Physical education teacher jobs are not necessarily the first position people think of when they think of teaching careers, but for many people it is the ideal way to combine a love of physical sport and a love of teaching into one job. There are many career options for physical education teacher around the country, and the economic outlook for this job is good. If you are interested in PE teaching jobs it is a good idea to get as much career information as possible before moving forward.

The degrees needed for physical education teacher jobs are pretty much the same as those for other teaching jobs. You will need a bachelor's degree in a related field and a valid teacher certification. PE teachers often get bachelor's degrees in physical education, athletic training or a related field, after which they must complete the teacher credentialing program. You may also use this degree to go into coaching, personal training, physical therapy or other athletic type jobs, so your career options will be open if you decide the PE teaching job isn't right for you.

You probably want to know about the salary and job outlook for PE teaching career jobs, and the good news is that the future looks good for these teaching professionals. The current median salary for PE teachers is between $43,000 and $49,000, and there is an expected 12 percent growth in the number of available jobs over the next several years according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Physical education teacher jobs involve educating children, typically in middle and high school, on the tenets of exercise, healthy living and physical fitness. If you go into this career you will be responsible for organizing athletic activities for the kids, supervising them throughout the class period and monitoring their progress. There are also physical education teacher jobs in elementary schools in many districts, so whether you prefer working with younger kids or young adults there should be a job opening for you. PE teaching jobs are an ideal choice if you love kids and are passionate about physical fitness.

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1. As a Massage Therapist, preparing and working on your birthday card marketing is one of the most essential strategies you need to achieve for a successful business. Although advertising on various web pages and using social media networking sites are known to be effective methods to market a business, studies have also shown that birthday card marketing has been proven to be more effective most especially if you wish to connect with your clients and to develop a long professional relationship with them.

Some individuals might find it a bit weird to use birthday cards for marketing, but if you have a massage therapy business; you'll find it easier to understand why most therapists prefer this type of marketing strategy.

2. Initially, you can make use of this effective marketing strategy by including cards in one of your packages. This will attract your customers to go for your services, and let them avail of the birthday cards that will serve as a gift certificate that can be given as a gift. Initially, it will be seen as a traditional birthday greetings but the surprising part is the exclusive gift to allow the celebrant to pamper herself. Isn't it a great way to give your loved one a present that she/he will never forget? Probably, this is something that you don't see every day, but its uniqueness and the thought that you want the celebrant to relax and pamper them self is really touching.

3. If you include post card marketing in one of your packages, this card can also be given as a corporate gift or present, most particularly to the executive and even the senior executives of a company. It can also be a personal gift to a very close friend or relative just to make them feel special on their special day.

Aside from including a promotional birthday card along with your packages, you can also start organizing and start sending out these cards to your regular customers. This way, you can easily build rapport, and gaining their trust with your company is not going to be a huge problem any longer. It is simply easy.

4. The first thing that you have to do is to organize and start asking your customers to fill up some sort of personal information, the moment that they enter your massage therapy clinic. From there, you will have the details that you need including their birthday, name and, personal e-mail address even home address. From there, you can choose which birthday card marketing suits your massage therapy business best. You could either send an electronic greeting card, or simply send a card through the traditional snail mail method.

Pros & Cons
Electronic greetings cards are faster, but there is no certainty that they will be received or viewed by your client. Traditional birthday cards get there slower but your client will receive their birthday card in their hands and this will ensure a higher open rate than a email sent birthday card.

At first, this birthday card marketing strategy is a little bit different, and it can usually get business owners and marketers confused. But once you get used to the marketing system, sending out birthday cards to your beloved customers will just pass by just like a breeze.

Don't lose those customers. Take care of them, and make them feel that you are concerned about them. Include birthday card marketing as one of your strategies, and in no time you'll notice that the number of customers that your massage therapy business has dramatically increased.

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One of the perks of being one of the senior Massage Therapists at the spa I work at is that I get to receive massages from potential candidates for hire. At least, at first glance, this seems like a perk. Sure, I get lots of free massages, especially when we're on a hiring spree. But, I also have to face the unfortunate reality that the majority of the massages are not going to be good. Yes, there IS such a thing as a bad massage! Some of you know how it is, especially if you're a massage therapist. Not all of us are created equal. Some massages blow me away, some massages make me cringe, and then there are lots in between. Here are some of the things that, in my experience, seal the deal when it comes to giving your client the best massage they have ever had:

Your energy. Most of the time, the client can actually tell if you are having a bad day. They can tell when you don't care. They may not feel it on a conscious level, but something about the experience will be a little off. Great massage therapists know how to turn off the rest of the world before they lay their hands on someone. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths before entering the room. Say a quick prayer for your client as you introduce your touch. Ask God or whatever higher power you believe in to help you to do only good for the being on your table, and the ability to block out everything else.

Flow. This is a tough one to explain without being able to demonstrate. Flow is the biggest key for me when it comes to a great massage. The best massages I have ever had were the ones where it seemed as though the massage therapist's hands never left my body, and where they flowed from using hands to forearms to thumbs and back to hands again without ever breaking contact. Using the full surface of the hand is very important during long effleurage strokes. Nothing is worse than an incomplete stroke - not including the glutes when working up the leg, or not including the feet in your first or last long effleurage strokes - it makes me sad just thinking about it. Another part of flow is being thorough on each part of the body, not just working the top surface of the leg or the arm...pick up the limb a little bit and "hug" it as you are spreading the oil, make sure you "hug" the sides of the body when you are working the back. There should always be a sense of completeness.

Scent. Scent is so strongly tied to mood and emotion that it certainly is worth mentioning, and not just in the "massage therapists should have good breath" way. That's pretty obvious! A little lavender or lemon or other uplifting or calming scent wafting through the room will just take the experience up a couple of notches. My acupuncturist's office smells like lavender and a touch of moxa all the time, and I smile as soon as I walk in the door and take a deep breath, because it just smells like calm to me.

"Little touches". I love to use a lavender and chamomile eye pillow on my clients when they are face up. It blocks out the light to help them relax, and the particular one I use is very large and comfy and soft so it has a comforting feel to it as well. I also do some deep breathing with them, and often use essential oils that I choose based on what is happening with that particular client that day. In one recent session, my client had both parents ill and was going into a very busy day at the salon that she owns, so I used some Valor to balance her energy and give her spiritual strength, some Peace and Calming for comfort, and of course Abundance so that she could have a positive, profitable day! She said later that it was the best she'd felt in a month, and that it was the first time she actually felt like talking to people in a long time. What a great result. I know that part of it was the benefits of the massage, but I know that the little extra touch of including the oils took the experience and benefits to the next level for her. Oh, and as a bonus, she ended up signing up to be a Young Living customer!

Every massage therapist wants to give their clients the best of themselves. Our intention is always good. But there will always be those therapists that stand way out from the crowd, those who their clients can't live without. These are the massage therapists that give credit to what we do, and who will bring the art of massage therapy to the forefront of wellness care.

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Everywhere you turn, there seems to be a massage parlor around. They help people who need their kinks worked out. They help those who have sports injuries. They even help those who just need to get the pain to subside.

Then, there are some that give services of a whole different nature. We'll call it the dark side. Some might wonder how these women go through this. How do they go to the dark side? How do they even begin to think about this dark side? This is a question that puzzles everyone.

There have been some women who have been arrested at these massage parlors. They have been handcuffed as they had been set up and they are arrested for prostitution. This is how far some have come into falling into the dark side. They have stooped to a whole new level and it's something that many have found ruins homes and ruins economy as another business is well, out of business.

There are many reasons that women say they fall into this life. There are those who do it for the mere fact that they are broke. Others find that they need to do this in order to keep their job. Some actually cause guys to have affairs. Women find that if they sleep with men while they give them a massage, they might pay well.

You will find that a lot of the massage parlors that get closed down due to the prostitution that is taking place have a common trend with them. They are normally run by Asian women. The fact that this happens isn't a shocker. This is because this is the norm where they are from.

Many don't stop to think how many people they hurt. They hurt themselves as this is so demoralizing. Then there are other people who are hindered as well. It might only be one person doing this act, but the place shuts down. It hurts a community as well because that community is looked negatively upon. The men who allow these women to do these things have money and class. The other thing that they normally have is a family waiting for them at home.

There is a long history of these massage parlors. The first ones were started in Thailand. From there, it was like a chain reaction. More and more countries started having this issue. It then came here to the United States. It has been getting worse ever since. This is why there are so many regulations.

Due to the fact that many massage parlors are getting into trouble with prostitution, there are a lot of people who fight independently owned massage parlors. They don't want them in their community. They don't want people to be subjected to this stuff. This is how they ensure that this isn't a problem by making sure they don't exist to start a problem in the first place.

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Physical therapy is now a booming business that has come a very long way in a very short period of time; in fact it's one of the fastest growing industries in the world. New physical therapists are entering the field every single day to treat the ever growing pool of people requiring treatment for all different kinds of injuries and ailments.

Injuries are a fact of life, not just for professional athletes but for regular people too. An elderly person who slips in the shower and breaks a hip, or the dock worker that injures his back lifting heavy box after heavy box or the middle aged woman that gets banged up in a hit and run collision all require the services of a properly trained physical therapist.

Where are Physical Therapists Employed?

The answer to this question could go on and on - Professional, amateur and college sports teams often employ their own physical therapists. Hospitals, free clinics and nursing homes all may also one or more physical therapists on staff.

Specialists in sports therapy, specific types of injuries or bariatric care may operate their own office and see several patients from varying backgrounds a week.

There are a multitude of different specialties and paths that are available within the wide field of physical therapy, and that means that there is an ever widening array of physical therapy equipment and physical therapy supplies available, so that every general and every specialized physical therapist can have everything that he or she needs to be able to properly treat the injury of what ever patient happens to walk through the door next.

Tools of the Trade

Sports therapists use probably the widest variety of physical therapy supplies to deal with everything that they may encounter on a daily basis. A sports therapist needs to be prepared to handle everything from the minor aches and pains that their athletes incur on the field every single day, but they also need to be prepared to deal with the rehabilitation of serious injuries that require surgeries and sometimes months of treatments to heal.

A large sports therapy treatment center will often almost appear to be over run with equipment. There could be a fully stocked hydrotherapy section with standing and seated whirlpools; mobility stations complete with parallel bars, standers and stair training equipment; and most will also have a full array of massage therapy equipment with massage table and chairs as well as a variety of creams, oils and other massage therapy supplies. Many specialized physical therapists today are also certified in one or more types of massage therapy as well.

Depending on the particular area of specialty, a physical therapy clinic may even have a variety of x-ray and imaging equipment available as well as a full array of chiropractic supplies and massage therapy equipment so they can be as full service as possible to their potential clients.

Regardless of the avenue of specialty a physical therapist chooses, he or she will surely need a wide variety of equipment to be able to perform the job to the best of his or her abilities.

Getting the best result possible from a physical therapy session, whether it's just to work on a strained muscle or rehabilitation from a major surgery, requires not only an adept therapist but also the best possible equipment for the method of treatment. That's why there are so many options available and why new and better ones are being developed and implemented every day. Physical therapy is a very involved and precise trade, one where perfection is an absolute must in order for the correct outcome to be achieved - so for as long as the trade of physical therapy continues to be a booming one, most likely so will the development of new pieces of physical therapy equipment.

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Today's aspiring auto mechanics can base their choice of mechanic school on the quality of the school's equipment. Does it offer the latest technology? Hand held diagnostic tools? Wireless wheel alignment systems? How big is the garage? Here are some of the tools you will get to know very well over your tenure at mechanic school. When you graduate, employers will expect that you know how to operate the equipment that they have in their workshops.

1. A dynamometer

You may not know what a dynamometer is now, but by the time you have finished your auto mechanic course, you certainly will. This tool is used to test engine performance for a vehicle parked on rollers. It measures torque, horsepower and rotational speed. Student mechanics can use the "dyno" to reproduce road conditions (uphill, downhill, certain distances). It is a kind of virtual road test that can take place in the convenience of the classroom, with all students gathered around within easy view of the monitor.

2. Brake lathes

Chances are that as you become a mechanic you will learn how to use brake lathes to re-machine vehicle brakes. There are a variety of brake lathes on the market.

3. Diagnostic scanners

As you will no doubt learn in mechanic school, the cars of today have a large electronic component. This electronic revolution has given rise to a whole new class of tools, including hand held electronic scanners, for diagnosing electronic problems.

4. Wheel alignment measuring systems

In your auto mechanic course, you will learn how to measure toe, camber, thrust, etc. of the vehicles that you work on.

5. Engine diagnostic tools

You may have seen ads for engine diagnostic tools geared at vehicle owners, but in your mechanic school, you will probably get to practice diagnosing cars with much stronger professional models.

6. Various tools

While you are studying to become a mechanic, you will probably start to acquire some mechanic tools of your own, including saws, wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, cutters and socket sets of various sizes.

7. Automotive lifts

No mechanic school classroom would be complete without these mechanical marvels capable of lifting thousands of pounds high in the air.

8. Strut tamer

A strut tamer is used to service or compress struts. For many mechanics, their first view of this specialty machinery is in a mechanic school classroom. It allows mechanics to remove struts from vehicles without sending them uncontrolled flying through the room, ceiling or walls.

If you are curious about the kinds of tools you will encounter in your auto mechanic course, consider calling to request a tour of the facilities. Most schools are eager to show off their facilities to prospective students.

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You may be really good at what you do but unless you actually take time out for marketing physical therapy, your physical therapy practice is bound to remain limited. Without marketing, there are slim chances of getting clients. You can learn skills for marketing physical therapy and enjoy the success that you actually deserve.

Do not assume that people know about you because you are good at what you do. Let members of your community regularly know about your services, whom you are targeting and that you would welcome referrals. Inform your existing clients about your services from time to time. Remind them about the fact that they can refer you to their friends and families.

One of the best ways for marketing physical therapy is to provide great services to your clients and develop a personal relationship with them. Ask them for their feedback in terms of what they liked about your services and if you would have done anything different. Your existing clients are most likely to refer you if they are satisfied with your services and have faith in you.

Conduct regular client satisfaction surveys to get feedback from your clients. It helps in marketing your practice as well as helps you to improve on your services. It sets expectations among clients and also creates awareness about any additional services that you may have.

Make sure you use some kind of a device to track the results of marketing physical therapy. Ask your new patients how they got to know about you. This is the simplest way to achieve this. You can also use more advanced tools like clinic management software that have tracking programs built into them.

Try to create a niche for yourself by marketing physical therapy only to specific target groups. That will help to position you as an expert rather than someone who treats everyone. That will allow you to provide higher quality service and charge higher rates as well.

In any marketing communication, make sure you describe the benefits of the services that you provide instead of the features. Patients are more interested in how you can make a difference to them rather than knowing just the key points of your services.

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Physical therapy assistants work in an extremely competitive career field.

To become a PT assistant you have to earn a certificate from any of the accredited PT assistant schools. In most cases you will also need to get hands-on experience in a hospital or clinic that offers a PT program.

As part of the curriculum, PT assistant schools teach basic skills such as sterile technique, wound care, and vital signs monitoring. Students are also trained in procedures using cryotherapy, radiant energy, paraffin, and hydrotherapy. Rehabilitative procedures such as exercise, patient positioning, and transfer activities are also taught.

The coursework at PT assistant schools typically includes physical therapy science, therapeutic exercise, hydrotherapy, orthopedic therapeutic exercise, neurological therapeutic exercise and electrotherapy.

The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) curriculum is designed to prepare the student to work as a skilled technical health worker. The Physical Therapist Assistant works within a PT service under the supervision of a professional PT. He/She helps the PTs in performing selected procedures related to the physical management of illness, injury, and wellness throughout the lifespan.

So as you can see marketing or for that matter any business skill dos not form part of the curriculum at PT assistant schools. Since PT assistants work as part of a physical therapy clinic it is crucial for them to learn about how they should market themselves, about managing referrals, how they should position themselves and how they can attract more clients. Just being well trained physical therapy assistants is not enough. PT assistant schools need to equip their students with skills that will help them to tackle the issues that they may face in the real world.

They should aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice in order to make their curriculum more meaningful and current. PT assistants who are well-versed with marketing skills will be in a better position to add value to a physical therapy clinic and will know how to educate clients about PT services. Such students will also find themselves more employable once they graduate as they will have more than just technical knowledge.

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Physical exercise can keep you staying healthy. Here are a few tips from an expert on how to stay in shape, easily.

One of the leading causes of injury and illness is a sedentary lifestyle. As a result of physical inactivity people end up getting injured when they attempt to exercise or they lose sight of their fitness goals. This is why a visit to a physical therapist can be beneficial to learning the proper ways to exercise the upper body. Additionally, a physical therapist in a clinic with a well trained staff can ensure that you continue to exercise properly and provide the support you need to reach your health and fitness goals.

Core training is essential to upper body strength because the muscles in your upper body are vital to stabilizing your spine, shoulders, and pelvic area which play an important role when moving your extremities and controlling overall body movement. If your core muscles are strong this can prevent back pain and improve athletic performance. It will also reduce health risks and build bone density and joint mobility. Here are a few tips on the correct exercise methods you should use when working toward upper body strength.

Always Remember to Stretch Properly

Due to a busy lifestyle and daily schedule many people will skip stretching before working the upper body. They simply jump in to their exercise routine in an effort to squeeze it into their schedule which usually results in injury. Proper upper body exercise starts with knowing how to stretch properly. Physical therapists recommend stretching with good posture with your chin up and your shoulders pulled back and stretch the aspects of your body that usually give you difficulty on a daily basis such as drying your hair. Making a habit of stretching will help to restore the mobility and flexibility in these areas and prevent injury during exercise.

Warm Up Properly

Upper body muscles are smaller and more vulnerable than lower body muscles. It is especially important to warm up the upper body muscles before starting your core training session by doing a few minutes of low impact aerobic activity, stretching, and doing a few reps of light weights.

Proper Posture is Essential

When you perform core training exercises proper posture is essential to getting the most out of the exercise. When you work the upper body it is important to be aware of working the back and the abdominals when you are working other upper body parts, since your upper back is part of your core.

While working on your upper body, shoulder blades should be squeezed down and in to maintain proper posture. Draw your stomach in and stand with erect posture, your chin up, and your shoulder blades down and in toward your spine.

For example, if you are working the chest you are also working other muscle groups that involve the back and the abdominals. Without the proper posture you risk injury both during the exercise and after you are finished. Performing the exercise with improper posture will not produce the best results and put you at risk for injury when performing daily activities.

Vary the Exercises

If you perform the same routine every time you exercise the upper body, after a while you will find you are getting limited results because your body gets used to the routine. Instead it is important to design several different routines and vary the intensity of each to confuse the body and challenge it to get better results. For example, if you do bicep curls, triceps curls, and bench presses as one upper body routine change the routine the next time around to include the same muscle groups but worked in a different way.

The main thing to remember is to do upper body exercises faithfully and use good form. If you are not sure how to perform the exercises properly and you could use some guidance you can see a professional physical therapist that will do an evaluation and personalize a program for you. They will also guide you through the program to ensure you are getting the most out of your upper body workout.

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Massage therapy sessions are naturally intimate procedures. A massage therapist oils, kneads, touches and relaxes the client's body and plays soothing and escaping music in the background. Whether it be receiving or providing this service of healing, it will surely be an intimate experience. Although a professional massage is licensed and within the confines of a spa or office, both parties can develop insecurities, feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. This can be especially true of those receiving a massage for the first time.

The massage therapist is trained and responsible for creating a soothing, relaxing and professional environment for the client's pleasure. In this same way, the client is also responsible for communicating with their therapist in order for them to properly provide a service which is comfortable and without issue. Highly experienced therapists are also able to direct the client through the massage so there is as little confusion as possible about the process.

There are several aspects of a massage which raises the eyebrows of clients which should be noted:

1. Clothing: Each massage type will outline the amount of clothing a client should wear. For example, during a Swedish massage the client is asked to strip completely since it is a full body procedure. However, some clients may not be comfortable with baring it all and should know it is fine for them to request they keep one or two articles of clothing on such as their underwear. If a client chooses to bare it all, an experienced therapist will know how to drape fabric over their bodies in order to not over-expose them.

Before a massage begins, the therapist usually will instruct the client on its aspects including the amount of clothing usually discarded. Once this discussion is over, the masseuse leaves the room to allow the client to undress privately and get under a sheet or towel on the massage table. The therapist will only uncover the areas of the body that are being massaged to ensure their client's comfort.

2. Touching: There are several reasons as to why individuals may get a massage. For instance, a massage can be sought to alleviate stress, improve relaxation, enhance circulation, etc. The client should understand that they are able to set rules and regulations regarding their body and it is the therapist's obligation to respect those boundaries. Although therapeutic massages are sensual they are not intended to be sexual.

If a client, whether male or female, makes an overtly sexual or unsettling request, the therapist is obligated to forcefully but professionally identify how inappropriate the request is. On the other hand, a therapist should never assume the parts of the client's body that can be touched. Lastly, it is never appropriate to touch the genitals of a client during a massage. This is a betrayal of trust, is unethical and can bring about legal action.

There are several regulations regarding massage which can be sourced from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork within their policy for Standards of Practice.

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