Most of us cannot deny that there is nothing better than taking timeout from our stressful day to day lives and having some "me" time. A perfect way to unwind and give you that very much needed "me" time, is to book an appointment with a well trusted and qualified massage therapist. A full body massage isn't just about winding down and relaxing, it really can have multiple benefits to your general health too. There has been many medical studies based around the full body massage procedure, and these studies have proven some of the positive effects that may come from having a full body massage.

A full body massage is a hands-on manipulation of the skin, muscle and joints. It's a therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body's muscles, which is done to relax muscle spasm, relieve all of that built up tension, help improve your body's circulation, and help to rid all of those built up toxins and wastes from your body.

In today's fast moving world that we all live in, it can become ever so easy to simply forget about our health and well being, but if you can afford to take timeout and keep having a full body massage on a regular basis, this really is an excellent way to fight off tensions and keep you feeling on top of the world.

Some of us are guilty of only ever taking this sort of timeout when it is a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary, which is still pleasant for you and leaves you feeling ever so relaxed, but if you can book yourself a course of massage treatments...well, this is where you will gain the maximum benefits which the full body massage procedure has to offer.

Did you know that stress and tension is one of the main causes of diseases and illnesses in people today? Quite shocking news really when you think of how stressful even your daily commute to work can be. It really is imperative to relieve all of this built up stress and tension if you wish to lead a long and healthy life.

The benefits from simply having a body massage truly seem to be endless, and depending on your current lifestyle and general health, the benefits will be different for you, than they will be for let's say your next door neighbour. Having a body massage can improve your body's blood circulation, which most of us know is vital for a healthy body. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking it will only benefit the external parts of their body, but this isn't the case at all. A body massage will also help to keep all of your internal organs healthy and keep them all working efficiently.

Having a body massage on a regular basis will help to fight depression, blood pressure, back problems, diabetes and even infertility. After reading this, it now seems body massage is the best thing going for you and your health, but it is not suitable for everyone and you must keep this in mind. If you suffer from heart problems, cancer, or skin problems, then you really should discuss this with your doctor before booking yourself in for your very first massage session.

You really can improve your well being and live a much healthier life by having a regular body massage. So stop putting off that all important "me" time and get yourself booked in for your first session.

Here's to a much healthier life for you and me!

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Exercise and physical activity are very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle but it is a fact that strenuous physical activity greatly increases the risk of soft tissue damage (ligaments, muscles and tendon) and bone injuries. The primary and secondary mode of therapies differs depending upon the nature and cause of injuries. In traumatic injuries, a more intensive surgical or medical therapy is needed but since most sports injuries are minor sprains, muscle pulls and ligament injuries that do not require any medical or surgical intervention, physical therapy alone is the best mode of therapy in majority of the cases. Moreover, in case of surgeries that involve major joints, rehabilitation is needed to improve healing and blood circulation which makes physical therapist an integral part of any sports team.

Some common sports injuries for which physical therapy is very helpful include abrasions, perhaps the most superficial and common forms of injuries. Ankle sprain is also another common and apparently simple form of sport injury that can occur when athletes perform vigorous activity without performing warm up exercises. Tearing of ligaments (ACL being the most common) is another injury that may limit the degree of movement across the knee joint and can affect the sports career of the athletes. Hamstring pull or strain or tear is reported frequently in running sports and the injury may be as minor as a sprain to as severe as muscle tearing. Bone fractures are also very common in athletes and require stabilization via surgeries, splinting and other modes of interventive care.

Athletes have a very limited scope of undergoing major surgeries and most of the athletes avoid adopting interventive medicine for a number of reasons like delay in healing that affects the performance and form of players, risk of damage to major or minor nerves and vessels as part of iatrogenic trauma or prolonged disability that limits the athlete to perform in sports activities.

Regular physical therapy in sportsmen improves range of motion across the joints, flexibility of muscles and promotes fitness as a whole by warming up muscles. It also helps in the development of small muscle fibers that are missed out in gym exercises. It's the best mode of therapy for all age groups and all sports personnel that is equally effective in male and female players.

Physical therapy serves at stabilizing the tissues in the natural biochemical environment and helps in promoting blood circulation. Rehabilitation after any surgery and primarily sports surgery requires restoration of physical mobility via physical therapy that decreases the pain by washing off the pain-producing mediators and hasten tissue recovery by restoring optimal blood circulation across healing tissues.

Physical therapists are an essential part of all sports teams to enhance fitness in the team and to take care of minor tissue injuries to decrease the risk of inflammation related tissue damage. Physical therapists serve these important functions by sports education that serves to educate professional sports players regarding warm up exercises, tissue relaxing exercises and massage to prevent soaring of muscles. Education regarding appropriate postures during and after sports activities, machines and devices that promote blood supply to tissues, joints, muscles and bones and muscle strengthening exercise that stabilize tissues and provide support to ligaments, tendons and other parts of musculoskeletal system.

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Neuromuscular massage therapy or NMT is considered to be particular type of manual massage therapy. A professionally trained therapist is allowed to perform this massage. He should be adequately educated about the physiotherapy methods as this massage effects on the nervous system of the body.

The skeletal and muscular system of human body is equally experiences the effect of this method. He should also know all about biomechanics and have the temperament to work in the clinics where these types of massages are given. This massage involves special moves that targets the different myofascial points and releases the pain.

How the neuromuscular stimulation therapy works?

As a matter of fact this type of massage is performed on a special part of the body. The body parts which are used to exert the required pressure on the points are elbows, fingertips and sometimes a tiny tool called the t-bar is also used. This pressure is applied for about 30 seconds at a time. This method influences the supple tissue layer of the tendons, muscles and other connecting tissues that are present inside the body.

It also maintains the balance within the central nervous system. When the general functions of the nerves are disturbed due to reasons like trauma, wrong postural practices, injuries or stress, they start getting distorted and this leads to dysfunction of the body parts and also exerts severe pain. Neuromuscular massage therapy aids in releasing this extra stress and gradually improves the health of the nervous system.

What is the job of the neuromuscular massage therapists?

The task of the neuromuscular stimulation therapy practitioner is to apply continuous pressure at specific points of the body for quite a long span of time. Now they can feel themselves with the touch and also expect feedbacks from the clients whether the "spasm" that is responsible for the nervous system disorder has released or not. When they press the particular point the blood flow gets stopped but after the pressure is released blood starts flowing immediately.

This helps the area to access the oxygen of the blood and gradually the pain is healed. In few cases the ache gets cured instantly after the massage session is over. But there are people who often report to get results after one or two days. Some of them also experience slight soreness which eradicates after some time.

Benefits of neuromuscular therapy

There are five most important health disorders where the yogic neuromuscular therapy and the general neuromuscular therapy work really well. If you have Ischemia, a condition in which hyper touch sensitivity occurs due to less blood supply to the tender tissues of the body. Then it also work wonders to the trigger points of the body which are considered to be the maximum irritation points. If there is a problem in the cartilage bone or nerves the neuromuscular therapy can be really effective. Wrong posture, physical imbalances and biomechanical dysfunction of the body can be benefited easily with the help of this massage.

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There are many benefits of body massager. The use of massage is a fantastic way to incorporate the powers of holistic healing into your daily life. Massage can be used to bring two people closer together, which is why it is recommended for couples who are looking for something to spice up their relationship. It also helps invigorate the major systems of the body, such as the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissue of the body using one or both hands. A good massage can also be very relaxing and therapeutic.

Body massager originated in Germany and is considered an age-old healing art. Many people pay hundreds of dollars to professional massage therapists to attain the healing properties of an amazing massage. Others rely on their spouse or loved one to massage their back. A body massager can also be used for someone who wants to get a good back massage in the comfort of their own privacy. Alternatively, a spouse or loved one can use a body massager on the individual wishing to relax their bones and muscles.

Stress has become a huge factor in the lives of many. Financial, marriage, and work-related stresses are common in almost every household across the country and across the world. It is no wonder that people are truly benefiting from the wonders of body massage. Massage by hands or by a massager can release stress by improving blood circulation and increasing oxygen flow. Stress in our lives can cause our muscles to become strained and tight and even lends to a buildup of toxins in the body. Regular massage helps to ease the tension and allow for a better functioning body and a more proper posture.

A massager can ease muscles, reduce stress, and give a feeling of well being. It also helps to distribute tissue and remove deposits of tissue found throughout the body. Massage can be taught in schools or through personal experience. You don't have to be a professional to give a great massage. A special massager will actually do most of the work for you if you are looking to give a good massage or reduce tension in your own back. Long handles are normally apart of any massager so the individual can reach their own back.

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The early people all over the world were relying on a basic form of bodywork technique to soothe their body after a laborious day, treat problems both physically and emotionally, correct and realign the skeletal system, improve posture, boost the immune system and many more effects that can help a person achieve a healthy constitution. This technique is known as massage therapy which facilitates the working power of the hands, feet, elbows, knees, and forearms to create various massage strokes and techniques used to increase healing effects.

One of the early forms of bodywork used is the Mayan Abdominal massage which uses techniques that are focused on the core of the body which is the uterus. The massage therapist directs the healing massage techniques on the abdomen, back and pelvic area of the patient to increase the flow of blood, lymph, chi and oxygen in order to improve the condition of the various internal organs, muscle tissues, and musculoskeletal system in that part of the body. Deep yet slow massage strokes are utilized by the massage therapist on those areas to provide relief from various conditions including intestinal problems, prostate swelling, menstrual problems, and also infertility among men and women.

The improved fertility rate of 50% chance among couples who are having a hard time producing a child is shown to be of satisfactory rating among individuals who tried the therapy. Conception after several sessions of Mayan abdominal massage is really something worthy of praise and popularity. However, the technique remains unpopular today unlike the other types of therapeutic massage.

The risks of the Mayan abdominal massage include injuries in the pelvic area, abdomen and back part of the body due to improper handling by the massage therapist. Damaged internal organs and tissues can also be possible risks if the therapist is not certified and properly trained in human anatomy. Dr. Rosita Arvigo herself trained and practiced for a decade before even mastering and applying it to the public. She had intensive training under one of the last shaman named Don Elijio Panti. That is why it is essential for anyone who wishes to have this type of therapeutic massage to look for a highly trained therapist to perform the massage.

Mayan abdominal massage contraindications to treatment should be strictly followed due to the nature and approach of the technique. Deep therapeutic massage strokes and techniques use pressure to reach the deep muscle tissue which can be hazardous to pregnant women who are in their 15 weeks of pregnancy. The pressure can produce quite damage and stimulation that can result to miscarriage. Avoid this therapy if IUD is present during the scheduled time of massage session. Women who are having their menstrual period should also refrain from using this massage therapy as a source of medical care.

It would be wise to weight all the advantages with the disadvantages of this therapy in order to not fall into thinking that the benefits can outweigh the risks. There is no point in risking the current condition and making it worse because of impulsive behavior.

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According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) every individual should pay an annual visit to a physical therapist along with making an annual visit to a physician for a complete physical check-up. Recent discoveries have pointed to the fact that physical therapy provides a holistic approach to overall health and wellness.

The APTA recently cited an increase in physical inactivity and its consequences of developing obesity, chronic diseases, and other illnesses.

The American Heart Association also recommends physical therapy for patients at risk of developing heart disease and as a preventative measure against heart disease.

The House recently expressed the fact that physical therapy can reverse the increased percentage of physical inactivity in individuals by establishing customized health and wellness programs that will help individuals maintain fitness for life.

The New England Journal of Medicine also recently released benefits physical therapy has on reversing certain common back conditions with non-surgical treatment

Benefits of Annual Physical Therapy Check-Up

Physical therapy should be part of your annual check-up. A licensed physical therapist will closely examine nerve, muscle, skeletal, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems through a holistic approach.

• Personalized Program: The physical therapist will also go through your personal health concerns and then work with you on a personalized program so you can actually do something about these concerns.

• Follow Up: In addition to putting together a personalized program a physical therapist will help you to follow through with the program by putting together a year-long plan during your annual check-up. Throughout the course of the year the physical therapist will help you to stick with the plan and make any necessary modifications in physical therapy requirements if you experience a change in your health status during the course of the year.

• Prevent Serious Health Issues: If you schedule an annual check-up with your physical therapist you will receive an annual plan to help improve your health so you have a higher potential to live longer without any serious health issues transpiring.

• Low Cost Solution to Rising Health Care Costs: According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, a research study showed that Americans may be spending money unnecessarily for treatments depending upon the health condition. Physical therapists can offer a personalized treatment plan and education for health and well being to provide an effective holistic alternative while reducing the costs of health care for the patient.

• Reverse the Aging Process: A regular yearly plan with your physical therapist can help you to reverse the aging process. Studies have shown that a regular training program reverses aging at the cellular level. A physical therapist can ensure that you stay with the program and maintain the proper diet and exercise which helps to slow the aging process.

More often than not, most individuals get too busy or they are simply too tired to take care of their health. Often when you come home from work you are too tired so you eat some fast food and then flop down on the couch for the rest of the evening. If you set up a year-long plan with a physical therapist you will avoid some of the health problems that will develop as a result of living a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. You will also be more likely to stick with the regimen if you have a physical therapist to guide you on a regular basis.

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There is a saying among some orthopedic surgeons to their patients that the surgery was the easy part it's the rehabilitation that is the hard part. Never have truer words been said. After either a knee, hip, or shoulder has been replaced keeping the pain and swelling to manageable levels is no doubt an art.

In physical therapy there are several hard and fast rules we tend to follow when preparing patients for rehabilitation. The use of heat and cold therapies are usually brought up somewhere in the overall discussion. Generally its recommended that a patient will use heat on the surrounding tissue before exercise and ice or other type of cold therapy after the exercises. Now there are multiple ideas behind this theory with most prominent being, heat will relax the muscles around the joint making them more pliable and easier to stretch and cold will help reduce the swelling after the treatment and also reduce pain.

Heat and cold therapies have been around since the beginning of man and still promoted today. When I treat a patient which is in the home setting for instance, the joint that was replaced will not be quite as acute as it was in the hospital Therefore, one or both of these therapies may be discontinued by the patient but that is something I do not recommend. Before I get to the home I will recommend to the patient that a heating pad is placed around the surrounding joint not directly on it and also the proper toweling is to be used to prevent burning the soft tissue around the incision. this is usually applied 20-30 minutes before therapy is started. If its a knee replacement for instance the patient is asked to also elevate the affected limb while getting the heat although this is not completely necessary.

The idea is by using the heat I can start by developing further range of motion in the knee or hip while the muscles are relaxed and easily manipulated. this can also of course be done by family members or yourself once properly trained to do so.

After the treatment or your exercise session is completed, this is the time to immediately apply a cold pack to the the affected area for 20-30 minutes to help reduce the swelling and pain that was initiated after having the joint exercised. Also if its a knee replacement its advised to elevate the limb higher then your heart to help with the reduction of swelling. Again as with heat, do not place the cold pack directly on the skin, the pain during a joint replacement is hard enough to handle at times without having to deal with frostbite as well. Unlike heat you can place the cold pack over toweling directly on the knee or hip. The cold therapy will not promote further bleeding and swelling like heat will if placed directly over the joint.

Every individual has different tolerances to pain and swelling. You will meet people for instance that never used heat during their therapy and, will from time to time meet some patients who did not use cold therapy as well. I find that you can skip these modalities after a hip replacement if you choose, however, it is advised not to skip the cold therapy after a knee replacement as they seem to be more temperamental then the hip. Pain and swelling is more prominent in the knee then in the hip.

Using heat and ice have their place in rehabilitation and can make your rehab experience tolerable.
Always check with your doctor or therapist if you have any questions regarding times or application of the above as there are many ways to use heat and ice with physical therapy and still be effective.

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If you are looking for a home-based business and you are interested in helping people with their health and well being, massage therapy is an excellent option. You'll make good money, build a professional reputation and meet interesting people.

It's not a piece of cake to build a home massage therapy business, but it can be relatively less stressful than many other businesses. The relationships you build as you help your clients with their stress management and wellness means that you can build a strongly loyal customer base that can make your business revenues thrive.

Speaking about revenues, it can help to increase sales if you can offer your customers convenient ways to pay you for your services. Why accept only cash and checks when nowadays it is so easy to do mobile credit card processing with your iPhone?

How easy? It's really remarkable how simple it is to get started:

1. Get a merchant account and payment gateway from a reputable credit card processing and merchant services provider. Look for a merchant account provider that offers next day funding to help keep your cash flow running smoothly.

2. Download the app from the iTunes App store.

3. Once your merchant account and payment gateway are live, use your API login ID and transaction keys to set up your information in the App settings screen.

4. Transactions are entered and completed on one screen and you will know instantly when the card is approved.

5. Getting a receipt to your customers is easy. All you have to do is enter their email address into the App and, once the transaction is approved, the receipt will be emailed to them.

Mobile credit card processing with your iPhone is secure. Security features include AVS and CVV2 codes and SSL encryption for data transfer. Your customers' credit card numbers are not stored on your phone.

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Choose wisely, shampoo has to be mild. Harsh shampoos can damage hair follicles. It has to be ph balanced to ensure clean and healthy hair. Beware of the advertisements asking you apply daily and rinse and repeat instructions, its nothing but ploy to sell more products. Applying it twice will do the trick. First application will prepare scalp thoroughly and second round will get the things done.

Massage Therapy

Often skipped but important part of hair loss therapy. Gently massage your scalp with mild shampoo. Gently use fingertips the fingertips in a "spider doing push-ups" fashion. Hot oil massage helps toning and induces the scalp release natural oils from sebaceous glands.

Moisturizing hair & scalp

Moisturize your hair. Hair Conditioning is important aspect for healthy hair. Provided your hair is dry, one should avoid harsh chemicals on the hair. Herbal conditioner is better options since it doesn't contain any harsh chemical. Henna and aloe Vera could be good homemade conditioner, and if your stocky life doesn't permits anything homemade you could also buy good hair conditioning products available in the market.

Hair Styling

Style is fashion when comfort is ultimate effect of that action. Styling your hair on the cost of its health is not a good idea and of course, not advisable at all. Find a comfortable style.

Hair care products

What comes expensive doesn't necessarily be great, but there is high possibility that cheap products won't do any good at all. Cheap ones will either dry out your hair or grease it up. Find the best possible combination of natural products, do some patch test before applying them on your scalp. Quality products may be a little expensive but the final result that counts not the price tag.

Hair Style

Keeping your hair short helps you managing & maintaining it regularly. Always go for regular hair cut. Short hairs need less care and they are less fragile and less prone to develop scalp infection than longer hair. Massage your hair & scalp regularly with your finger tips- not with your finger nails.

Final Tips

Get regular haircuts

Massage your scalp with your fingertips

Brush (natural bristles are best)

Comb - wide-toothed if you have curly hair.

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A hot stone massage is a therapy that has numerous benefits. It is a type of massage that uses a heated massage rock and a Swedish massage to heal and relax the body. Many people avail of this massage because of its many therapeutic effects. It is not only a form of relaxation but also an effective solution to aches and pains of the body. Here are some beneficial effects of this type of massage other than calming the body.

o It puts the mind in a meditative state and therefore is good for people experiencing insomnia and difficulty of sleep because of stress.
o It releases tension on the muscles. It is very good for muscles that are injured, weak and tight.
o It enhances the lymphatic system decreasing the body's susceptibility to infection.
o It has a consoling and soothing effect and has been proven to treat depression.
o It is considered as one form of pain management and recommended for people with back pains and arthritis.

People these days are so prone to stress that there is no doubt physical and mental fatigue will eventually set in. In order to relieve some of the tension from the body, you often find other ways on how to feel relaxed and a hot stone massage therapy is one of the popular choices. It is the perfect way of alleviating pain and promoting overall health of an individual.

You already know the beneficial effects it provides but sometimes you ask yourself on how many times is it really ideal to get a hot stone massage. There really is no actual limitation on how many times you should have a stone massage therapy but the average occurrence to a massage client is approximately once a month. But this number is really dependent on the person and his lifestyle. For instance, one person may engage in a job that requires him to seat on a chair for more than 8 hours. This type of job will usually bear a strain on the muscles and it is recommended to take the massage twice a month.

A two hour treatment of a hot stone massage therapy will take you in a deeper sense of relaxation. The tension and muscle spasms in your body will simply melt away as the massage rock and Swedish massage create the perfect massage atmosphere. The heat and the massage will gradually open up the energy centers of the body and will leave you feeling rejuvenated in no time.

Getting a hot stone massage therapy is good for the body. It may be a little more expensive than a regular massage but the effects can be remarkable. You cannot reverse the aging process of the body but at least you can slow it down with the proper diet, regular exercise and a massage once in awhile. So invest in a hot stone massage to boost your energy levels and live a healthier happier lifestyle.

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