait evaluation, could be a step in the right direction for better health.

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Indian head massage or champissage is performed mainly on the head, neck, face and shoulder part of the body. It aims in giving the client freedom from stress and tension while experiencing a soothing massage treatment. This therapy uses gentle massage strokes commonly used in a Swedish massage therapy.

Before performing an Indian head massage or any other type of therapeutic massage, it is important to prepare the environment, location, massage oil, and massage table or chair, and even your massage skills.

In order to give a successful, effective, and satisfying Champissage therapy, you need to set up and create a good mood inside the massage therapy room. Secure a room in your house where there are no distractions or noise during the session. Make sure that you and your partner are comfortable with the location and that the aura in that room is pleasing and positive. Scented candles, massage oils, and soft or instrumental music are options you and your partner would want to use to spice up the relaxing environment. Massage oil can greatly enhance the gliding motion which is mostly used in a head massage; however it can be uncomfortable to some patients especially when applied on the forehead. Indian head massage can be done without applying oil on the skin. Place the chair in your preferred spot and begin the therapy.

Most massage spas that offer this technique have their patients evaluated for abnormalities on the head or injuries to avoid problems. It would be wise if you also do this on your partner prior to massaging the head, neck, face, shoulders and upper arms. In case you felt anything out of the ordinary such as bumps or swelling, do not proceed with the therapy as you can only aggravate the condition.

On qualified patients, you can start by massaging the shoulders to release tension and stress. You can simply do this by pressing the back of the shoulders in an upward stroke with your thumb. Repeat the process for at least three repetitions. Now shift to the neck area and begin by slowly stimulating the nerves with soft gliding touch of your fingers. This allows the neck to relax and get ready for a neck massage. Massage using your thumbs in a circular motion as you move up to the bottom of the hairline at the neck. Repeat this technique three times going from the bottom of the neck all the way to the top while holding your thumb at the bottom of the back of the skull. Slowly release and work again on the shoulders. After you are done with the shoulder massage, focus the therapy on the scalp. You can do this in a combing motion using your fingers. Spread your fingers and face them upward as you gently squeeze the head on the scalp using the heel of your hands. Use the palm and heel of the hand to vigorously rub the back and side of the head. Lastly, do repetitions of hand gliding motions from the center of the forehead down to the temple. Finish the therapy session by brushing the head using light sliding massage technique.

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