There are many ways to find a qualified massage therapist/practitioner in North London. Obviously, when looking for such a professional, we all wish to find someone who is skilled, experienced, personable, preferably local, and who offers such a service at a reasonable rate and at times convenient to us. London is a large place so finding a qualified specialist local to where you are in North London is vital and not that hard of a job, if done properly.

Firstly, we need to be clear on the type of massage service we are looking for, as massage is as varied as fruit or cakes. Do we want something simply to relax? Or to alleviate chronic tension in our upper back? Do we prefer to have oil massage or clothed massage? When we know exactly what we want, it is much easier to find someone right for us.

Sometimes, a friend or colleague will recommend a massage practitioner to us. This is a great way to find a massage practitioner, as they have been tried and endorsed by someone we know and trust. Often though, we wish for a massage but do not have a recommendation. Where to start? Wherever you begin to search, remember that who you get can often come down to pot luck, and that is why it is important to try out many different practitioners so you get a feel and taste for what you like best and works best for you. You can however get a good feeling, from a practitioner's advertising/website, as to whether they are right for you or not.

The internet now is one of the first places to start your search. Keyword searches, such as 'sports massage north London', on search engines such as Google, are a popular choice and will throw up pages of possible candidates, though many of them will not be based in North London. Generally speaking, practitioners with well optimised websites take a more professional and committed approach to their work so are a better bet, than for instance, many of the practitioner's who advertise on many of the free classifieds. But you never know where you are going to find a gem.

Look for professional bodies such as EMBODY or the FHT, where you can find a list of fully qualified and insured practitioners. Practitioners allied to other health professionals, such as osteopaths or physiotherapists, in well established health centres, are skilled and professional and worth checking out. Local business groups, such as the Rotary Club, Business Club, or the BNI, attract enterprising, innovative, skilled and experienced professionals, so massage therapists you find there will usually be a good option. Seek out places that are professional and with a well established reputation in healthcare - if they do not have a practitioner for you, they can often recommend one.

What to look for?

A massage, whichever style you prefer, is a personal service, therefore the best therapists are those that take a personal approach to you as a unique individual, who are caring and have good inter-personal skills, as well as good technical massage skills. Look for someone with continuous professional training. Generally speaking, those that take regular training are those wishing to be the best they can, so naturally through continuous development they are very skilled. Also, someone who is multi-disciplined, having studied various styles, is generally more flexible and creative in their approach.

Throughout North London there are many qualified massage therapists and following these tips will direct you to the right company or professional to use!

Good luck in finding the best person for you!

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If you are considering becoming a masseuse, you should know that the job outlook for massage therapy careers is good, especially if you want to start your own business. The demand for trained massage therapists is expected to grow as a result of the continuing acceptance of the healing arts and alternative medicines. The fact is that people love getting massages, and if you are good at what you do, you can have a very satisfying and rewarding career.

As a massage counselor?you will specialize in the manipulation of soft tissue to help improve circulation, accelerate detoxification, relieve stress and reduce pain in the body. You can concentrate on many different styles of massage such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, Chinese massage, Thai massage, prenatal massage and the list goes on and on. Some people do massage therapy part time so they can focus on other things such as school or parenting, others do it "on the side" to augment their main income and others do it full time.

The growth for this career is faster than that of many other industries because people are seeing its therapeutic benefits more and more. In fact, experts point to a 20 percent increase in the number of massage therapist positions by 2016. Although a report released in 2006 showed that the average massage therapist wage in the United States was about $16 per hour, there is potential to earn as much as $35 per hour. This is especially possible if you are self employed and build a good rapport with your clients. Some massage tcounselors charge as much as $65 per hour and have very low overhead costs. And with such a good job outlook for massage therapy careers, this average wage is bound to increase.

If you want to become a massage counselor you should learn the requirements first. Almost 40 states currently require professional licenses for massage counselors, which entails schooling, examinations and a certain number of practice hours. You may also need to invest in continuing education throughout your career. With such a good job outlook, though, the investment is worth it.

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The job outlook for physical therapy aids is excellent and it is expected to grow in the future to provide for the needs of rehabilitation and treatment for people who have become immobilized due to accidents or disease. Providing proper care to these patients will help them recover their normal function in order to return to the daily routine unhampered by the disability. Physical therapy is about giving patients the encouragement and proper motivation to hasten the recovery process through a treatment strategy.

In order to become a physical therapy assistant, one must be able to complete an associate course in the accredited physio therapy aid programs with licensure examinations at the end of the course. The associate degree can be taken from the educational establishments or the online physio therapy aid programs. The online programs provides for the same kind of learning that can be attained from the normal schooling process. The quality and content of the school curriculum however must conform to the standards required by the American physio Therapy Association. Depending upon individual preferences, some extend their education to the bachelor's course which provides for more job opportunities and higher salaries.

Physical therapy assistants provide services to restore function and mobility, relieve pain and discomfort, and prevent the aggravation of the physical disabilities resulting from accidents, strokes, head injuries or arthritis. The physio therapy aid job description includes the examination and evaluation of the patient's medical history, a test of the patient's strength and coordination and the development of treatment strategies for fast recovery. The tests will determine the patient's ability to return to the normal life activities or workplace before the accident or illness has happened. Being able to effectively communicate with the patient may not be included in the physio therapy assistant job description but this is where the success of the treatment largely depends on.

More often than not, the patients are depressed with their condition that it needs excellent inter-personal skills to encourage and motivate the patients to undergo the treatment. Understanding and compassion will play a big role in the process of treatment since the patient's despair and depression needs to be overcome. Being able to relate and emphasize with the patient will work more than whatever equipments and exercises are provided. The therapeutic procedures can be painful and difficult that a large degree of patience and understanding of the situation is necessary to hasten the process.

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Of the 160 types of massage therapy available today, it can be very difficult for us to figure out which among these is the best and most effective of them all. All of these share the same goal and purpose for their development which is to improve the overall health of the patient and to boost the natural healing capability of the human body.

Basically, by simply stimulating the body of the patient, the body responds by relaxing itself and giving in for the massage therapy to take its course in relieving stress and body pain, as well as enhancing the health and immune system of the patient. The central nervous system when worked on will provide the body a healthy physical and mental condition. This is a fact believed by most of the Ancient Asian massage therapists that is why most of their methods focus on the key points where energy flows. The goal is to keep a good flow or circulation of energy all over the body of every individual.

In looking for the best therapeutic massage, you should do a research on the technique and methods used on certain massage therapies that you are interested in. Some require the patient to undress for a better access on the body parts that the massage therapist needs to work on. If you are a shy person who is uncomfortable with nudity during a massage session, you would probably shun from massage therapies that require nudity such as Swedish massage out of your list. This is why getting information regarding most of the massage therapies is essential if you are looking for the ideal one. Some are uncommon and might seem shocking to beginners. Other types are harder and apply much pressure on the patient's body than the regular massage therapies. If you don't want to get anything on your skin like oil, cream or lotion, then Swedish massage, aromatherapy massage, shiatsu, and many others that uses oil as lubricant are definitely out of your choices. You can go for Thai massage, reflexology, and other types that doesn't require the aid of light oil, cream or lotion during the massage session.

Comparing them with each other as well as their benefits will help you in choosing what you think is suitable for your choice. One of the best ways of doing this is by looking through the internet for tons of valuable information regarding the many different types of massage therapy. You can also consider asking the opinions of massage therapists as they do many different types.

No matter what type you take, they all provide the same benefits to the patient. The only difference you will notice is based on how skillful and knowledgeable your massage therapist is regarding the massage therapy. It would be more appropriate and much better if you choose someone who specializes on that type of massage therapy if you want to get the best result.

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Sports massage

Sports massage is a special kind of massage that is specially formulated for athletes of all walks of life. This includes marathon runners, weight lifters, sprinters and field athletes. There are different types of massage techniques and each particular sport will have its own requirements.

Aspects of sports massage therapy have recently been viewed as an important aspect of modern day training. Many also use massage as a pre-tournament and pre-event preparation strategy so that muscles are properly conditioned and toned. Exercise is very important because it promotes great health and also helps prevent diseases and chronic body conditions. Exercise is also great for aging people. It has been shown to increase bone density and reduce the rate of bone loss.

Sports massage

Today, sports massage therapy is highly considered as part of training regimes not just for professional athletes but basically any person who participates in any form of exercise, including regular joggers. Specially designed application of massage will help an individual athlete prevent injuries, be more flexible, improve endurance and basically keep the body conditioned and ready for some serious workouts and optimum performance in competitive athletic games and matches.

No Keyword - Sports massage

Basically, massage targets tendons. These are parts of the body that attach muscle to a joint such as the knee or shoulder. It is said that a 30 second massage does help improve hip flexibility and also helps decrease soreness in the muscle in the athletes or individuals who receive this massage after and before exercises. There is also a notable decreased muscle soreness for athletes and exercising individuals.

Any person who chooses to engage in regular exercise and other physical activity and exertion of body muscles should consider receiving a sports massage therapy from a qualified and experienced therapist. A proper exercise will basically include a warm up, the main exercise and then a warm down. The purpose of the warm is basically to open up the blood vessels for increased blood flow. This is very important as increased blood flow will deliver nutrients and oxygen to the parts of the body where it is needed the most, such as body muscles.

A cool down is also essential especially after physical and intense workouts. These exercises that help the body to cool down will enable the heart rate to go down and the blood pressure to return to normal rates. Athletes who do not cool down properly will basically have their hear rate go down and the blood pressure resume normal rates but they may suffer bouts of dizziness and light headedness. All these are important aspects of getting rid of knots and and tight muscles.

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Knowing where you are going in your practice and business is a prerequisite to private practice success!

When you have clarity about the direction you are taking, you will have surprising business growth and success.

The Problem

I would estimate that more than 90% of physical therapy practice owners who contact me for help do not have a vision, nor do they have a plan to succeed in private practice.

Most have a vague idea of what they want for their personal and business futures. By the time they contact me for help, they are frustrated, tired, and questioning how long they can sustain their pace and hard work.

Once they have completed the business assessment we offer, they recognize only too clearly that they are working mostly "in" the business, not enough "on" the business.

There is in fact no one leading their company's direction, strategy, people, goals and accountability process.

How can a business succeed and grow with no one leading?

A Real Example

When I first met Teresa she fit this profile. To her credit, she recognized this and started her work with us.

Teresa's Story:

a clinic owner,

who created a vision for her clinic

and formulated a plan to grow and succeed.

Teresa sent us a report of some of her clinic's accomplishments after only 6 months:

1. Changed our corporate identity, i.e., new logo, new look to print materials, etc. and changed look and tone of our website.

2. Made a major physical renovation to change the look and feel to more of a gym atmosphere, and we accomplished all of this while only adding an additional 130 sq feet of new space, so the rent payment didn't increase much.

3. Having new equipment and space led to new ideas for programming (which were implemented).

4. Developing new programs led to promoting them. And we had an incredible spring - invited to speak to school boards, sports clubs, teacher's convention, etc....

5. Now new patients are coming to clinic because they have heard of our programs and clinic.

6. 2 new therapists (awesome therapists) have joined our staff. They are super excited to join the clinic because of the our clinic philosophy.

7. A sports psychologist has joined our team, and we are interviewing to add an exercise therapist.

8. One of the exercise therapist applicants also works as a trainer in the Sports facility where we are located. So now we are discussing how to integrate our physio programs into the whole facility.

and the list goes on...

I guess my comment to all this is - WOW... look at the mess of work you got me into!!!

Just kidding... what I really want to say is Thank You... and look what that little exercise in vision and planning can do and has done for us.

Our 26 yr old practice has a new found "energy", we are treating the patients we love to work with, our staff is happy, and we're looking forward to hitting our next set of goals!

The Solution

Your goal as an owner is to design and shape a business that serves you and works independently from you - a business that is system-dependent and not owner-dependent.

Instead of shuffling papers or doing the bookkeeping, spend time trying to make your practice different, better, more profitable, and systems-oriented.

Remember, there is no job more valuable, intriguing and enriching than building your own business. Just think of the benefits it offers if you do it right - with a clear vision and plan! First, there are the personal perks. Autonomy is a big one: you get to set your own hours, choose the people you work with and control the services and projects you work on. Or this ought to be the case, if it isn't today. Then there is the unparalleled opportunity to generate personal wealth. And every day presents the possibility of a hair-raising and spine-tingling adventure.

Clarity: the key factor to your success

A vision reflects what your business is trying to achieve and what you care about most. It is simply a statement of the dream you have for your business.

Dream forward and describe what you want for your business in 5 years time, what you want your business to become.

Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Why am I in business and what do I want out of it?

  • The most important thing to me is...

  • The core values my business stands for are...

Work on this exercise diligently, and you'll soon begin to see how you make decisions that bring you closer to your dream. Don't forget to plan how you will get to this dream with strategies that are proven to be successful.

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Acupuncture is a well known alternative treatment method and has been used in China for centuries now. The period of healing, that generally follows any major illness, is characterized by a long time of waiting.

Breast cancer is one such illness that many women all over the world, are struggling with. Apart from the chemotherapy and other radiation therapies that are received by a woman with breast cancer, massage is often acknowledged to be one of the best ways to deal with the ailment. Acupuncture, on the other hand, has also emerged as a very effective technique to deal with cancer.

Acupuncture, along with a healthy diet, meditation and exercise, can help in improving the quality life of a patient suffering from breast cancer. There are many levels on which the entire concept of acupuncture works for a cancer patient. Acupuncture and massage are both often considered better than invasive procedures because with both these therapies, the body mind and spirit are all uplifted. For a person, lacking in energy due to the rigorous treatment schedule, acupuncture is an excellent way to get back some semblance of a normal life.

Acupuncture also helps in the release of toxins in the body. These toxins, which are often the by - products of the medications of breast cancer, can be easily released from the body of a person through acupuncture and massage.

Massage can help promote decompression therapy, which helps in the decompression of the muscles in various parts of the body. there is an incredible amount of emotional support that massage therapists and acupuncturists can bring in for the benefit of a cancer patient. Besides, both massage and acupuncture help in promoting the natural healing mechanisms of the body, thus improving the prognosis of the disease and allowing both medicine and nature work in tandem.

It is a common belief that both acupuncture and decompression therapy can help solely with back relief, nausea and other such minor complaints. In reality, both these alternative therapies have been a part of the mainstream ancient Chinese medicine. These therapies are impressive treatments for treating the post operative complaints of cancer patients.
In the time between the diagnosis of breast cancer and its medical treatment, a patient can safely undergo acupuncture treatment. The best part is that acupuncture and massage can both be continued along with the regular medical treatment. This is incredible because San Fernando Valley Acupuncture and massage do not alter or interfere with the therapeutic benefits of medicine, thus maintaining a harmonious balance with the body.

Acupuncture not only helps the body gain its strength back, but also helps improve the stamina and therefore, the strength of the body to fight the disease as well as the deterioration caused by the series of invasive therapies and procedures.

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I've never been a big fan of business cards and in Part 1 of this series of articles I outlined why most massage therapist business cards simply were not a useful marketing tool. But I had a change of heart and in Part 2 of this series, you found out how to add a direct response element to your card to get people calling you for appointments.

Now there is one further very important element that every massage therapist business card should have. It doesn't seem like a big thing, but studies have shown that people will hang onto your business card longer and are more likely to respond...

...if you upscale your image by having them printed in full color on glossy stock.

Use full color business cards. Test after test has shown them to be worth much, much more than the extra expense to print them.

It's true that glossy full color business cards are a little more expensive than a regular card printed on ordinary paper, but the cost is inconsequential. Does it really matter if the cost goes up three or four cents per card? That's hardly going to break your bank account.

They are valuable for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they give you an almost instant boost in credibility. They do this by upscaling your business in your prospect's eyes. Let's face it - they look more professional; they look higher class.

This is particularly important in an industry like massage where we are selling an intangible service. Potential customers can kick the tires when they're checking out a new car, but they can't kick you. They have nothing to judge you on but the visual image that you present. So the materials that represent you must be of the highest quality to represent the quality of your service.

Another benefit is that people hold on to glossy full color business cards much longer on average than black and white ones - ten times as long according to one survey. I guess because they look more expensive, people are just hesitant to throw them out.

So if you're a massage therapist, business cards you create should always be full color, glossy ones and should always have a direct response element to them.

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Becoming a physical therapy assistant can be a great career choice for someone interested in physical fitness and medical rehabilitation, and also desiring a profession in the health care industry.

It can be a very demanding job both physically and emotionally however, since it is very hands-on with patients as they go through therapy for a variety of reasons.

It is recommended that candidates research the physical therapy assistant job description to learn as much as they can before making the final decision and enrolling in school or any formal training. In this way, students will understand ahead of time what to expect from this career path, and whether or not it is the right decision for them.

General Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description

A physical therapy assistant has the important role of assisting a licensed physical therapist in providing treatment to patients in need of rehabilitative care.

The type of duties will greatly depend on a few things such as the type of facility, whether or not the position is for specialty care only, the patient's needs and the PTA's training and experience.

Typically, the physical therapist will meet with patients as required after surgeries and/or treatments and periodically throughout therapy continuation to assess the patient's progress, then prescribe physical therapy treatments and exercises to aid rehabilitation.

It is then the assistant's job to help the patient in performing those exercises or do those treatments. In all actuality, it is the PTA that has more patient contact in many cases than the PT themselves, since it is the PTA's job to carry out the prescribed rehabilitation order.

A physical therapy assistant's job description may differ from one job position to another, but in general they will usually all include many of the same duties such as explaining therapy to patients and their families, answering the patient's questions, showing patients how to use exercise equipment and therapeutic aids and helping them to perform required exercises and movements correctly, among many other tasks.

PTAs who are trained to do so may also be required to administer massage therapy, laser therapy and hydrotherapy. Occasionally a PTA may need to perform wound care for some patients, too.

Yet another part of the physical therapy assistant job description, PTAs are usually responsible for fitting patients with any orthopedic devices or other therapy aids such as crutches, splints, wheelchairs, orthotics and other devices, as well as teaching patients how to care for and use them.

Additionally, it is the responsibility of the PTA to record progress during rehabilitation sessions in the medical record, recognize problems that the patient may be having and to report all progress and problems to the PT who is overseeing each patient.

Detailed documentation is a very important part of a PTA's job, and can be a substantial part of the workload besides actually working with the patients themselves.

Specialty Practice Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description

Some rehabilitation facilities will specialize in treating patients of only one type, such as those that have heart conditions, have had heart surgery or have had other serious surgical procedures, patients recovering from stroke or patients recovering from other debilitating illness or accidents.

In these types of practices, while the basic job description will usually be the same, the actual hands-on exercises each patient may be required to perform will differ. In such cases, PTAs may not do many of the tasks that others do at different practices, but they are usually required to at least be trained in all the different aspects of physical therapy treatment.

Some specialties may also require additional, specialized training, too. Rehabilitation specialty areas include cardiopulmonary therapy, neurology, geriatrics, pediatrics, orthopedics and stroke rehabilitation, just to name a few. Training of PTAs beyond their basic education and the general physical therapy assistant job description is then tailored to the needs of the practice.

It is probably easy to see that the physical therapy assistant job description is quite diverse, and can be very challenging at times. However, with explaining about the job requirments in advance, it should also be said that most who go on to become a PTA find much personal satisfaction in this career field. The job provides a great way to make a difference in people's lives directly, making all of the hard work very worthwhile.

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Massage therapy is often used as an adjunct to a fitness routine to assist in achieving peak athletic performance. There are a variety of ways in which massage therapy is used to promote optimal fitness - massage therapy is not all just about spas and "fluff". Massage can be used to increase the suppleness of muscle, aid in recovery after exertion, assist in fluid removal in the presence of injury or inflammation (from non-infectious origins) or control pain through the release of endorphins.

Massage therapy affects muscles in 2 ways: mechanically and chemically. Mechanically, it is the kneading, stretching and compression of the tissue which stimulates the smooth muscle of the blood vessels and increases blood flow to and from the area. (due to an increase in histamine - see below). Manual manipulation of the tissue will also literally break adhesions and scar tissue, regardless of whether techniques are applied with or against the muscle fibre. This decrease in inelastic scar tissue will allow muscles to contract and elongate as they should, and will increase muscle performance.

At a chemical level, massage therapy can cause the release of "endorphins", neurotransmitters that reduce the perception of pain, and increase a feeling of wellbeing. Increased permeability of the blood vessels is caused by release of histamine in response to mechanical stimulation - this increase in blood flow leads to "hyperemia", redness which is often visible after a massage.

The application of therapeutic massage plays a role in event preparation as well as recovery and maintenance, though the goals and application will be different depending on the timing of the treatment in relation to the activity.

Pre-event, the purpose of massage is to "wake-up" and warm-up the muscles, ensuring that they are ready for physical demands to be placed on them. During a pre-event treatment, the movements of the therapist are quick, stimulating the nerves in the area and increasing the ability of a muscle to react to stimuli. Circulation to the muscle is also increased and with it oxygen delivery to the muscle cells, causing a subsequent increase in cellular metabolism and improved functionality. Increased blood flow also warms up the muscle, allowing for greater pre-event stretching, imperative to optimizing performance and reducing injury due to muscle strain.

Post-event massage is much slower, encouraging the body to relax after exertion. Massage therapy at this stage is utilized to assist the body in removing metabolic waste, relaxing and stretching the fatigued muscle. This is done by increasing the circulation and pliability of the muscle tissue. The increased removal of metabolic waste such as lactic acid will decrease recovery time and soreness in the days following an event.

Massage therapy used as a maintenance tool will assist an athlete in maintaining optimal muscle health. During maintenance treatments, the therapist will assess the condition of tissue and establish a treatment plan in conjunction with the goals and condition of the client. It is during these treatments that muscle imbalances are often identified; adhesions and scar tissue are broken down (thus increasing muscle functionality) via manipulation, stretching and breaking down of tissue. Circulation is increased, assisting in oxygen delivery and metabolic waste removal.

Regardless of fitness level, massage therapy can help a fitness enthusiast or athlete achieve his or her performance goals by promoting and maintaining muscle health.

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