Every massage therapist that is thinking about getting into this business needs to have the right massage equipment in order to perform their best and be successful in this business. While many massage therapists will prefer not to acquire the extra cost of acquiring all what that is needed, especially when starting out. But I can tell you from experience it dose pay off in the long run, I would not suggest to cut too many corners if you want to successful and look professional.

Many people benefit from massage therapy. It is not just used to relax people anymore. When we think of massage, we often imagine luxury spas where people are pampered and spoiled. This is no longer the case massage therapy is now used to improve performance in athletes and help people with chronic pain, injuries and even for anxiety and other emotional disorders

Massage Table & Massage Chair

A massage therapist just beginning in practice may benefit from being available at moment's notice often visiting homes of those who are in need of a massage. So the first essential item, a portable lightweight massage table. And I would also considering purchasing a portable massage chair for marketing purposes and corporate accounts. This is huge we at RPM-Therapy bring in aprox. 50% of my clientele just by using the chair alone, the chair offers many advantages that a massage table will not.

Business cards and a website

You must have a way for your potential clients to contact you, get more information and learn about your massage techniques [http://think-diagonal.com/category/massage-therapy-bodywork/] that you specialize in. A website allows for this potential client to gain valuable information about your services without you having to stay by a phone great when you are with another client. Today websites can now book clients with an online scheduler, and send a text message with that confirmed appointment to your cell-phone without you ever taking a call.

Your massage therapy business cards should have all the general information on it name, phone number, services offered and a call to action. Your call to action can be something very simple like, come in this month and save $20 off your next massage. Or get 30 minutes free when you buy 30 minutes, but be sure to have an expiration date ending in a week or two, you can always extend it.

Your website need not to be anything real expensive or fancy due to the reason that you will probably be making a lot of changes on it as you grow your business. You do need to make sure that it has an email optin box, this is for building your network of clients. If you have their email address, then at anytime you move or have a special offer or special event that you would like your clients to know about, letting them know is just a few keystrokes away. Your website once your busy, have an online scheduling system, this way your clients can book right from their computer plus you can set it up to capture a physical address, phone number, birthdays and get informed of any special considerations that the client may have prior to them coming in. This alone can make a huge impact on your business, our clients love it. Consider offering gift certificates that can purchased online through a merchant account or paypal, it is not too difficult to set up.

A Blog

I just recently added this one to the list, my reasons for having a blog is this, it is very easy to set up and it's built on a platform that builds relationships with your clients, patients and customers. Plus it is SEO friendly right out of the box, add a few bells and whistles (usually called a plugin) and your blog can generate a ton of website traffic to your business and services.

Another huge aspect to the blog is this, if you are good at what you do, write several articles pertaining to your expertise and post it to your blog and article directories and you will soon be perceived as an expert in your industry. It will also allow you to educate your clients and potential customers about what to expect from your bodywork, give out tips and advice that will help your clients and they will keep coming back to your blog to get more information.

Massage Equipment (physical location)

For those who wish to set up an office practice, it is necessary to have all the necessary equipment such as proper stationary, tables, mats, chairs and other misc. items. But if want to make a winning impression, get a good lotion, I prefer Biotone Dual Purpose. Do not buy some cheap oils they will only make oil stains on your clothes, carpets and sheets that are not easy to wash out or get cleaned. And if you do not have a shower available; chances are pretty good that your client will get oil stains on their clothing as well and leave your facility feeling oily.

Table heater/pad

Last key equipment would be a table heater or a heating pad for your massage table, have it on a medium to low heat prior to your client coming in and adjust it accordingly for your clients. Your clients will love you for it.

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When you attend massage therapy school, you will learn what a massage is and how it helps people. A massage is the special treatment that is given to various parts of the body that include rubbing, stroking, slapping, and kneading. Massages are performed to relieve muscle spasms or stiffness and can also help with cramps, anxiety, and tension. You will also learn the connections that touch therapy (massage therapy, the two terms are used to mean the same thing) has with memory.

It has been stated that because a person can relax and give in to a massage that their mind will be at ease and their memory will be short-termed improved. Massage therapy works in two basic ways that helps the client. The basic massage includes stoking, rubbing, and kneading. It will stimulate physical and emotional healing power. The physical part of a massage allows the muscles to relax and not feel so tight. The stimulation will allow a person to feel the relaxing or healing power that they are receiving.

As for the different types of massages that you will learn, there are so many that most schools will only touch base on. It's up to you to learn them and master them so that you are prepared for a job or for your own business opportunity. Massages that originate from the East are Shiatsu, Acupuncture, and Polarity. They all involve the client's body energy and help them release negative energy while you, the therapist, give them positive energy. In most massages that are eastern or evolve around the person's energy do not evolve any touching at all.

Some massages actually. Some of the Western types are Swedish, Escalen, Neuromuscular therapy, trager, and other deep massages that are used to release tension from the muscles. As for the western massages, they are based on the understanding of the body and the muscles that are located in the body.

Some of the descriptions for certain massages include some of the basic strokes or rubbing techniques and add a twist to them. Example, the Swedish massage includes long strokes and kneading in circular movements. It is very gentle and relaxing. It also adds the use of lotions or oils. Aromatherapy is much like a Swedish by it incorporates scented oils that address certain skin needs.

Hot stone is very unique because it applies smooth, heated stones to points on the arms, legs, chest, and back to release any muscle tension and balances the body's energy. When it comes to a deep tissue massage, the massage therapist uses slower strokes that will often make people feel sore for a couple days after massage.

As for shiatsu, it is a form of Japanese massage and uses finger pressure in soothing rhythm. They are firm, but relaxing. Tai massage is something that you will probably learn. It incorporates yoga into massage. There are plenty more types that you can learn and master.

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Stripped off all pretense or flourishes, the basic intent of therapeutic massage is to manipulate the soft tissues purposefully to help heal the damaged, sore, bruised or otherwise impaired part of the body. There are, however, a seemingly vast number of specific specialized techniques and types of massage. There is Sports Massage, Myofascial Massage, Neuromuscular Massage, Swedish Massage, Acupressure, Thai Massage, Watsu and Hydrotherapeutic Massage. The massage therapist must look at the different kinds, examine their techniques and decide what is appropriate for their client.

This may seem an insurmountable difficulty, but it is not. You can easily divide the basic techniques of massage therapy into two categories: Eastern (or Oriental or Asian) and Western. Although there are hybrids of these two major categories of therapeutic massage, the techniques remain distinct. There are clear indicators of the focus and style of massage in hybrids.

Eastern Massage at its most traditional bases its massage techniques on a pressure point system. While the philosophy of Thai Massage, Shiatsu, An Mo and Tui Na refers to the existence of some form of universal life force of energy, the actual technique involves working on specific points of the body. In Acupressure, for example, there are 365 acupoints on the body. A practitioner of this method uses the fingertips or hands to press on a specific point. This pressure, applied for a specific length of time, may relieve the pain, reduce tension, increase circulation, eliminate toxins and prevent nausea. In Reflexology, the practitioner utilizes reflex zones. Each point on the foot represents a specific part of the human anatomy. A point may have an association with a specific organ, gland or other body part. Pressing on the Reflex point helps remove congestion or imbalance within the body. This, in turn, prevents or removes disease and illness.

In the classic form of Western massage, there are no specific acupoints. The practitioner uses 5 basic hand motions to relieve stress, reduce tension and help the body heal itself. These 5 points for Classic Massage or Swedish Massage bear French nomenclature. They are Effleurage, Petrissage, Frictions, Tapotement and Vibration. Effleurage is long, smooth motions while Petrissage refers to a kneading of the flesh. In Frictions, a practitioner makes circular movements with the hands while in Tapotement the hands perform a tapping or percussion-like movements. With Vibration, the therapist uses two hands or thumbs to shake the flesh.

In Classic Western Massage, the hand and its parts work to manipulate the flesh. In Swedish Massage Therapy, the body is the entire canvas of the practitioner. In variations of Classic Massage, such as Sports Massage, the therapist usually focuses on a specific body part. In Traditional and modern forms of Asian Massage Therapy, the practitioner may utilize the fingers and other parts of the body to free energy. The desire is to use the techniques to unblock the channels for the entire body.

A massage therapist needs to know the different techniques. Although he or she may prefer a specific type of massage therapy, it is necessary to understand the essential differences and their application. In addition, a practitioner needs to know the necessity to adapt the techniques of massage therapy to the client. This includes realizing adjustments are essential when dealing with the specific needs of clients.

There are several individuals requiring alterations or adjustments in technique. This applies to both Western and Eastern approaches. The factors for which a therapeutic masseuse must make modifications include body type, age, pregnancy, disability and even gender. A practitioner has to be able to assess and tweak their approach accordingly.

Heavily padded or thin, bony clients require different techniques. You do not use Tapotement on a small, slender individual. This may produce bruising. In the least, the action can be uncomfortable. In the case of well-padded clients, you will have to increase the depth of your massage. Otherwise, you will not be able to affect the circulatory system.

Males and females have different requirements. During pregnancy, a practitioner will need to adjust the mat, pad or massage table to address the various trimesters. The length of the massage may not correspond to a comfortable time for the woman. At 4 months, it may be difficult to lie on the stomach. Later, it may also be hard to maintain a position on the back. There is also the question of depth of massage and massaging the stomach. With the male, therapists may need to apply greater pressure too manipulate the larger muscle bulk.

Another factor is age. You do not apply the same force or use the same technique for either the elderly or infants. In Tui Na, the form for infants differs from that for adults. The same is true for Western Massage Therapy. In both the elderly and the very young, a practitioner does not utilize heavy hands. Therapists also avoid pressure on fragile bones. If the practitioner knows his or her craft and understands the need to vary and adapt his or her technique, there should never be a problem.

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Physical therapy is an important part in the recovery process of patients who have experienced some form of trauma that left them impaired. This impairment may be physical, mental or psychological. A physical therapist, or PT as they are commonly known, works with those patients who have physical impairment. Physical impairment usually has a lot to do with loss of the ability to do what one could previously do easily and effortlessly. These activities include walking, talking, eating, standing, etc.

The physical therapist works with these patients in trying to restore some these impaired functions to some form of previous normalcy. This is a hard and grueling task. The patients are usually in a state of despair and more often than not, tend to be very difficult to motivate. This is why one of the characteristics of an effective physical therapist is humility. As the PT works with these patients on a regular basis, some situations usually arise that require a high level of humility from the physical therapist.

In one instance, the patient feels like they are lesser persons due to the condition they find themselves in. As they look around them and see other people doing, effortlessly, what they could do but now cannot, they tend to get an inferiority complex. Battling with depression and such thought of inferiority tends to spill over to the physical therapist. Due to the proximity of this recuperative care professional, they tend to bear the brunt of many a bout of negative emotions. Humility in this instance allows the physical therapist to understand where the patient is coming from and not retaliate. As they patiently and humbly respond to the patient, the patient is able to continue on their path to recovery as well as dispel any bottled up negative emotions they may have.

Physical therapists deal with diverse patients and this is another area that requires humility. Understanding that no matter how impaired the patient is, they are still a precious part of humanity is important. This enables the PT to treat every patient equally and accord them their utmost effort and attention. This essential characteristic in a PT cannot be slighted and must in fact be cultivated by any aspiring PT.

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Thai massage is said to have been developed by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, believed to be the, physician to the Buddha, in India more than 2,500 years ago. It has then made its way to Thailand, where its principles and techniques slowly became influenced by the customary Chinese medicine.

It was performed by monks for centuries used as one element for Thai medicine. Thai massage is said to be more stimulating and precise than any other kinds of massage.

It is also being called the "Thai yoga massage", where in the therapists uses their hands, knees, legs, and feet to move people into a sequence of yoga-like positions. Many people say it is like performing yoga without doing any work. Much compression of the muscles in the joint areas and acupressure are used during the massage treatment. Many describe Thai massage as both comforting and refreshing sort of therapy.

Here are the five best massage centers in Thailand:

1.     The Garden Chiang Mai - located in Chiang Mai, Thailand offers you the enjoyments of foot massages in the garden. Garden Chiang Mai massage is based on reflexology and acupressure styles, which means that with their qualified staff, massage is always relaxing and stimulates the whole system. They also offer neck and back massage here. With just 150 baht per hour, one can enjoy traditional Thai massage. The massage routines are performed in luxury air-conditioned rooms. This is a Thai massage center designed to awaken and manipulate the body. Thai massage provides full relief from many aches and pains which helps with achieving good posture.

2.     Oriental de Phuket - found in Phuket, Thailand a place for one to have a refreshing mind and body. Oriental de Phuket is well recommended for Healthy Massage that will help everyone reduce stress and have a peaceful time. 

Here, one will observe warmest welcome and the best services. therapists are well trained and qualified by specialized Thai Massage Association

3.     Chiva Som - is everyone's "Haven of Life" located in the the Gulf of Thailand. Chiva-Som is all about learning to live, enjoy life, enjoy life's pleasures and appreciate Thai massages. Here, one enjoys relaxing Thai massage and other different massage techniques. The Chive som massage center has well trained staff that will surely give everyone the comfort they need.

4.      Health Land - located in Pattaya Nua Road, Thailand. Offers relaxing Thai massages for as low as 450 Baht per session. The massage will take up to 2 hours, where one can fully relax and enjoy the luxury of the place while having a peaceful time.

5.    Friend's Massage - located only 200 meters away from Sukhumvit. It is a clean and good-looking building which has been newly renovated. Friend's massage offers traditional Thai massage and oil massages, beauty treatments such as manicure, pedicure, facial massage, nail painting, and even hairdressing services.

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When a child has a physical impairment, he/she often benefits from working with a skilled physical therapist in order to work towards attaining the skills that he/she lacks. Physical therapy can be practiced either in a medical clinic, in the child's home, or within the school system, and each relates to a different "model" of practice, with different goals and objectives.

The medical model of practice is what is typically thought of when one thinks of physical therapy. It can include going to an outpatient clinic where an array of different equipment can be utilized, including treadmills, weights, swings, ball pits, etc. The medical model can also be practiced in a child's home, if the child is homebound due to medical issues. The goals must be measurable and attainable, and therapists typically have to show progress towards these goals in order to be reimbursed by insurance companies. Often times, children with lifelong physical disabilities will have to take a break from therapy if they are not making progress towards the goals that have been established. This is known as an "episode of care", meaning that a child is not necessarily receiving services continually throughout his/her life.

Alternatively, by law, students are able to receive physical therapy services through their school system. These services would fall under the educational model of practice, and are part of a child's Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). This means that the physical therapist is a part of the special education team, which includes the student and the parents, that helps the student function within his or her "least restrictive environment", which is typically the school setting for school age children. Goals in the educational model will focus more on routines in the school day, adaptations for the classroom, and equipment needs. Services can be direct (working one on one with the student), which might resemble the medical model. However, services can also be indirect, integrated, or consultative, meaning that the therapist is working mainly with teachers, staff, and/or parents, providing ideas and training for how to manage the student's physical impairments so that he or she is still able to be functional in the classroom setting.

Before children are school aged, they can qualify for Early Intervention services. This is typically from birth through the age of three. Each state has different qualification standards, but typically a medical diagnosis that indicates need or low scores on a standardized test can qualify a child. Early Intervention services can be provided by the school district or the state, and the services are free to the family. Early Intervention services follow an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), which is similar to an IEP in that it involves a whole team approach. The difference is that an IFSP is family focused and the least restrictive environment is typically in the child's home. Education and training of the parents and family is the main focus.

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Massage therapy traces its long traditional use as a primary and regular treatment to many types of diseases and health conditions in the ancient centuries. Although the history of this type of natural body treatment is dated thousand years ago, most of the modern-day massage therapies that we enjoy are only improvements of the old ones. Regardless of which method a patient use, all of these results to the same and exact effects either beneficial or disastrous to the patient's body.

Massage therapy is popular and commonly used in treating and improving the health of a patient as well as basically for relaxing and relieving physical and emotional stress. It is well-known because of its many benefits that a patient can get after a relaxing and energizing therapeutic massage session performed by a licensed and certified masseuse. These benefits can be enjoyed from the many different types of massage therapy developed and practiced all over the world. Patient's are not only limited to western style massage therapies as oriental and other styles of therapeutic massage are performed anywhere.

However, little is known and less importance is given by both patients and massage parlors when it comes to the negative or side effects of a massage therapy session. First of all, in case the masseuse is not a licensed and certified massage therapist, the odds for having injuries and worsened health problems is definitely higher than when having a licensed therapist. Below are the risks and bad effects after having a massage therapy:

1. Temporary body pain and discomfort - although this is temporary, some patient's find it hard to recover from it. The point of having this type of natural treatment is to improve and relieve such body pain and any physical and emotional discomfort of an individual.

2. Allergic reactions to massage oils - this is not common on most patients, however there are cases where massage oil caused allergic reactions on the skin of the patient. Nut based oils are usually the culprit of this incidents are they are commonly the cause of skin allergies. This is why medical records are needed before an actual massage therapy session in order to avoid this type of problem.

3. Swelling and bruising - this is not usual though after a massage therapy, however there are some cases where this is experienced by the patient. These are common when the massage therapist fails to add the adequate amount of massage oil on the patient's body which results in harder and forced massage strokes. These are only temporary side effects though which means that they will be gone after a few days.

4. Bone fractures - it is not a common side effects compare to the previous three as most patients are screened before they can pass for an actual massage therapy. People with osteoporosis are strictly not allowed for therapeutic massages as their bones can easily break and get injured during the process of a massage therapy session. A good and concerned massage therapist will not allow a patient to suffer the consequences just to profit for the service he or she renders.

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Here's how you can start increasing your profit by offering add-on cellulite cupping massage treatments! There are many brands of tools available, and the technique is easily learned by any experienced therapist. Keep in mind that cellulite massage cupping is not the only add-on you can use this technique with; therapists have had equally effective experiences offering aromatherapy add-ons, body scrubs and wraps, or parrafin treatments. The idea is to offer your client a short add-on that gets piggy-backed onto your existing treatment offering in order to improve the client's experience while also providing you with a source of increased revenue from your existing clients.

Step 1. Promote
As an affordable alternative to endermologie, promote cellulite cupping massage to your existing client base, and also advertise to gain new clients. Don't wait for an existing client to come in for an appointment to tell him or her; this new method gives you an excuse to do a mailing or email campaign to market your new skill. Your new service will also spread through word of mouth. Tell everyone!

Step 2. Book the Session
Ask your client whether they would like an add-treatment or a full cellulite-reducing session. For example, you can ask, "Would you like to add a 20-minute cellulite treatment using Chinese cupping massage to your session today for an additional $40?" When they agree, note that your 60-minute session just turned into an 80-minute session! And some clients may book additional sessions just for cellulite appearance reducing treatments, possibly increasing the number of times you see a client per month. That's more bookings!

Step 3. Work on Client
Perform the add-on method treatment on your client. Happy clients will see results and will love you for it!

Step 4. Sell a Take-Home Kit
At the end of the session, explain the benefit of regular treatments and the *healthy skin* lifestyle. Sell a treatment package to your client, such as a six-week series of your recommended add-on. Suggest that your client purchase a take-home cupping massager for home use and maintenance between appointments, which can include aromatherapy candles, oils, lotions, or other take-home protocols. You've just generated even more income!

Step 5. Feel Great About Helping Others While Your Business Grows!
Show off your success stories by emailing your other clients about your new menu options. Report to your mailing list about your new available add-on treatments, but be sure to get permission from your clients before using any of their before-after photos or name. It is best to also only use first names and a last initial, with permission, rather than using full names.

Step 6. Continue to promote using the sample email content below.

You can send out an email or mailer to your existing and potential new clients. Sample Introductory Email to Send to Your Clients:

"To my valued client,

I am excited to share with you the new treatment that I am now offering to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Everyone can benefit from chinese cupping massage, which improves circulation and promotes skin health. As an affordable alternative to endermologie, the method I am now offering uses this technique to combat dimples and cellulite when applied to target areas.

Please contact me today to book an introductory session and see for yourself! Forward this email to anyone you know who may be interested in smoother, healthier appearing skin.

See you soon,
[Your name]
[Your phone number]
[Your website]"

The message above can also be tailored for a postcard mailer, flyer or website menu page.

It is best to sell series packages to clients. This helps increase the effectiveness of your treatments, while providing you with revenue in a lump sum you can use to budget your business's revenue and also project your profit more accurately.

Don't forget to send clients reminder emails as well. Sample Maintenance Reminder Email:

"Dear Cindy,

I hope you are well and enjoying the results of your 12-Pack Series! I recommend regular maintenance for best results. Please call me to book a 6-Pack Series maintenance package to continue looking your best.

Warm regards,
[Your name]
[Your phone number]
[Your website]"

While results are not guaranteed and will depend on your individual client market, we hope these skills will help you improve your bottom line as well as your clients' experiences. Now get out there and select a good add-on to start including in your spa menu. It is a win-win for both clients and therapists! Here's to your success!

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A Thai Head Massage is a massage of the head, neck and upper body. It will help to release all the tension and toxins that have accumulated in the muscles, tissues, joints of the head, shoulders, neck and face. The therapist uses a variety of different movements including deep kneading and compression techniques over the head, neck and shoulder blades areas. It also involves massage work on the energy lines and stimulating the pressure points that are located around the head. The massage is completed with a soothing shoulder, neck and upper back massage to break down any remaining stress or tension and release toxins.

Thai Head Massage is a perfect stress-busting treatment for anybody suffering from tension headache, aching shoulders, eye strain, a stiff neck, insomnia, poor concentration or difficulty sleeping. It is a completely safe and simple yet effective form of massage therapy renowned for its stress relieving qualities. The treatment can be given fully clothed and without a treatment table also. It is both versatile and non-invasive so perfect for all the family, even pregnant mums and the elderly.

Along with the traditional Thai massage techniques used the Thai Head Massage borrows many techniques from the ancient Indian head massage. In addition to our physical anatomy there is another normally unseen "subtle" anatomy, the Chakra. The energy vortex or "Chakra" as it is also known as corresponds to the different glands that relate to specific parts of the physical body and also to areas of spiritual and psychological development. Stimulating these energy centres and pathways to perform at their optimum efficiency provide a highly effective way to prevent ill health and promote a greater sense a well being. The balancing of this "Chakra" is essential to maintaining our health and vitality.

What are the benefits of a Thai Head Massage?

  • Antidote to anxiety, stress and mental tension

  • Clears the mind and revitalises mental capacity

  • General "balancing", giving a sense of calm and peace

  • Works on balancing the Chakras

  • Calming the respiratory system

  • Improves circulation of blood to the head and neck

  • Enhances nourishment to the muscles which helps promote hair growth

  • Improving alertness productivity and concentration

  • Improves lymphatic drainage from the head and neck

  • Improves muscle tone and head and neck mobility

  • Relieves mental and physical stress

  • Relieves eyestrain, sinusitis and congestion

  • Treats headaches, migraines and insomnia

Another benefit of Thai Head Massage is that can perform it on your own head anywhere and anytime. You can try it at home or at your place of work or study to quickly reduce and eliminate any tension, stress or headaches you may have, cause by any anxieties or worries you may be experiencing. You can try this with just a few simple techniques such as squeezing and releasing the trapeziod muscles on your shoulders on both sides side of your neck. Apply palm pressure to your neck muscles in a gentle squeezing motion to release any muscle tension and increase blood circulation to the head. Rotate your middle fingers in small circles along the along the to top of your eyebrows from the centre of your forehead to towards the outside of your eyes. Repeat at the sphenoid bone close to the frontozygomatic suture. Finally squeeze the ear between thumb and your index finger and apply a little pressure. Drag the earlobe down slowly and release to stimulate all the energy points and by applying a moderate pressure make downward strokes along the neck to its base at the shoulders. This will stimulate the release of endorphins and quickly start to alleviate any symptoms of stress or tension you may be having.

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Exhaustion, excitement, curiousity and intense interest led me into tedious research to have my own dogs Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon, both Labradors Retrievers, recover from disease, anxieties, and poor muscular strength due to their stay in a Humane Society shelter, an organization that lacked consistent health-care and environmental cleanliness.

Medications and visits to the Veterinarian were temporary remedies. What seemed to be an exhaustive endless search not only made the dogs more sick, but it affected my physical and emotional health as well. So in order to do well for the dogs, it was necessary for me to take precautions to regain physical and emotional stamina. I really did not in my mind, have time to pause. I was just "anxious" to get my dogs well. Maybe this form of anxiety pressed me forward and gave me strength. This strength I know is not of my own, but rather of a higher power...Faith

The research took me to mainland resources, as help on Maui was not positive. Within another 3-month period after the dogs' release from the shelter, I discovered a health-care alternative... therapeutic massages for dogs. I became an avid reader on the subject, and a strong pursuer investigating current massage therapists, as well as an intense follower on testimonials. Every turn of my research reaped good information. Documented benefits made such logical and comfortable sense, that I decided to master this subject with a well-selected mentor of experience and professionalism. My decision to participate as a full time student led me to practice on my own dogs.

I began with Churchill Graham, the oldest, who was physically, physiologically, and emotionally weak. Intermittently, I practiced massages on Francesca Le Bon Bon, who also was weak due to extreme weight loss, but suffered most with emotional anxieties.

For a four-month period of daily massages, I became proficient with the language to understand dog anatomy and all its boundaries, and mastering the massage treatments well. Soon the essence of my "touch" was natural and purposeful. I experienced a different "closeness" with each dog. A closeness more than endearment for the dogs. It was an unusual feeling of being in-touch with every part of their body, both internal and external. I sensed beyond the strands of each fur hair, the sculptured lift of muscles and tendons shown on the exterior. I experienced with every touch an interpretation of what the dogs were attempting to convey to me what was happening with them. Sounds unusual. But life is unusual! With these touches, I "listened" and allowed this " lead" to accompany me with what I was learning from books and videos and from someone I trusted to teach and be my mentor. The dogs became more and more receptive with each two-hour session. My emotional energy was always positive toward helping my dogs recover, therefore this energized goal made the journey easier. In addition, the fact that I could observe beneficial changes in each dog's behavior particularly nearing the end of four months, I experienced less stress. Exuberant joy became my natural emotional high! Of course, massages would not end after four months, they were just re-scheduled in frequency. Instead of daily massages, it would be two or three times a week or when needed.

True, Churchill Graham recovered. A long haul, but he regained his proper weight, resumed natural activities with enthusiastic long runs and deep strides, and athletic endurance shown with ocean swimming... a returned favorite. His circulatory system clearly showed improvement as we witnessed better eating habits with healthier bowel movements and urine elimination. Yes, Churchill Graham, for an older dog, had a superb health recovery!

Francesca Le Bon Bon, is the younger dog, and her recovery delivered to us, a less fearful dog. She regained positive socialization behavior with other dogs and people. However, she does have a "possessive behavior" with toys and anything that belongs to the family...a protective energy I considered not an issue, but rather an understandable behavioral change.

For the sake of closure, Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon were released from the shelter, for we WON the case against The Humane Society Shelter, with the approval of the Animal Control Board. In addition, the Circuit Court Judge removed all issues against my dogs. This indeed, was a moment of happiness for my dogs, myself and the multitude of witnesses who proved the innocence and character of my dogs!

It was good to observe the Humane Society Shelter go down with evidence of their lack, mainly to openly demonstrate their NEED to change. To trust such a community service group nationally known to be "humane" to animals, yet lacked the leadership of keeping my dogs, as well as other animals healthy, should have been an awakening call to do their "clean-up."

Our experience, easily confirm how Canine Therapeutic Massage does set one "free." Literally free from frozen or tight muscles; free to experience good circulation for nutrients to flow easier to the muscles, providing normal elimination of excessive fluids, waste and toxins; free from stress; free from inflammation and swelling of the joints; and particularly a freer experience from muscular fatigue.

Now, I am a Certified Canine Massage Therapist. It is my choice to spread the good news of how therapeutic massage for dogs can be such an important part of a total health-care regimen for dogs of all breeds.

There is no rule as to when to "begin" a therapeutic massage routine. Every dog differs in structural growth and receptiveness to massage touches. However, two to three months of age is a good start for a puppy. If you discover the importance of dog massage at a late age, then BEGIN anyway. Churchill Graham was 8 years of age for his first therapeutic massage experience. Very importantly, he recovered as a much healthier dog at age eight due to exercise, discipline, good nutritional habits, therapeutic massages and a loving home.

Therapeutic massages are an excellent start for "preventive measures" against injury and disease. Prevention is the key to avoid monumental problems. The important point is, a regular pattern of therapeutic massages will condition any dog toward a valuable healthier life with age-saving possibilities. Furthermore, visits to your favorite veterinarian may change with less expensive visits. Reason? Massages will keep your dog in-check for constant better health performances.

I want to make clear however, Canine Massage Therapy, does not take the place of a Veterinarian's medical service and care. Together, we are health-care professionals wanting to keep you and your dog experiencing a comfortable, and healthy existence.

Canine Therapeutic Massage began 120 years ago! As the "world turned," new ideas or remedies happened, and the benefits of massage therapy slowly diminished. The timing could not be more indicative of the events that were transpiring in medical science at the time. That is, new surgical techniques were being developed and so-called miracle drugs were discovered.

However, Veterinarians of the 1980s slowly and assuredly discovered, that there is a real and dynamic place for therapeutic massages for dogs. What people once called old-fashioned remedies and treatments, has now secured prominence in a maintenance program for all dog breeds. Veterinarians proponents of surgery and pharmacology acknowledges that massage is a viable treatment in achieving dramatic benefits and results that were attributed throughout history! When such history recycles, that's telling us something! Its reiterating how beneficial Canine Therapeutic Massage really is.

I have already welcomed you all to the rewarding world of therapeutic massage for dogs. Now it's your turn to arrange to offer your dog purposeful "touches" so his or her fur bundle can experience happiness, as has my dogs!

With all this information, it is most important to know that there are TIMES when massage should NOT be done on dogs:

* Never be used when there is evidence of a fever.

* Never be used when dog is in shock.

* Never be used in most forms of skin disease, except in the thickened condition of the skin left behind by eczema.

* Never be used in apoplexy cases: rupture of a blood vessel

* Never be administered to abscesses or tumors.

My personal adventure with Canine Therapeutic Massage has been a long and successful journey. To be recognized as a Certified Canine Massage Therapist is an honor, as it is a privilege to care for dogs and be responsible for allowing their lives further expand in years with comfort.

For more details, please visit my website: http://www.wix.com/caninevisions/caninemassagetherapist

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